ETD Collection for Tennessee State University

Dissertations & Theses from 2024

Alqushayri, Abdullah (2024) The Impact of Transformational Leaders on Improving Public Schools in Saudi Arabia

Alshahrani, Nasser M (2024) Perceptions of School Leaders About Digital Communication in the Saudi Education System

Bataineh, Mohammad (2024) Deep Learning for Secondary Structure Elements Prediction From Cryo-EM Data

Beckman, Daniella H (2024) Perceptions of Math Teachers of Online Teaching and Learning

Cecil, Tocarra (2024) Exploring Relationships Between Sown to Grow, Academic Growth, and Attendance

Davis, Michael C. (2024) The Impact of COVID-19 on Leadership at a Historically Black University (HBCU)

Falconer-Turner, April S (2024) Effects of Hexabromocyclododecane on Cytokines, IL-1β and IL-6, in Human Immune Cells

Floyd, Kori T (2024) Black Farmers' Perspectives on Social Equity Within the United States Hemp Industry

Gurung, Sunil (2024) Decoding the Impact of Nitrogen Forms on Plant Growth in Soilless Culture

Hudson, NKenge (2024) Common Factors in Higher Education that Lead to LGBTQ+ Students’ Suicidal Ideation

Kennedy, Steven A (2024) Nutritional Requirements of Solanum lycopersicum, Vaccinium corymbosum, Citrus hystrix and Rubus idaeus

Landskroener, Christian Alexandra (2024) Co-Twin Sex Effects on Fitness and Performance in Young Meat Goat Does

Mishra, Pankaj (2024) Disease Detection in Plants Using UAS and Deep Neural Networks

Morrison, Aubree (2024) Flatheaded and Roundheaded Borer Management and Phenology in Nursery Systems

Odum, Doneisha (2024) Teacher Perceptions of African American Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Students and High School Completion

Rabbani, Shourav (2024) Attention-Based Learning of Tabular Data

Relyea, Joshua (2024) Evaluation of Mung Bean Varieties for Adaptation to Tennessee Growing Conditions

Stone, Angela Kelly (2024) Effects of Economic Advantage and Race/Ethnicity on High School Graduation Rates During COVID-19

Todd, Eula M (2024) Expanding Historically Black Colleges and Universities Access for Students With Intellectual Disability

Watt, Bobbie (2024) A Study of Why Black Students Would Want to Major in Criminal Justice

Wiencek, Richard (2024) Microgrid Control Using Reinforcement Learning Operating in Grid Tied and Islanded Modes

Wilson, Deirdre Michelle (2024) Juxtaposing the Drive to 55 to Non-Traditional Student Completions at Community Colleges

Winrow, Grant L (2024) University Marching Band Retention Impact in Establishing Black Males’ Sense of Belonging

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Dissertations & Theses from 2023

Abrar, Sakib (2023) Deep Model Intervention for Representation Learning of Tabular Data

Ajamy, Layale (2023) The Effectiveness of Online Learning on Nontraditional Students' Experiences in Online Modalities

Akintunde, Funmilayo (2023) Biochar and Nitrogen Effects on Soil Microbes in Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) Soil

Alamri, Mohammed (2023) Machine Learning for Prediction of Amino Acid Side Chain in Proteins

Albishi, Mudi M (2023) Perceptions of Educational Administrators About Teaching Online in Saudi Arabia

Allam, Manoj Kumar Reddy (2023) Investigating NodGRPs, GOLVEN10 Functions in Legume-Rhizobia Symbiosis and Root Architecture Control

Al Musawi, Samer (2023) Prediction of Attentiveness of Students in a Traditional Teaching Environment

Alshahrani, Abdulrahman (2023) The Impact of COVID-19 on International Students’ Perceptions in ePortfolio Use at Historically Black University

Alyousef, Munirah (2023) Saudi Arabian Elementary Teachers’ Perceptions of ELearn Technology During COVID-19 Pandemic

Babatunde, Ajibade Samuel (2023) Integration of Drone Multispectral Data for Mapping Winter Wheat and Weeds

Barge, Hannah (2023) Wnt Signaling Modulation in Chronic Wounds

Basnet, Ashesh (2023) Microbial Diversity and Antimicrobial-Resistant Profiles of Bacterial Communities in Goats and Sheep

Benton, Henry (2023) Fade To Black: A Social Constructivism Theory Exploring Black College Athletes Transition

Bhattarai, Manasarobar (2023) Seed Yield, Oil and Protein Content, and Pollinator Potential of Winter Canola

Black, Audie B (2023) Global Impact of Open Educational Resources (OER): Malawi Teacher Center

Brock, Valerie (2023) Effective Leadership for Accomplishing Academic Program Accreditation at an HBCU

Brubaker, Rachel (2023) Evaluating Effects of Pyrophytic Pine Forest Restoration on Herpetofauna Community Assemblages

Carter, Riya Willette (2023) Competencies of Successful Elementary and Secondary Turnaround Principals in Middle Tennessee

Chaney-Taylor, Tiyana K (2023) Black Women’s Experiences of Stress and Perceptions of Wellness Activities

Christian, Jaekedah (2023) Variety and Density Effects on Mungbean Eco-Physiology and Yield in Southeastern US

Clopton, Grady (2023) Phthalic Anhydride, New Reagent with Organotrifluoroborates for the Direct Aroylation Reaction

Crosby, Janet (2023) An Athletic Financial Analysis Comparing HBCUs and PWIs

Davis, Gerald (2023) HBCU Health and Wellness Center: Perspective for Maintaining College Freshman Academic Success

Dixon-Tillery, Debra (2023) Advocating Elementary ELL Teachers' Perceptions of Implementing Sheltered Instructional Strategies

Duke, Antoinette Hargrove (2023) Freshman Orientation Faculty’s Role in Academic and Career Alignment at an HBCU

Dukhie, Brent (2023) Sense of Belonging: Impact of HBCU Living Learning Communities on University Retention

Durbin, Jennifer Nicole (2023) Consistency of Instructional Coaching: Does It Impact Student Achievement?

Eldridge, Daniel A (2023) Optimization of K–12 Christian School Enrollment Factors: A Delphi Study

Erby, Adrienne (2023) Attachment Mediates Effects of Childhood Emotional Abuse and Trust Among African Americans

Eyegheleme, Peter (2023) Evaluation of Growth Media and Cost-Effective Formulations for Selected Biological Control Agents

Fields, Elizabeth N (2023) Parent Perceptions of the Tennessee Promise Scholarship Program

Fletcher, Andrea Dawnyell (2023) A Mixed Methods Investigation of the Impact of the NCAA Presidential Pledge

Gautam, Asmita (2023) Flatheaded Borer Ecology and Management Strategies in Nursery and Landscape

Griggs, Marque V (2023) Understanding Partner Selection in Black Queer Men

Guntu, Anupama (2023) Traffic State Estimation System Using Deep Transfer Learning

Harris, Tracey (2023) Strategies for Higher Education Employees to Participate in Company Paid Professional Development

Hayes, Phyllis G (2023) Teachers' Perceptions of Achieving Grade Level Foundational Reading Literacy Skills

Hinson, Kiela L (2023) Roll Perception: Investigating the Association Between TTRPGs and Mental Health in Adults

Ingle, Harry T. (2023) Predictors of College Success for STEM Majors

Jennings, Dana S (2023) A Tale of Two Pandemics: Black Emerging Adults’ Social Media Experiences of Racism

Johnson, Portia M (2023) Customer Satisfaction and the Impact on Retention at an HBCU

Jordan, Trina E (2023) Higher Education Administrators’ Use of Social Media for Communication

Kaur, Harpreet (2023) Identification of Pathogenicity Factors in Erwinia tracheiphila, Causal Agent of Bacterial Wilt

Kazijevs, Maksims (2023) Deep Imputation of Missing Values in Multivariate Time-Series Health Data

Khandekar, Durga (2023) Impact of Salt Modified Diet on Systemic IRAE in Breast Cancer Immunotherapy

Kieffer, Christina Nicole (2023) Evaluation of Bioenergy Crops Impacted by Climate Change and Agricultural Practices

Kuzat, Hanan (2023) Blended Learning Implementation Among Mathematics Students: A Comparison to Traditional Learning Platform

Martin, Darlene Davis (2023) Influencing Leadership: Student Perspectives of Engagement in an Online Developmental Mathematics Class

Martin, Dwight D (2023) HBCU Student Characteristics and Experiences Influencing and Predicting Socially Responsible Leadership Behavior

McKnight, Pearl Darsell (2023) Faculty Knowledge, Beliefs, and Willingness to Provide ADA Accommodations

Mohamed, Shikheldin B (2023) Preparation and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite Nanopowder Using Sol-Gel Technique for Biomedical Applications

Mohamed, Walid Ali (2023) Libyan University Students’ Perceptions of Learning Academic English in a U.S. Institution

Mupupuni, Daryl (2023) Design of an Artificial Intelligence Model Certification System for Untrained Operational Environments

Ọláwuni, Mustapha (2023) Biocontrol Evaluation and Benefits in Controlling Southern Blight in Pepper and Hemp

Parajuli, Madhav (2023) Evaluation of Sustainable Management Practices to Promote Healthy Growth of Woody Ornamentals

Patel-Shah, Priya Shashikant (2023) An Exploration of Asian Indian American Acculturative Stress on Cognition

Payne, Maia Monique (2023) The Role of Cowpea in Tackling Food Insecurity in Afro-Colombian Communities

Pirtle, Julian (2023) Leadership Strategies: Retaining African American Male Students at a Historically Black Institution

Poudel, Anju (2023) Ecology and Integrated Management of Ambrosia Beetles in Ornamental Nursery Trees

Pradhan, Kajol (2023) Proteomic Analysis of Strawberry Fruits Exposed to Essential Oils

Ramsay, Aniska Tana Marie (2023) Synthesis and Characterization of U3O8 and Ag2o/SiO2 Nanocomposites and Sol-Gel

Rathore, Pallavi (2023) Genome-Wide Association Study for Root System Architecture Traits in Field Soybean

Reeves, Ayona’ P (2023) Teaching Percussionists in a Mixed Instrument Beginning Band Setting: Method Book Supplement

Roberts, Morgan (2023) Evaluating Lactobacillus reuteri and Escherichia coli Nissle as Probiotic for Broiler Chicken

Schmeltzer, Andrew Lawrence (2023) The Effects of Punitive Discipline and Restorative Justice on Black Male Student-Athletes

Sessions, Kenneth D (2023) Higher Education Leadership Support of Faculty Utilizing Technology COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Study

Shelton, David William (2023) Student-Teacher Relationships and Skill Development of Early Elementary Special Education Students

Thapa, Priya (2023) Study on Tomato Pollen Heat Tolerance Using Proteomics and Artificial Intelligence

Thomas, Jordan L (2023) How to Practice: A Method for Freshmen Non-Music Majors in Performance Ensembles

White, Gianna (2023) Men's Gender Socialization and Masculinity Effect on Men's Expressed Fear of Crime

Wiggins, Ramona Whitworth (2023) Faculty Attitudes Regarding Artificial Intelligence Usage at an HBCU

Wilburn, Wendy JoAnne (2023) Effects of Triclosan Exposures on Expression of Interleukin-1beta and Interleukin-6

Wyatt, Whitney N (2023) A Phenomenological Study on Navigating Oppressive Intersecting Identities of Black Women

Yapp, Aisha (2023) The Exploration of Factors that Promote Posttraumatic Growth in BIPOC

Yi, Zicheng (2023) Fabrication of Antimicrobial Packaging Materials Using Natural Polymers by Coaxial Electrospray

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Dissertations & Theses from 2022

Adam, Nathan E (2022) Exploring the Audio Engineering Technology Faculty Teaching Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Alhawiti, Naif M (2022) Anticancer and Antibacterial Activity of Peganum Harmala and Haloxylon Salicornicum Leaves Extracts

Almutairi, Yousef (2022) Anticancer Activity of Senna Leaf and Fenugreek Seed Against Two Cell Lines

Alsafwani, Mohammad (2022) A Novel Process of Pd-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Acyl Halides and Aryltrifluoroborates

Al-Salah, Abdalla Hasan (2022) Development of Behavior-Based Control Systems for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation in Urban Environment

Areeveso, Precious (2022) Stepwise and Varying Warming Impacts on Heterotrophic Respiration and Microbial Functions in Carbon Poor and Rich Switchgrass Soils

Bailey, Shetika (2022) Alternatives to Incarceration: Reducing Recidivism Among Nonviolent Offenders Through Post-Incarceration Resources

Ball, Roger A. (2022) The Examination of AES S-Box Implementations Using Composite Field Arithmetic on FPGAs

Battle, Jaden LeAnn (2022) Optimum Requirement of Arginine for Growth of the French Guinea Fowl Broiler

Crawford, Michael (2022) Examining the Best Management Practices and Visitors in the Small Agritourism Farms

DeAngelo, Olivia K (2022) Imagined Interactions and Gottman Method: Predicting Relational Dissatisfaction

Fawole, Ayodeji (2022) In situ Additive Manufacturing (AM) Monitoring Using Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Technology

Gbomina, Alfred P. (2022) Development of an Electrochemical Sensor for the Detection of Glutathione (GSH)

Gentry, Deborah J (2022) An Ethnographic Study of Keyboarding Instruction and Standardized Assessment

George, Jyothi (2022) Emerging Technology for Mitigating Burden of Foodborne Bacteria of Public Health Concern

Gill, Taqdeer (2022) Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on Yield, Oil, Protein Content, Pollinators of Winter Canola

Hendrickson, Harifah (2022) An Examination of African American Women's Post-Relational Growth Utilizing the Self-Determination Theory

Hishida, Juli Chiyoko (2022) Training the Multiethnic Therapist in Playfulness and Spontaneity: An Autoethnographic Qualitative Study

Hotz, Allison N (2022) A Phenomenological Investigation of African American Women's Views on the United States of America's Healthcare System

Islam, Md Rabiul (2022) Nitrate Electrochemical Sensor Comprising Silver Nanoparticles Carbon Nanotubes Composite

Joaquim, Akinwunmi (2022) Design and Fabrication of a Surface Acoustic Wave Device for Bio/Chemical Applications

Julakanti, Sharath Chandra (2022) Hempseed (Cannabis sativa L.): A Study on Its Phytochemicals and Macromolecules

Kanabar, Pinkky (2022) Effect of Fulvic Acid on Yield and Quality of Organic Bell Pepper

Kapoor, Mehak (2022) South Asian Immigrant Women's Experiences of Empowerment in the United States

Kaur, Navneet (2022) Dynamics and Controls of Nitrous Oxide Emission in Bioenergy Croplands

Lewis, Carmen P (2022) Impact of Racial and Sexual Identity on the Development of Black Sexual Minorities

Ly, Linda M (2022) Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma in Vietnamese Refugee Families

Munyasia, Anne (2022) Modeling of the Selective Laser Melting (SLM) Process Using the ANSYS Software

Nahas, Rawan N (2022) Interaction Studies of the Peptide G23 with Membrane-Mimetic Systems

Nan, Satyaki (2022) Game Theoretic Mitigation of Internal and External Attacks Against Cyber Systems

Nasiru, Kabirat (2022) Comparative Economic Analysis of Herbaceous Energy Crop Production in the Southeastern USA

Neupane, Krishna (2022) Sustainable Management of Phytophthora Root Rot and Ambrosia Beetles under Stress Conditions

Neupane, Sandhya (2022) Improving Nursery Crop Production Using Sustainable Approaches for Disease Management

Oyeteju, Michael O (2022) Racial (Dis)Empowerment and Racial Consciousness of Black Student-Athletes: A Phenomenological Study

Paul, Omari (2022) Modeling, Simulation, Fabrication, and Defect Analysis of Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Acoustic Sensors

Rathore, Mahip (2022) Mindfully Decentering to Self-Transcendence

Reynolds, Jonathan (2022) A System Engineering Approach in the Analysis of Ionic Liquids Properties

Ruff, Amanda E (2022) Effects of Environmental Contaminant Exposures on Translational Regulatory Proteins in Human Immune Cells

Scales, Anita (2022) Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes Technology for the Reduction of Micro-Organisms in Apple Juice

Simpson, Ina I (2022) A Critical Race Exploration of Black Women’s Romantic Relationship Experiences

Smith, Nita L (2022) A Case Study Exploring the Integration of Disciplinary Literacy in Music Education

Swain-Sears, Morgan Allison (2022) Influence of Interracial Couple Vlogs on Black Women’s Attitudes Toward Interracial Dating

Taj-Clark, Esther (2022) White Pre-Service Teachers’ Racial Literacy Preparedness in an Educator Provider Program

Taylor, Montonia (2022) Comparison of K-12 Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Teacher Preparation Programs

Thomas, Darius A (2022) Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Pre-College Predictor’s Impact on College Graduation

Tian, Yun (2022) Functional Genomics Analysis of the Virus-Host Interaction in FV3-Infected Xenopus laevis

Towns-Belton, Danielle R (2022) Teachers’ Reported Use of Phenomenon-Based Learning in Secondary STEM Classrooms

Towns-Gedeus, Darnell (2022) Effect of Peer Mentoring on STEM Students’ Academic Success in Gatekeeper Courses

Traore, Adam (2022) Enhancing Growth and Lignocellulosic-Biomass Yield Through the Use of Naturally Occurring Growth-Promoting Microbial Endophytes in Sorghum

Tumbling, Shayla D (2022) The Impact of Media on the Sexual Self-Concept of Black Women

Wang, Xuehan (2022) Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Soil Biogeochemical Characteristics Under Nitrogen Fertilization in Bioenergy Croplands

Ward, Jessica (2022) The Therapeutic Effects of Body Modification

Wehbi, Khadijeh (2022) Machine Learning Based Practical and Efficient DDoS Attacks Detection System for IoT

Wiggins, ZaDarreyal (2022) Influence of Humic Substances on Yield and Fruit Quality of Organic Cantaloupe

Yahya, Dilovan K (2022) Whole Genome Amplification and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms from Sweet Sorghum Microspores

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Dissertations & Theses from 2021

Abubaker, Aram (2021) Modeling and Analysis of Color in a Multiple Attribute Task Battery Simulation for Human-Machine Teaming

Acharya, Bimala (2021) Isolation and Characterization of Exoenzyme Over-Producing GFP-Tagged Mutant of Soft Rot Pathogen, Pectobacterium versatile

Ackerman, Lindsay Danielle (2021) Race and Perceptions of Criminal Injustice: A Social Dominance Theory Perspective

Adams, Dexter O (2021) A Correlational Study of Teacher Quality and Student Achievement in 4th Grade English Language Arts Classes

Adhikari, Sudip (2021) Factors Influencing Risk Management Decisions and Risk Balancing: A Case from Small Farmers in Tennessee

Ajayi, Oluwatooni (2021) Assessing the Economic Contribution of the Local Food System: A Case Study for Tennessee

Ajumobi, Blessing Chimezie (2021) An Examination of Opportunities and Constraints of Marketing Local Foods in Tennessee

Akaeze, Onyekachukwu (2021) Yield Performance, Nutritional, and Sensory Qualities of Watermelon (Citrullus lunatus [Thunb.] Matsum and Nakai) Influenced by Humic Substances in Organic Production System

Albeladi, Ashwaq (2021) The Cytotoxic Activity of Thymus vulgaris Extract on Cancer Cell Lines, and Antimicrobial Activity on Strains of Pathogenic Bacteria

Albeshy, Reem (2021) Palladium-Catalyzed Unprecedented Cross-Coupling of Mixed Phenols and Halides for the Synthesis of Aromatic Ethers

Alghamdi, Anwar (2021) Mathematics Experiences for Saudi Arabian Undergraduate Students in the College of Engineering

Aljohani, Sarah (2021) Growth Effects of Tumorigenic Cells Exposed to Extracts of the Plant Boswellia sacra

Almarwani, Bashiyar (2021) Biophysical Studies of the Effects of Antimicrobial and Cell Penetrating Peptides on Vesicles Mimicking Bacterial and Mammalian Membranes

Alqahtani, Mohammed (2021) A Case Study of the Factors that Influence Male Saudi Students’ Participation in University Classrooms in the United States

Alsulami, Abdulaziz A (2021) Development of Resilient Software System for Cyber-Security Enhancement of Aviation Cyber-Physical Systems

Alzahrani, Rami (2021) Factors Affecting Pronunciation for Adult Second Language Learners in Tennessee

Aras, Sadiye (2021) Biofilm Formation and Pressure-Based Pasteurization of Bacterial Spores and Foodborne Pathogens of Public Health Concern as Affected by Bacteriocin and Bactericidal Compounds

Arnold, Terrica Sampson (2021) A Case Study Exploring the Success of a President at a Public HBCU (Historically Black University)

Aromokeye, Rukayat (2021) Combined Curcumin and Luteolin Synergistically Inhibit Colon Cancer via Regulating Notch1 and TGF-β Signaling Pathways in Cells and Xenograft Mice

Bao, Haona (2021) Microencapsulation of Antibiotic Alternatives Using Natural Polymers for the Target Location Delivery to Enhance Poultry Performance

Bartley, Quinetta (2021) Challenges Black Women Face with Promotional Opportunities to Executive-Level Administration Positions in an HBCU

Bika, Ravi (2021) Integration of Sanitation Practices and Fungicide Applications for Assuring Better Postharvest Shelf Life of Cut Flowers and Greenery

Blair, Tyra (2021) Diversifying Clean Water: An Examination of Drinking Water Quality and Social Disparities in Michigan

Bonner, Kala (2021) The Evaualtion of MACF1 as a Novel Onco-Protein Within Glioblastoma that when Inhibited Enhances the Efficacy of DNA Damaging Agents Radiation and BCNU

Caldwell, Tyona Lumbria (2021) A Study of the Binding of Organic Compounds to Melanins

Campbell, Kelly (2021) College Stress Impacts Mental Health and Relationship Satisfaction

Celada, Sherly I (2021) Combined Inhibition of SKP2 and Androgen Receptor Suppressed Prostate Tumorigenesis by Activating Autophagy and Apoptosis

Charles, Anto Pradeep Raja (2021) Fabrication of Active Food Packaging Materials Using Natural Polymers by Electrospray for Shelf-Life Extension of Cherry Tomatoes

Chism, LaToshia S (2021) Safe Learning Environment in a School Setting: A Study of Administrators Preparedness for Students with Emotional Behavior Disorders

Coggins, Allegra (2021) The Relationship between Depression and the Signs and Symptoms and Long-Term Effects of Concussion

Cooper, Latrice (2021) Exploiting Phytochemicals and Macromolecules in Post-Extracted Hemp Biomass for Novel Use

Crumbly-Franklin, Juanita Bianca (2021) Teacher Perceptions of Science Pedagogical Content Knowledge Obtained in an Educator Preparation Programs at a Middle Tennessee State University

Devkota, Asmita (2021) Antimicrobial and Nanocarrier Properties of Carbon Dots (CDs) Synthesized from Different Materials

Dhakal, Kripa (2021) Impact of Row Covers on Yield Performance, Sensory and Phytochemical Analysis of Leafy Green Vegetables Grown in Organic Management System

Doss, Tyrell (2021) Analysis of Household's Vulnerability of Food Insecurity and Its Including Factors in Tennessee

Eniola, Moyinoluwa Ibironke (2021) Predicting the Thermodynamic Stability of Perovskite Structures through Machine Learning

Gentry, Denisha (2021) Legal Cases and Their Impact on the Quality of Life in Prisons

Githua, Susan (2021) A Phenomenological Study of Female International Students in Graduate Programs in the College of Education at a Public HBCU in the United States

Gonzalez, Axel (2021) Cover Crops in Field-Grown Nurseries: Impacts on Tree Growth, Pest, and Beneficial Arthropods

Hayes, Debra Smith (2021) Shared Governance: a Case Study of Faculty, Administration, and Staff Collaboration

Hickok, David (2021) Root Responses to Aluminum Stress in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)

Holland, Reginald (2021) Factors Influencing the Adoption of Agritourism among Small Farmers in Tennessee

Jones, April A (2021) Leadership Practices that Influence Family and Community Family and Community Partnerships in Successful Rural Elementary Schools

Joshi, Durga Prasad (2021) Modeling Aboveground Forest Biomass Using Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and NAIP Images in Tennessee, USA

Kurup, Anjali H (2021) Effect of High Intensity Ultraviolet Light (UV-A) Emitting Diodes Technology on the Reduction of Mycotoxins in Whole Milk: Kinetic and Cytotoxicity Study

Lane, Trellaney Nicolle (2021) Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Responsibility to Cultivate the Self-Efficacy of K-12 Students

Ledbetter, Muriel (2021) Education, Experiences, and Preparedness of Learning Specialists in NCAA Division I College Athletics

Liu, Siqin (2021) Occurrence and Quantification of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria and Genes in Animal Impacted Environment and Retail Meats

Marioni, Robert Louis (2021) Employment Misclassification: Variations in Policy and the Diffusion of Penalty Laws Across U.S. States

Martin, Jamila D (2021) The Relationship between Midlevel Higher Education Administrators’ Job Satisfaction Levels and Their Intent to Leave

Merkerson, Gayle Denise (2021) The Impact of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Incentives on Teacher Morale

Milner, Quorneshia (2021) Is There a Fear of Crime and Personal Safety in Nashville Tennessee?

Mitchell, Joi A (2021) The Impact of Principal Leadership Styles on Teacher Retention

Mumbi, Rose (2021) Probing the Influence of Veterinary Antibiotics on Boron Retention/ Release Mechanism at the Mineral / Water Interface

Musinguzi, Abram (2021) Understanding Hurricane Storm Surge Generation and Propagation: The Case of Hurricane Rita

Neal, Jonathon C (2021) William B. Fielder: An Unsung Master of Trumpet Pedagogy

Newman, Brent C (2021) Wildlife and Tick Responses to Forest Management: Prevalence of Tick-Borne Pathogens and Implications for One Health

Nixon, Shanique McCallister (2021) The Impact of Community Cultural Wealth on Resilience, Student Engagement and Academic Success: An Ethnographic Study of Two Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Ntembo, Victor K (2021) The Advocacy Coalition Framework: the Tennessee Hall Income Tax Case Study

Nzomo, Maureen Syokau (2021) Prevalence and Spatial Variation of Antimicrobial-Resistant Commensal Bacteria in Poultry and Cattle Farms

Ojha, Renu (2021) Specialized, Diversified, or Alternative On-Farm Enterprise Decisions and the Impacts on Financial Performance Among Small Farms in Tennessee

Owen, Amy Mueller (2021) Role Theory and Education Governance in Local Boards of Education in Tennessee

Pandey, Anju (2021) Dual Functional Carbon Quantum Dots: Novel Tools for DNA Delivery in Bacterial Transformation and as Antimicrobial Agents Against Gram-Negative Bacteria

Potts, Jesse (2021) CRISPR Genome Editing of Transcription Factors Related to Aluminum Toxicity in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

Poudel, Isha (2021) Weed Control in Nursery Crop Cutting Propagation

Purucker, Matthew (2021) Modeling Forest Productivity Using Soil and Other Geographical Variables

Richard, Chase (2021) Comparing Chronic Treatments of the INI and VSV Isoforms of the Human Serotonin 2C Receptor Impacting Phosphorylation of STAT3

Roberts, Natalie Hogg (2021) Perceptions of Teachers and Administrators regarding the Effectiveness and Implementation of the RTI Framework in K-4th Grade Elementary Schools of a Rural Eastern Tennessee School District

Robertson, Desiree (2021) Economic Analysis of Investment Opportunities for Alfalfa Pellet Production

Roberts, Taylor N (2021) The Effect of Psychological Factors and Decent Work on Un/Underemployed Workers Mental Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Robinson, Nicole Z (2021) Perceptions of Leadership Roles through the Lens of Principals: A Phenomenological Study of Principals’ Sense of Efficacy when Leading Special Education Programs

Saini, Priya (2021) Analyzing Impacts of Biochar Amendment and Nitrogen Fertilization on Plant and Soil Characteristics in a Switchgrass Production System for Bioenergy

Settles, Angela L (2021) Evaluating Escherichia Coli Nissle as a Potential Probiotic for Broiler Chickens

Singh Hamal, Shreya (2021) Characterization of Campylobacter Flagellin Using a Panel of Monoclonal Antibodies and Their Application in Direct Detection Using Surface Plasmon Resonance

Soliman, Nevein (2021) An Investigation of Metals and Other Contaminants in the Drinking Water of Tennessee

Swallows, Grant (2021) The Use of Online Learning to Increase Student College and Career Readiness in High Schools in the Cumberland Region of Tennessee

Thomas, Ashley D (2021) The Use of Smartphones by K-12 School Administrators: A Gratification Study

Turner, Autumn N (2021) Teachers' and School Administrators' Perceptions of Holistic Education on Preparing More Responsible Students across All Domains for Life

Vashisht, Pranav (2021) Performance Evaluation of a Pilot Scale Dean Flow UV System: Fundamentals and Applications

Wadood, Sabrina (2021) Prevention of Foodborne Pathogens and Industrially Relevant Spoilage Microorganisms: Synergism of an Emerging Technology with Traditional Preservation Methods

Yousuf, Ghadah Khaled (2021) Molecular Mechanism of the Effects of Violacein on Cancer Cells

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Dissertations & Theses from 2020

Adeleke, Ekundayo O (2020) Effects of Organic Amendments and Commercial Mycorrhizal Fungi on Switchgrass Biomass Production in Degraded Soils

Ahmadibeni, Ali (2020) Aerial Vehicles Automated Target Recognition of Synthetic SAR Imagery Using Hybrid Stacked Denoising Autoencoders

Alalwan, Houra (2020) Palladium-Catalyzed Cascade Cross Coupling and Making Polyphenolic Ethers

Alcala, Aliyah (2020) Stimulation of Interleukin 1 Beta and Interleukin 6 Production by the Environmental Contaminant Tributyltin Utilizes Toll-Like Receptor 4 and Toll-Like Receptor 1/2

Alexander, Kaneal Gay (2020) Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Teachers' Practices and Attitudes of the Student Growth Portfolio Model in Tennessee

Alghamdi, Maram (2020) A Phenomenological Study of Saudi Arabian Female Students’ Experiences and Sense of Belonging in One HBCU in the Southeast of the United States

Al-Haija, Qasem Abu (2020) Development of an Intelligent IOT Attacks Detection System Using Non-Traditional Machine Learning (NML) Techniques

Alshammari, Fahdah (2020) Factors Affecting Bacteriocin Production by Bacillus thuringiensis from Stock Cultures Isolated from Middle Tennessee

Alshammari, Lamyaa Nayef (2020) The Effect of Vancomycin on Chromobacterium Violaceum

Audette, Lillian M (2020) The Relations between Agentic and Communal Caring, Gender, and STEM Interest for Undergraduates at an HBCU

Bhusal, Bandana (2020) Evaluation of Selected Endophytes for Phytophthora capsici Biocontrol and Plant Growth Promotion in Capsicum annuum L.

Bryant, Kyra M (2020) Hurricane Storm Surge from Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: Analyzing Wind, Pressure, Forward Speed, and the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale

Carney, Erin (2020) Help-Seeking When Feeling Suicidal: The Impact of Socioeconomic Status

Cawthon, LaRonda (2020) The Perceptions of General Educators’ Preparedness and Ability to Provide Academic Core Instruction to Students with Learning Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms

Chaney, Kernisha (2020) Racial Identity, Religiosity, and Stigma Toward Counseling Among African American Men

Chinyanga, Eckton Chikhulupiriro (2020) Economic Impact of the New Federal Salary Policy in Higher Education

Chisom, Deborah (2020) An Analysis Pertinent to an Intervention Strategy to Increase Alumni Engagement at a Historically Black College and University (HBCU)

Connors, Erin (2020) Moderators of the Subjective Well Being-Values Association

Cox, Kisha Montae (2020) Voices from the Middle: A Qualitative Study of Non-ESL Credentialed Middle School Content Teachers’ Experiences, Beliefs, and Self-Efficacy Teaching English Language Learners

Dale, Kimkinyona F (2020) An Examination of Factors that May Contribute to High School Graduation Among Invidiuals with Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Retrospective Study

Danner, Phyllis A (2020) Disparities in Enrollment, Funding, and Advanced Degree Patterns between Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs): A Replication Study

Davis, Ronald Dwyane (2020) Development of a Wait Time Prediction Model for the Service Industry

Demissie, Daniel Ambachew (2020) Genome Wide Association Studies and Genetic Diversity in Andean, Mesoamerican and Combined Genepool Collections of Dry Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for Control of Biotic and Abiotic Stresses

Deren, Victoria (2020) Simultaneously Applied Microbial Pesticides: Microbe-Microbe Interactions and Their Impact on Pathogen and Arthropod Pest Management

Ells, Marlaine W (2020) The Impact of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program on Student Performance in College as Perceived by IBDP Alumni College Students

Fagbuyi, Oluwatosin (2020) Design and Optimization of a Microgrid System with Integrated Renewable Energy Sources for Sub Saharan Africa

Fanning, John (2020) Rural School Leaders' Perception of Digital Branding: A Case Study

Felts, Aron (2020) Distinguishing Responsive Microspore Developmental Stages and Inducing Stressors for Androgenesis in Sweet Sorghum

Gyawali, Binod (2020) Analyses of Biofuel Related miRNAs and Their Targets in Sweet Sorghum with Identification of Relevant Gametes’ DNA Signatures

Hardyway, Tonia L (2020) Impact of the Implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Veterans Health Administration: Study of Utilization, Access and Patient Satisfaction by Veterans 64 Years or Younger

Harris, Adrian (2020) Interannual Variations of Switchgrass Physiology, Growth, and Soil Respiration under Precipitation Changes

Harris, Napoleon (2020) Exploring Donor Motivation at a Southern HBCU: Turning Strong Sentiment into Strong Financial Support

Hass, Kimberly J (2020) The Use of the ACT Assessment in Predicting Student Mathematical Readiness for College Duel-Enrollment Math

Horton, Laura K (2020) Assessment of Variation in Turtle and Leech Parasite-Host Assemblages in Middle Tennessee Wetlands Across a Disturbance Gradient

Jennings, Jordan R (2020) Molecular and Functional Characterization of the Porcine Interferon-Omega Subtype

Jester, Jasmine K (2020) Black Women's Attitudes Towards Interracial Dating

Jian, Siyang (2020) Evaluation and Improvement of the Microbial Enzyme Decomposition (MEND) Model Against Multiple Incubation Experiments

Johnson, Katherine A (2020) A Qualitative Study of How Childhood Trauma Shapes Adult Life

Jones, Branndon (2020) Marine Vehicles Synthetic SAR Dataset Generation for Automatic Target Recognition

Jones, Lois (2020) Pathways to Successful Reintegration: The Lived Experiences of African American Female Veterans

Joseph, Rachel (2020) Minority Stress of Black LGBTQIA+ Students Attending an HBCU

Kaley, Rheanna (2020) Contemporary Dating Experiences through an Attachment Lens

Karim, Kaleh (2020) Framework Studies of Physical, Chemical and Biological Contaminants in Drinking Water and Watersheds in the United States and Comparison to Global Water Quality

Kaur, Ravneet (2020) Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Pharmaceuticals, Water Quality, and Their Relationship in the Surface Water of a Rural, Urbanizing, and Urban Sub-Watersheds in Middle Tennessee

Kimathi, Boniface Muthuri (2020) Transcriptome Analysis and Characterization of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Chicken Adipose Tissue

Knowles, Martha (2020) Predictions of School Psychologists’ Perceived Self-Efficacy: The Influence of Training, Experience, and Supervision

Lockett, Gabriel (2020) Spiritual, Cultural, and Religious Influences on the Psychological Well-being of LGBTQ Individuals

Lovin, Harold Edward (2020) A Comparative Analysis of Self-Reported Consequences of Alcohol Use in Greek-Affiliated and Non-Affiliated Traditional-Age Students in Tennessee

Mabry Young, Brittney Elaine (2020) The Impact of Leadership Style on the Feature-Level Usage of Graduate Processing Technologies in the Former TBR Universities: A Case Study

Martin, Shannon F (2020) The Relationship Between High School Students' Academic Performance and Their Perceptions of School Climate

McDonald-Robinson, Beverly (2020) A Case Study Regarding the Short Tenure and High Turnover Rates of African American Female Presidents at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

McGaha, Anita (2020) An Investigation of Strategic Academic Leaders’ Awareness and Readiness to Adopt Universal Design for Learning at a Historically Black College and University (HBCU)

McKinney, Michelene (2020) The Music of Turkey: A Four-Class Unit Plan for World Music

Mitchell, Y'Londa (2020) Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental Health Outcomes of College Students at Predominately Black Institutions: Resilience as a Moderator

Moore, Jayla Alexandria (2020) Evaluating Clinical Outcomes of the Bidirectional Glenn and Fontan Procedures in Pediatric Patients with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

Mukuna, Winnie Wanja (2020) Prevalence of Antimicrobial Resistant Pathogenic and Indicator Bacteria in Dairy Production Systems and Plant Based Milk

Munroe Bignall, Seliene Elessia (2020) An Examination of the Relationship between the Cumulative Grade Point Average and Grit among Engineering Students Compared with African American Female Engineering Students at a HBCU in a Southern State

Nan, Satyaki (2020) Deception-Based Mitigation of Cyber Threats Under Game and Prospect Theoretic Considerations

Nicholas-Phillips, Arlene (2020) Leadership Awareness of Open Educational Resources (OER) for Educational Access and Affordability at a University in the West Indies

Nissen, Bradley D (2020) Assessing the Efficacy of Translocation as a Conservation Strategy for Wild Eastern Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus Alleganiensis Alleganiensis) in Tennessee

Nolan, Emilly (2020) Assessing Effects of Translocation on Amphibian Chytrid Fungus and the Cutaneous Bacterial Assemblage of Wild Eastern Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis)

Ojha, Vivek Kumar (2020) Innovative Practices to Control Ambrosia Beetles

Ouma, Wilson Kihugu (2020) Improving Bioenergy Lignocellulosic Feedstock Through CRISPR-Cas9 Technology in Switchgrass (Panicum Virgatum L.)

Oyedele, Abiodun Samuel (2020) Synthesis and Biochemical Evaluation of Novel Acridone Derivatives as Topoisomerase II Inhibitor

Panth, Milan (2020) Sustainable Approaches to the Management of Soilborne Diseases in Nursery Production

Parajuli, Madhav (2020) Responses of Soil Respiration and Extracellular Enzyme Activities to Manipulated Precipitation Regimes in a Switchgrass Mesocosm Experiment

Peter, Lynda (2020) Mixed Metal Phytoremediation Potentials with Industrial Hemp Cannabis Sativa L

Pigg, Alexis T (2020) Effects of Bacitracin Zinc and Lactobacillus reuteri on Growth Performance and the Expression of Immune Modulators in Guinea Fowl Broilers

Pilate, Thresia E (2020) Information Sources Influencing Tennessee Legislators’ Decision Making on School Choice Legislation

Rahman, Mohammad Arafatur (2020) Resilient Design of Cloud-Based Control Systems Against Cyber Attack

Sanders, Heather R (2020) Exploring Black Student Accounts of Anti-Black Structural Violence at an HBCU

Sendi, Azhar (2020) The Knowledge Level of Teachers Regarding the Instruction of Gifted Students in the KSA

Simtion, Kyle (2020) The Effects of Protease-Activated Receptor 4 Stimulation on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Migration and Phosphorylation of ERK

Singleton, Brittany R (2020) Teaching English Language Learners: A Case Study

Snorten, Chaerea L (2020) Big Picture Learning Network Graduates’ Perceptions About Student-Centered Learning

Teeters, Carin (2020) Stretching Our Understanding of Anger: Psychological Inflexibility as a Predictor of Problematic Anger in Trauma Populations

Thapa, Santosh (2020) Identification, Characterization, and Structural Analysis of Genes Encoding Cellulolytic/Xylanolytic Activity Isolated from Goat Rumen Bacterial Metagenomes

Townsend, Diamonique N (2020) Understanding African American Marital Experiences: Stressors, Resources and Couple Interactions

Vanamala, Nagendrababu (2020) Enhanced Mid-Wave Infrared Absorption of HgCdTe (MCT) via Integration of Plasmonic Metal Oxide Nanostructure

Vaughn, Corrine (2020) The Examination of One HBCU’s Graduate School Enrollment and Trends: A Ten-Year Case Study

Warner, Tokesha L (2020) Analysis of HBCU Faculty Awareness and Perceptions Regarding Open Educational Resources (OER) for Teaching Enhancement

Wehrmann, Sara (2020) Rural School Principals’ Perceptions regarding Cultural Responsiveness

Welch, Peter Giles Maximillian (2020) Mixed Metal Fluorides for the Fluorination of Ayltrifluoroborates in the Presence of Palladium Catalyst

White, Margaret M (2020) The Relationship between Food and Mood: A Look into Nutritional Access, Nutritional Intake, Demographics and Depression

Williams, Davon Waheed (2020) Perceptions of African American Students About Their Success in Mathematics at a Historically Black College and University (HBCU)

Witzel, Nicole A (2020) Development and Validation of a Protocol to Detect the Presence and Abundance of the Streamside Salamander (Ambystoma barbouri) Using Environmental DNA

Young, Li'thelya (2020) Measuring Self Efficacy, Motivation, and College Adjustment among African American Males in Higher Education

Zhang, Cheng (2020) A System for Quantitative Request Approval Using Qualitative Metrics

Zhu, Yingde (2020) Efficient Segmentation for Cryo-EM Density Maps

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Dissertations & Theses from 2019

Abana, Uzoamaka Cynthia (2019) Field Monitoring, Biology and Effects of Insecticides on Development, Survival and Reproduction of Orius Insidiosus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae)

Abdul-Malek, Ayad (2019) Deep Learning and Subspace Segmentation: Theory and Applications

Alawi, Mohammed (2019) Society's Perceptions about Sex Offenders

Alghamdi, Abdullah (2019) A Qualitative Case Study of Male Teachers' Challenges Teaching Reading in Elementary Classrooms in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Alhamdi, Heba (2019) Anticancer Potential of Guava Leaves Extract Against Breast, Lung and Prostate Cancer Cell Lines

Aljohani, Hani (2019) The Role of Self-efficacy in Teaching Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Perspectives from Saudi Arabia

Allison, Abimbola (2019) Inactivation of Wild-type, Rifampicin-resistant, and Pressure-adopted Foodborne Bacteria of Public Health Concern and Microbial Spores Using Elevated Hydrostatic Pressure

Almutairi, Laila M (2019) Security Risk Assessment of Multiple Sdn Controllers Using Stochastic Petri Nets

Alsaidi, Bashir Fawaz (2019) Design of Advanced Skin Structure using Lattice for Camber Morphing Wing

Alsamadani, Rasha Hadi (2019) Screening and Characterization of Bacillus thuringiensis Stock Cultures from Middle Tennessee for Production of Chitinase Enzyme

Alshmasi, Faisal (2019) Teachers’ Experiences of Instructing Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in the Same Self-contained Classroom in Saudi Arabia

Amadi, Eze Onyekachi (2019) Examining the Fusion and Assimilation of Landsat 8, Sentinel 1 Satellite Data and Derived Indices in Mapping Softwood Forest Vegetation (Southern Yellow Pines)

Ampadu-Moss, Effua (2019) An Investigation of the University Mission to Educate and Graduate African-American Male Student-Athletes with a Focus on the Impact of Supportive Services

Amullen, Esther Marion (2019) Distributed Framework for Mitigating Malicious Intrusions in Power Grids

Anuo, Christopher (2019) Investigating the Abiotic Mechanism of Veterinary Antibiotics Influencing Boron and Molybdenum Cycling in the Environment

Ayers, Bruce V. (2019) A Composition for Wind Band: Exploring Grade Level Differences in Literature

Beard, Helen Virginia (2019) The Effect of Project-Based Learning on Students' Executive Functions

Bedford, Winifred (2019) Examining the Relationship between EQ, Microaggressions, and Achievement in the HBCU Academic Setting

Bhandari, Devendra Prasad (2019) Characterization of Flagellin Antigen Using a Panel of Monoclonal Antibodies and Their Applications for Detection of Salmonella Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance

Bishop-Driggins, Sylvia (2019) A Neuroscience Rhythm-Based Study Implementing the Musical Metronome to Affect Reading Fluency

Boero-Legge, Maria (2019) Undocumented Latinx Immigrants' Experiences with Self-compassion and Stressors

Brady, Shabnam Etemadi (2019) Meeting the Needs of Migrants: Applying the Bioecological Systems Theory Model to Assess Multicultural Competency in Mental Health

Brooks, Christopher D (2019) The Relationship Among Community Violence & Racial Socialization Messages and Their Influence on the Masculine Ideology of Black Men

Burks, Martez (2019) An Investigation of Racial Identity, Self-Esteem and Its Relationship to Academic Self-Concept among African American Undergraduate Students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Capretto, Jessica Jaye (2019) Developmental Trajectories of Social Competence among Maltreated Children

Carter, Carl (2019) Teacher Perceptions of the School Environment as Impacted by Principal Mobility

Collins, Sydnee (2019) Black Athlete Lives Matter: A Qualitative Study Examining Factors Impacting Athlete Activism In The Nation’s Current Racial Climate

Davis, Christopher Anthony (2019) The Effects of Bitter Melon Extract on Three Human Cancer Cell Lines: BT549, A549 and PC3 (under the direction of Dr. E. Lewis Myles)

Dotson, Carmelita L (2019) The Effects of Learning Formats on Student Achievement in an Undergraduate Social Work Program

Dunavant, Richard H (2019) A Qualitative Analysis of the Use of Legal Financial Obligations in the Criminal Justice System in a Middle Tennessee Judicial District

Duncan, Robert Scott (2019) The Effects on Measures of Academic Performance Based on Years of Athletic Involvement in a Rural Tennessee High School

Favre, LaToya R (2019) Binge Eating and Internalized Weight Bias Among Racial/Ethnic and Sexual Minorities: Implications for Multicultural Counseling

Ferrell, Antoinne E (2019) Academic Performance of High School Athletes and Non-Athletes

Greer, Darreon D. (2019) Psychosocial and Cognitive Predictors of Achievement in African American Males in Higher Education

Harrington, Miriam (2019) Administrative Support in High Schools Implementing Professional Learning Communities

Harris-Wyatt, Georgetta A (2019) An Analysis of Factors that Impact Civilian Attitudes Toward Police Treatment of Minority Males

Hasan, Mohammed Raqibul (2019) Isolation and Characterization of GFP-Tagged Transposon Mutants of Pectobacterium Carotovorum Subsp. Carotovorum KD100

Hawrami, Shwan (2019) Tennessee Counties and Their Water Quality as It Correlates to Average Household Income

Hensley, Joseph D (2019) Teachers’ Self-Reported Levels of Confidence regarding the Impact of Web 2.0 Tools in High School Classrooms to Enhance Teaching, Improve Learning, and Increase Productivity

Hira, Arpona (2019) Unprecedented Cross Coupling Processes for the Synthesis of New Series of Esters

Holt, Elijah D (2019) Development of an Academic Curriculum of a University Level Commercial Music Ensemble

Honey, Ummey (2019) Economic Impacts of Forestry and Forest Product Industries in Tennessee

Hook, Cherie C (2019) A Case Study to Explore the Implementation of Read to Be Ready in a Rural Middle Tennessee School District

Huq, Shohana (2019) Epigenetics and Proteomics Studies of Drought Tolerance in Hall’s Grass

Hussaini, Syed Farazuddin (2019) Smart Prosthetic Hand Development using Deep Learning and Inertial Measurement Unit Data

Hutchinson, Kanita (2019) Assessing Location, Performance, and Economic Impacts of Community Gardens in Counties Surrounding Nashville Metropolitan Area of Tennessee

Jennings, Christina (2019) Glyphosate Resistant Horseweed: Identification, Confirmation and Control in Nursery Crop Production

Jones, Jenna M (2019) Urban Youth Agricultural Literacy Impacts of an Educational Experience with the Tennessee State University Mobile Agriculture Classroom and Lab

Kettelhake, Matthew (2019) Hope's Influence on Resiliency among Parents with a Child Diagnosed with a Developmental Disability

Lacy, Martha (2019) Violent Behavior of Female Students in Middle Schools

Lamichhane, Prabin B (2019) A Quantitative Risk Analysis Model and Simulation of Enterprise Networks

Maisha, Musarrat (2019) Comparison of STAT3 Phosphorylation Between IDI Versus INI Isoforms and Acute Versus Chronic Treatment of the Human Serotonin 2C Receptor

McGeary, Kyle D (2019) The Effects of Nitrogen Rates on Plant Properties and Arthropod Visitation of Three Winter Canola (Brassica napus L.) Cultivars in Tennessee

McKoy, Tonya L (2019) A Qualitative Study of African American Female Engineering College Students' Intersecting Identities, Sense of Belonging, and Intent to Persist

Millas, Reneth A (2019) Development and Characterization of Soybean with Improved Fatty Acid Profile Through Mutation Breeding and Genome Editing

Modafer, Yosra Ahmad (2019) Mechanisms of Resistance to the Novel Antibiotic Combination Ceftazidme/Avibactam and to Avibavtam Alone in Salmonella Enterica Serovar Senftenberg

Moore, Kelly Ramey (2019) The Impact of Time-Of-Day Course Scheduling on Student Achievement

Murry, Letoni (2019) Principals' Behaviors in Improving Student Achievement from Teachers' Perception in Rutherford County

Nejus, Georgia (2019) Influence of Age, Race, and Gender on Type of Offense Committed by Domestic Violence Perpetrator in Davidson County, Tennessee

Omosa, Oladapo (2019) Characterization of Headspace Volatiles from Fruit Juices by an Electronic Nose

Patrice, Kesha S (2019) Body Dissatisfaction in African American Females: Self-Compassion Mediating Sociocultural Factors

Paul, Punam Kumar (2019) Synthesis of Folate -Appended β-Cyclodextrin Using 4-Carbaldehyde-4′-Hydroxymethyl-2,2′-Bipyridine as a Linker

Raika Shahid, Syeda (2019) Production of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNFα) and Interferon Gamma (IFNᵧ) in Human Immune Cells Exposed to the Brominated Flame Retardant, Hexabromocyclododecane

Rangu, Mahesh (2019) Developing an Association Network from Proteome Changes to Root Phenotypic Properties for Aluminum Tolerance in Switchgrass

Reda, Ashley N (2019) How Motivation from a Self-determination Theory Perspective Impacts the Therapeutic Change Process

Richards, CeeDee (2019) Evaluation of Methionine and Cysteine Requirements for Optimal Growth Performance of the French Guinea Fowl Broiler

Roberts, Julie (2019) Interjurisdictional Collaboration: What Motivates Jurisdictions to Collaborate?

Russell, Regina G (2019) Exploring Knowledge-practice Networks in U.S. Academic Health Centers

Russel, Nadim Shahriar (2019) Synthesis of Folate-appended β-Cyclodextrin Using Phenanthroline as Linker for Cancer Targeting Drug Delivery

Rutledge, Karla D (2019) A Qualitative Case Study Examining the Impact of a Board of Trustees Relationship with an African-American Female President at a Historically Black University

Salman, Bakhita (2019) Development of High Level Decision Making and Decision Fusion for Layered Sensing Systems

Scaramucci, Isabella (2019) A Phenomenological Study of University Faculty Members’ Instructional Experiences Teaching International Students

Smith, Mathew (2019) Achievement Scores of Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE) Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Institute Completers in Selected Tennessee Secondary Agricultural Education Programs

Smith, Melody J (2019) Investigating the Impact of Response to Education on Middle School Students

Smith, Monica M (2019) Control of Biofilm and Planktonic Cells of Cronobacter Sakazakii, Listeria Monocytogenes, Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia Coli, and Salmonella Serovars Using Pressure- and Quaternary Ammonium Compound-Based Interventions

Snyder, Shawn D (2019) Assessment of a Locally Imperiled Snake (Sistrurus miliarius) and Estimation of Site Occupancy and Detection Probabilities of Sympatric Snake Species

Syed, Rabia (2019) A Study of Health Promoting Components in Pigeon Pea and Its Application in Food Models

Thanoon, Mohammed I (2019) A System Development for Enhancement of Human-Machine Teaming

Troyanovskaya, Eleonora (2019) Cover Crops, Cowpea and Farmer's Perception of Sustainability in Alabama, Georgia,and Tennessee

Wang, Xiaoyong (2019) Combined Phytochemicals Synergistically Restrain Breast Cancer in Cultured Cells and Xenograft Mice

Wettemann, Martha E (2019) Social Equity, Human Development Theory, and Factors Related to the Growth of Child Support Arrears in States, 2011-2015

Wise, Callie M (2019) Examining the Influences of Campus Climate on the LGBT College Student Experience at Public Universities in Tennessee

Wyatt, Johnny L (2019) An Examination of the Experiences and Challenges Faced by African American Superintendents in Tennessee School Districts

Yahaya, Damba (2019) Evaluation of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) Genotypes for Drought Tolerance

Yenuga, Pooja Reddy (2019) Interplay of SIK3 and NFAT5 in Salt Induced Inflammatory Responses in Breast Cancer Cells

Zhang, Lijuan (2019) Synergistic Anti-Vascular Inflammatory Effects and Molecular Mechanisms of Combined Phytochemicals in Endothelial Cells and Mice

Zhou, Yuanyuan (2019) Numerical Study of High-Speed Capsular Vehicles Toward Operational Control

Zua, Biale (2019) International Students’ Levels of English Language Proficiency and Academic Achievement at One U.S. Historically Black University: a Snapshot

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Dissertations & Theses from 2018

Albaqami, Jawaher Jahaz (2018) Anti-Proliferative Activity of Onosma Bracteatum On-Three Tumor Cell Lines: PC3, A549, and BT549

Alghamdi, Abdullah (2018) Implementation of an Implicit Solver in Adcirc Storm Surge Model

Alghamdi, Mazen (2018) Educator Perceptions of Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors with Special Education Students

Aluoch, Isaiah Gumbe Orodo (2018) Perceptions of KCSE Mathematics Teachers on Use of Digital Tools in Education Service Delivery in Migori County, Kenya

Alyahya, Sarah (2018) Introducing Potassium AllylBF3K for the Synthesis of N-Allylation Products

Alzahrani, Sabah (2018) Detection of Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Attacks Using Artificial Neural Networks on Cloud

Aman, Musa (2018) Unprecedented Styryl Esters from RCOOPdH Species and Styryltrifluoroborates

Ambrose, Derron K.G (2018) The Effects of Symptomology, Race and Psychological Mindedness on Attitudes toward Persons with Schizophrenia

Armstrong, Aisha P (2018) African American Women in Stem: Self-Efficacy, Perceived Barriers, and Coping Efficacy

Betancur-Bedoya, Nadiana (2018) Studying Music of Latin America: A World Music Curriculum Approach for Presenting Four Representative Styles of Latin American Cultures

Brice, Erica Marie (2018) Family Racial Socialization and Ethnic Identity Influence on African-American Female Beauty Ideals and Self-esteem

Brown, Cassandra L (2018) Network Performance Analysis on a Containerized Testbed

Brown, Matthew (2018) Prevention of Ambrosia Beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) and Phytophthora Root Rot with Stress-mitigating Fungicides

Buck Pursell, Kathryn (2018) The Impact of Burnout on School Psychologist Supervisors

Byers, Mary Shannon (2018) Experimental Study to Increase the Viability Rate of Cas9 Knock in Chicken Embryos and Examination of Differentially Expressed Genes in Early Chicken Embryos

Chen, Hui (2018) Speaker Identification: Time-Frequency Analysis With Deep Learning

Christian, Matthew (2018) Improving Motor Skills of a Smart Prosthetic Hand by Deep Learning

Dowling, Nicolette (2018) High School Teachers' Perceptions of Cyberbullying Prevention and Intervention Strategies

Dudley, Kevin (2018) An Evaluation of Out-of-School-Time (OST) Programs in the Greater Nashville, Tennessee Area

Fu, Zicheng (2018) Highly Efficient Photocatalytic System Constructed From Spherical SBA-15-Cobalt Compounds and Ru (II) Complex for Visible-Light Driven Co 2 Reduction

Giri, Man Kumari (2018) Aboveground Forest Biomass Modeling Using Remote Sensing and FIA Data in Tennessee, USA

Girresch, Sarah K (2018) Childhood Adversity, Familial Factors, and Posttraumatic Growth in a Racially/Ethnically Diverse Sample of Emerging Adults

Gopisetty, Vybhav Vipul Sudhir (2018) Impact of UV-C Irradiation on Safety and Quality of Cranberry-Flavored Water Using a Novel Flow Continuous UV System

Gordon, Nia (2018) Controlling Powdery Mildew on Cucurbit Using Biological Control Agents

Grayum, Jessica Willard (2018) Examining the Perceptions of Principals' Ethical Leadership Behaviors and Student Academic Achievement

Greene, Anjelica (2018) The Impact of Sexual Education on Sexual Activity and Pregnancy Awareness in Young Adults

Hall, Denver A (2018) Online Social Media Use and Depression in African American College Students

Harris, Clayton (2018) Tennessee's Hazardous Waste Reduction Act of 1990: An Analysis of Tennessee's Hazardous Waste Reduction Policy

Hayes, Emily (2018) Influence of Creep Feeding on Kid Growth and Dam Health in Multiple Meat Goat Breeds and Their Crosses

Heaston, Alexis (2018) How Does Participating in a Peer Health Education Program Impact Health Behaviors among African American Undergraduate College Students?

Henson, Tyler (2018) The Impact of a Summer Bridge Program on First-Generation College Students

Hervey, Quintessa Hathaway (2018) The Common Core State Standards Initiative and the Achievement Gap

Huddleston, Jessica (2018) Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, and the Incentives: Is Law Enforcement Addicted to the Federal Asset Forfeiture Program?

Iriogbe-Efionayi, Sarah (2018) An Examination of Early Childhood Teachers' Knowledge of Self-regulation

James, Jasmine (2018) Forensic Evidence and Perceptions of Attorneys

Joaquim, Akinwunmi (2018) Development of a Flexible Piezoelectrc Materials Platform Based on PVDF Nanocomposites for Microsensor Applications

Johnson, Clyde J (2018) The Relationship Between Childhood Sexual Abuse, Posttraumatic Growth, Gender Role Conflict, and Adult Mental Health

Johnson-Garvin, Natara Kieon (2018) The Role of Student Satisfaction in Persistence to Graduation at an HBCU

Jones, Catherine A (2018) Perceptions of Students on the Impact of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Integration on High School Career Choices

Kabir, Md Niamul (2018) Enhancing the Detection Process, Prevention and Sustainable Management of Soilborne Diseases in Tennessee Nursery Production

Kumar, Anand (2018) Increasing Agroforestry Based Soil Organic Carbon in Intercropping of Switchgrass and Loblolly Pine

Lewis, Madison L (2018) Agricultural Literacy among the Generations: A National Study

Li, Hui (2018) Genome and Proteome Analysis of Bacillus cereus TSU1 for Bacterial Function and Biopolymer Production Study

Maheshwari, Asha (2018) Studies on Endophytic Microorganisms: Their Phylogenetic Analysis, Biomedical and Agricultural Applications

Mangum, Mary Elizabeth (2018) Predictors of Impostor Phenomenon in Graduate Students at an HBCU in Middle Tennessee

Mardugalliamov, Ruslan (2018) Accurate Reconstruction of Double Minute Chromosome Amplicons

Martin, Tamara J (2018) Pentachlorophenol and Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane Effects on the Synthesis of Interleukin 1 Beta and Secretion and Synthesis of Interleukin 6 by Human Immune Cells

Muallem, Asmah (2018) TDDEHT: Threat Detection using Distributed Ensembles of Hoeffding Trees on Streaming Cyber Datasets

Neal, Kelle (2018) Student Perceptions of Safety on the Campus of a Southern Historically Black University

Neto, Jeronimo Gomes Da Silva (2018) Assessing Site Occupancy and Microhabitat Use of the Hellbender Salamander (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) in Tennessee

OHair, Joshua A (2018) A Proteogenomic and Biochemical Classification of Novel Thermocellulolytic Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus altitudinis isolates with Bio-Industry Potential Isolated from Yellowstone National Park

Omobitan, Omobolaji Abosede (2018) Financing Your Agricultural Farm Credit Constraint, Financing Sources, and Farm Financial Performance of Small Farmers in Tennessee

Ortiz, Avis A (2018) Economic Analysis of Production of American Ginseng in the Southeastern Region

Parker, Adrian (2018) Comparative Analysis of Polyvinylidene Fluoride in the Development of Embedded Sensors and Smart Separators for Lithium Ion Batteries

Parlaktuna, Mustafa (2018) Enhanced Deep Learning with Improved Feature Subspace Separation

Pope, Alexis S (2018) Science Attrition among High-performing College Students: An Analysis of Motivational Factors to Improve Retention Strategies

Porter, Gracie Allen Robinson (2018) The Effects of Instructional Practices on the Reading Comprehension Achievement of Middle School Black Male Students

Ramon, Abigail E (2018) Role of Masculinity in Relationships among Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, and Well-Being in Military Veterans

Reynolds, Jonathan (2018) Characterization of Sensor Response as a Function of Electrode Composition

Rochester, Natalie K (2018) Gender Differences in Depression and Suicidality among Veterans following Military Trauma

Roth, Katy Ellen (2018) Anxiety and Crime: A Comparison Between Incarcerated Mothers and Nonmothers

Ruff, Amanda (2018) A Review of the Avocado Toxin Persin and Its Function as a Microtubule Stabilizer in Relation to Tamoxifen Inhibition in Breast Cancer

Stevens, Lauren K (2018) Savanna Sire Effect on Birth to Weaning Kid Traits and Doe Reproductive Performance in a Subtropical Environment

Swett, Deatrice James (2018) Factors Influencing Students' Satisfaction of School Climate at a Private Independent School in Middle Tennessee

Terrell, Kevin E (2018) Development of an Intelligent Control System for Integrated Airframe-propulsion Control of Aircrafts

Tetteh, Edmund Tettey (2018) Differences in Seed Yield, Meal and Oil Quality by Winter Canola Variety and Planting Date in Tennessee

Ward, Danielle Marcelle G (2018) Treatment of Ultra Low UV Transmittance Fluids: Fundamentals and Applications

Wu, Xingbo (2018) Application of Genotyping by Sequencing on Small Plant Genome Species Groups

Yuldashev, Firuz M (2018) Techno-Economic Analysis of Plantation Biomass Production and Small Scale Wood Pellet Processing from Sweetgum for Bioenergy Market

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Dissertations & Theses from 2017

Ahmed, C. M. Sabbir (2017) Germplasm Enhancement in Soybean (Glycine max, L. Merr.) Through Genome Editing and Mutation

Akerele, Gabriel Oluwamuyiwa (2017) Expression and Characterization of Toll-Like Receptors and Other Immune Genes in the Adult Guinea Fowl Using Transcriptome Analysis

Aldarraji, Ali (2017) Polarized Beamforming for Enhanced Countermeasure Against Interference in Wireless Systems

Alharbi, Eman (2017) Preparing Saudi Universities for International Accreditation in the Area of Governance and Leadership

Alharby, Manal G (2017) Effects of Chrysanthemum and Olive Leaf Extracts on the Viability of Tumor Cell Line

Alhathlol, Albatoul Ali (2017) Characterization of Novel Paralogs of Glucose Transporter (GLUT) in Birds

Aljafar, Wejdan (2017) Genomics Versuse Phenomics Classification of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains Isolated From Middle Tenessee

Almalki, Manal Saeed (2017) Enhancing the Security for User Authentication in Open Authorization 2.0 by Using OpenSGX Tool

Almosabbeh, Kowthar Fahad (2017) Anti- Inflammatory Effect of Violacein on Immune Human Cells

Almotairi, Faisl (2017) Food Safety in Saudi Arabia: An Examination of Perceptions and Attitudes

Almutairi, Tahani (2017) Economic and Sociological Indicators for Juvenile Delinquency and Arrest

Al-Salah, Tulha Hasan (2017) Attack Surface Expansion Using Decoys to Protect Virtualized Infrastructure

Alshaeri, Enas Ahmed A (2017) Study of the Possible Inhibition of Melanin Synthesis by Select Compounds

Alshammari, Areej (2017) Membrane-Binding Properties of the Antimicrobial Peptide Feleucin

Alshoubaki, Wa'ed (2017) The Impact of Syrian Refugees on Jordan: A Framework for Analysis

Alsofayan, Rehab Ahmed (2017) Effect of Purified Violacein from Chromobacterium Violaceum Strains on Cancer Cells

Alyamani, Alaa (2017) Morphological, Physiological and Molecular Characterization of Two Fungi Isolated from the Yellowstone National Park

Aras, Sadiye (2017) Effects of Precipitation Changes on Switchgrass Biomass and Greenhouse Gas Emission

Aras, Sadiye (2017) Effects of Precipitation Changes on Switchgrass Biomass and Greenhouse Gas Emission

Awoyemi, Olushola Moses (2017) Molecular Toxicology of the Use of Coal Fly Ash as Soil Amendment for the Production of Bioenergy Feedstock, Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.)

Babaer, Duaa (2017) The Impact of Wnt Inhibitory Factor-1 on Preadipocytes Differentiation

Bahannan, Alaa (2017) Comparison of Violacein, Mangosteen and Sider Extracts as Agents for Inhibiting Breast and Lung Cancer Cell Growth

Beavers, Mitchell G (2017) How Many Virtual Wars Must a Man Fight Before You Call Him a Man: Video Games and Masculinity

Blair, Ashley Jennean (2017) The Anti-Carcinogenic Effect of Solanum lycopersicum on Various Cancer Cell Lines

Brown, Shyretha D (2017) Evaluation of the Effects of Butyltin Exposures on Expression of Interleukin 1 Beta and Interleukin 6 in Human Immune Cells

Bullock, Audrey N (2017) Teaching Elementary Mathematics through Problem Solving and Its Relationship to Mathematics Achievement

Cobb, Christina (2017) The Impact of Active Learning Teaching Strategies in a Prescribed Mathematics Course

Colon, Selene Y (2017) Identification of a Proprotein Convertase Cleavage Site Within Peroxidasin and Its Regulation of Enzymatic Function

Cook, Tenganyike O (2017) The Impact of a Middle School Transition Program on Academic Performance and Social Acceptance of Sixth Graders

Davis, George T (2017) An Examination of Social Media as a Marketing Tool For Tennessee Small Farmers

Davis, George T (2017) An Examination of Social Media as a Marketing Tool for Tennessee Small Farmers

Dawadi, Sujan (2017) Cover Crop Usage for Pest Management in Red Maple Tree Production Systems

Dolui, Manisha (2017) An Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) Spectroscopic Study on the Oxytetracycline Sorption Mechanism on Variable Charge Minerals

Donkor, Joseph (2017) Evaluation of the Potential for Direct-Fed Microbials to Enhance Utilization of Phosphorus in Broiler Chickens

Dozier, Whitney L (2017) Student Perceptions of Campus Safety at Tennessee State University

Ebbinger, April M (2017) Elementary School Psychologists' Perceptions of Response to Intervention and Its Use to Diagnose Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in Tennessee: A Mixed Methods Study

Eckstein, Sarah L (2017) The feasibility and acceptability of mindfulness scale: Validating a new measure of common perceptions of mindfulness

Elrrishi, Mahmoud F (2017) Chromobacterium violaceum Strains Growth Conditions Impacting N-Acyl Homoserine Lactones AHL Production

Fears, Letimicia S (2017) Investigating the Effects of Chromobacterium Violaceumviolacein on Human Serotonin 2C Receptor

Fidler, Aaron Louis (2017) The Evolution of Collagen IV and Basement Membrane Enabling Metazoan Multicellularity

Filfilan, Sarah Zakaria (2017) Identification of Amidase Negative Strains of Bacillus thuringiensis

Fite, John (2017) Critical Thinking Dispositions of Undergraduate Agriculture Majors: Contributions of Pre-Collegiate Complete Programs of Agricultural Education

Gaballa, Mahmoud F (2017) Chromobacterium Violaceum Strains Growth Conditions Impacting N- Acyl Homoserine Lactones AHL Production

Gordon, Tamla V (2017) An Evaluation of a Summer Reading Clinic and its Impact on Improving Reading Academic Achievement

Green, Fatima (2017) Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic Ability of U 3O8/SiO2 Nocomposite Materials

Griggs, Sharon Leftwich (2017) The Effects of a Teacher Pay Incentive Program on Middle School Teachers' Effectiveness and Their Students' Achievement

Hampton, Shellis (2017) The Effects of Race, Age, and Gender on Juvenile Justice Programs and Their Ability to Reduce Recidivism Rates

Hendricks, Michelle (2017) A Case Study of Spelling Development Among Sixth-Grade Students Not Receiving Explicit Spelling Instruction

Hikkaduwa Epa Liyanage, Kumuditha Dilanka (2017) Understanding the Perceptions and Attitudes of Fruit and Vegetable Farmers Towards Organic Farming in Tennessee

Holloway, Albert Z. (2017) The Effects of School-Sponsored Extracurricular Activities on the Academic Achievement, Attendance, and Resiliency Level of Low-Income Students

Igbafe, Joy Oshiorenua (2017) Evaluating the Efficacy of Select Probiotic to Reduce the Colonization of Salmonella in Broiler Chicken

Irabor, Afona (2017) Biological Control of Soilborne Diseases of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Using Selected Bacterial Endophytes

Islam, Md Shafiqul (2017) Synthesis, Characterization, Mechanism and Biological Evaluations of 1,2,4 - Triazole - Containing Schiff Bases, Hemiaminals and Their Metal Complexes

Jenkins, Kristeena G (2017) A Comparison Of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosed Before Two Years Of Age To Those Diagnosed While Two Years Of Age

Johnson, Carey P (2017) The Inhibition of Cellular Growth Using Dioscorea villosa on Various Cancer Cell Lines

Joshua, Jacqueline (2017) Management of Root Rot Disease in Snap Beans Using Biological Control Agents

Justice, Alicia Renee (2017) Investigating the Impact of Current Middle School Transition Program Activities: Administrator and Teacher Perspectives

Karim, Kaleh (2017) Triphenylmethanol Conjugates of Leuprorelin as Anti-Cancer Prodrugs

Khoja, Jawaher Hameed (2017) The Effect of Antibiotics on the Growth of Chromobacterium violaceum

King, Steven Joseph (2017) Integrating Elementary Music with a Standardized Tested Subject to Influence Achievement Measure Scores on Teacher Evaluations

Liyanapathiranage, Prabha Dhananjani (2017) Sustainable Management of Soilborne Diseases in Nursery Production

Love, Harold M. (2017) African-American Clergy Engagement in Politics and Public Policy: Liberation Theology as a Civic Engagement Motivator

Luhach, Shruti (2017) Feather Development in Chicken Embryo

Mazur-Park, Felicity Constance (2017) Ethnic Music in Nashville: A Choral Approach

Mendez, Esther (2017) Why You? Why Me? The Influence of Resilience and Perceived Barriers on Mate Selection

Merritt, Pierre (2017) Tennessee State University Students' Perceptions of Capital Punishment

Muasya, Cosmas Mwendwa (2017) Encapsulation of Antibiotic Alternatives for Pathogen Control in Poultry Intestinal Tract

Murphy, Sarah (2017) Agritourism Needs and Preferences: Determining How Extension Education Can Help

Newsum, Roshanda N (2017) Collegiate Athletes' View on Empowering Our Youth Through Sports and the Reduction of Crime

Nwosisi, Sochinwechi I (2017) Performance Evaluation of Organically Grown Sweetpotato Varieties, Nutritional and Cost-Benefit Analysis

Obi, Chibuike David (2017) Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Fluorinated Tacrine Against Alzheimer's Disease (AD)

Okafor, Mark C (2017) Performance Evaluation and Seasonal Variations of the Physico-Chemical Parameters of Water Quality in a Wetland In Nashville, Tennessee

Padrithi, Deepthi Naidu (2017) Risk Assessment of Android Malwares Using Machine Learning Techniques

Pandey, Manoj (2017) Imported Fire Ant Species and Their Hybrid in Tennessee: Interrelationships with Biological Control Agents, Ant Morphology, and Geographic Locations

Parrish, Anastasia (2017) The Effects of Using a Small Group Reading Intervention with K-2 Struggling Readers

Peterson, Kelli R (2017) A Qualitative Study Exploring the Lived-Experiences that Influence African American K-12 Teachers to Remain in the Teaching Profession

Pope, Gwendolyn M (2017) Perceptions of Soft Skills by Former Technical College Business Education Students and Their Employers

Rahman, Tasnim (2017) Degradation Studies of Three Commonly Used Pharmaceutical Products

Robinson, Quintin (2017) Leadership Behaviors and Experiences of Agricultural and Environmental Science Undergraduates at Tennessee State University

Scott, Jasmine N (2017) Impact of Fatherlessness on Academic Achievement, Delinquent Behavior, Sexual Behavior and Attachment Style

Shukla, Smriti (2017) Security Aware Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud

Smith, Larry D (2017) Teachers' Attitudes on Reporting Incidents of Student Bullying Among Middle and High School Students

Stewart, Rhonda (2017) Perceptions of Minority Students from Historically Black Institutions (HBIs) on Campus Visitation Programs at the Ohio State University and Purdue University

Suddeth, Shree W (2017) Factors Related to the Process of Qualifying Students as Section 504-Only in an Urban Public School District in Tennessee

Sumpter, Jeremiah J (2017) Evaluating Bacterial Agents for Controlling Powdery Mildew and Charcoal Rot

Sushak, Linda B (2017) Dibutyltin Alters Production of Interleukin 1 and Interleukin 6 in Human Immune Cells

Sushak, Linda B (2017) Dibutyltin Alters Production of Interleukin 1 and Interleukin 6 in Human Immune Cells

Thatiparti, Satheesh Kumar (2017) Establishing New Catalyst System for C-F Bond Formation by Using Organotrifluoroborates and Metal Fluoride

Wang, Li (2017) Development Of A Functional Beverage Using Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia L.) Juice

Wang, Rong (2017) Chief Diversity Officers' Perceptions of Institutionally Sustainable Diversity Programs

Windrow, Vincent (2017) Effect of Scholars Academy Summer Program Participation on Participants' Academic Success

Yaeger, Rhonda (2017) The Lethality Assessment: Assessing Lethality Based on Officer Belief in Nashville, Tennessee

Young, Jeremy D (2017) Assessing the Demand for Locally Grown Hops in Tennessee

Zhao, Tao (2017) Hosts-Based Attack Graphs and Risk Ranking

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Dissertations & Theses from 2016

Adhikari, Suraj (2016) Comparative economic analysis of on-farm biodiesel production from soybean and sunflower under small scale setting

Afghani, Mohammad (2016) Society's Perceptions about Ex-Offenders

Afghani, Najlaa Abdullah (2016) MACF1 as a Novel Target for the Treatment of Brain and Lung Cancers

Alalwani, Fahd Abdullah (2016) A Comprehensive Study on Capital Sentencing Laws In Saudi Arabia and the United States

Alalyu, Ruqayyah Saeed (2016) The Effect of Medicinal Plants Fennel Seeds, and Olive Leaves to Inhibit Growth on Lung, Leukemia, and Colon Cell Lines

Al Amin, Ali Reza MD. (2016) Security aware VM placement in OpenStack cloud

Alanazi, Areej Mathil (2016) The cytotoxicity effect of rosemary and myrrh extracts on cancer cell lines

Alanazi, Majed (2016) Natural plants "Ocimum (Basil) and Achillea" as Anticancer in Human Cell

Alanazi, Talal (2016) Citizens who have High Levels of Religiosity, will Engage in Less Crime

Alattas, Noor Abdulrahman S (2016) Polysaccharide-mediated formation of pigments from serotonin

Albaqami, Jawaher (2016) Growth Effects of Tumorigenic Cells Exposed to Extracts of The Medicinal Plant Onosma

Albinali, Mansour (2016) Perceptions of Saudi and American Citizens of the Effectiveness of Alternative Sanctions

Aldossari, Danah (2016) Effects of Light, Nutrient, and Temperature on Algal Physiology and Growth

Alegbeleye, Ibukun D (2016) Economic analysis of utilization of corn stover for bioenergy production

Alexander, Donna Lorraine (2016) Natural Compounds and How They Inhibit the Growth of Prostate Cancer Cells in the PC3 Cell Line

Alhaidari, Kholoud (2016) Anticancer studies of curcumin, chamomile, and 1,3,4- oxadiazole derived from phenanthroline

Alhewaitey, Anaif (2016) Interactions of aurein with model membranes and antimalarials

Aljohani, Mohammed (2016) The Perceptions of American and Saudi Students about How They Feel Living or Working With Exoffenders

Almarwani, Bashiyar (2016) Investigating the structural impact of the antimicrobial peptide combi-2 in model membranes

Alotaibi, Dalal Abdullah (2016) The Combinatorial Effect of Salt with IL-17 on HIF 1 Alpha and VEGF-A Expression in Breast Cancer Cells

Alotaibi, Maha (2016) Coordination of 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphinomethyl)benzene and 1,3-bis(ditert butylphosphinomethyl)benzene to uranyl nitrate

Alqahtani, Zaina (2016) Inhibition of Cancer Growth by O, S and N- Containing Schiff Bases Derived from 2, 2'-Bipyrdine-5,5'- dicarboxaldehyde

Alqureish, Eilaf Salman (2016) Characterization of novel paralogs of glucose transporter (GLUT) 11 in birds

Alsaedi, Manal (2016) The role of WNT inhibitory factor I in adipose tissue development

Al Safar, Meshael F (2016) Effects of Cloves and Ginseng Extracts on The Viability of Tumor Cell Lines

Alshammari, Shifaa (2016) Cytotoxic Activity of Ferula assa-foetida and Astragalus sarcocolla Against Cervical Epithelial and Colon Carcinoma Cell Lines

Alshammari, Tathi (2016) The Effect of Phytochemical Compounds on Breast, Colon, and Lung Cancer Cell Lines

Al Sharah, Ashraf Hussein (2016) Integrated game theoretic and network integrity scheme to detect and mitigate insider threats in MANETs and colluding jamming attack

Alsufyyan, Khaleed (2016) A Comparative Analysis of American and Saudi Arabian Student Perceptions of Domestic Violence

Alwadai, Amjad (2016) Interactions of the Cell Penetrating Peptide Pep-1 with Model Membranes

Alzahrani, Roba (2016) Effects of calpain inhibitors - KR-180 - and - KR-185 - in 3T3 preadipocytes and several cancer cell lines

Andijani, Nujud Aqeel (2016) Molecular organization of the antimicrobial peptide jelleine in model membranes

Baashirah, Azzah Ahmed (2016) Assessment of novel calpain inhibitors

Bandy, Dewanna Lenea (2016) The Impact of Nutritional Choices on Wellness in Adolescent Females in Middle Tennessee

Barve, Gauree (2016) DroidDocker: Dynamic analysis of android applications on Docker

Beaty, Morgan (2016) Impact of a poultry and egg education workshop on 4-H youth

Berman, Amy B (2016) Trauma symptomatology among undocumented immigrants in the context of U visa petitions

Bhatta, Deependra (2016) Comparative Gene Expression Profiling of Cotton Lines for Seed Quality Traits

Bhogoju, Sarayu (2016) Developing novel probiotics and evaluating their mechanisms of interaction with host environment to enhance poultry performance

Bhullar, Manreet Singh (2016) Application of Low Wave-length UV Irradiation to Inactivate Pathogenic Microbes in Highly Opaque Liquid Foods

Biswal, Biswajit (2016) Secure Measurement based Geolocation to Locate Data in the Cloud Datacenter

Boston, Mary Kate (2016) Implementation of School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) in Tennessee public schools

Bridges, Durant C. (2016) Exploring Situation Awareness and Workload Levels of Operators' Decision Making in a Simulated Airline Operations Control Center

Brooks, Calisha S (2016) Examining the relationship between body image dissatisfaction and social media usage among African American women

Bruce, Emily (2016) Predicting Secondary School Drop-Out Rates for Students with a Primary Diagnosis of a Specific Learning Disability

Burnham, Andrew D (2016) Utilizing a Logic Model Design to Evaluate a Preparation Program for Teachers of the Visually Impaired

Campbell, Phillip C (2016) An Evaluation of the Jostens Renaissance Program on Award-Winning High Schools' Attendance Rates and Graduation Rates

Campbell, Tara R (2016) Implementing Professional Learning Communities at the High School Level: Obstacles and Solutions Experienced by One Tennessee High School

Cole, Latasha (2016) Quality of Life of Inmates Jailed at the Davidson County Sheriff Department

Cook, Nicholas Torvell (2016) Bioinformatic Analysis of Adipose Tissue Transcriptome of Broiler Chickens

Coulter, Kelley (2016) Effectiveness of WIDA English language development standards meeting proficiency for English language learners

Coulter, Scott (2016) Influence of Academic Coaching on New Elementary School Teacher Performance in Rutherford County

Curtis, Mary E (2016) Phosphorylation of STAT3 by the human serotonin 2C receptor

Darwin, Caryn (2016) The Relationships Among Behavior, Teacher Efficacy, Academic Achievement and Cultural Considerations: Accentuating the Positive

Dompreh, Jessica L (2016) Fresh Produce Safety and growers' acquaintance with Good Agricultural Practices in Middle and West Tennessee

Donnell, Dashia K (2016) Students' Perceptions about the Effectiveness of School Resource Officers

Espina, Mary Jane C (2016) Development of improved soybean (Glycine max, L. Merill) germplasm through induced and targeted mutagenesis

Falekun, Seyi (2016) Influence of new calpain inhibitors KR-185 and KR-161 on some biochemical parameters in cancer and 3T3-L1 preadipocytes

Felimban, Afnan Ibrahim (2016) Cytotoxic activity of Lepidium sativum and Ficus carica extracts on four tumor cell lines

Fulks, Mark A (2016) Public service motivation in the Volunteer State: An inquiry into the nature and causes of public service motivation among attorneys employed by the state of Tennessee

Gilani, Sana (2016) Putative molecular mechanisms underlying stereotyped axonal pruning of the dentate gyrus infrapyramidal tract

Gold, Kimberly (2016) Mulitisensor fusion for secure mobile proximity detection

Gordon-Patton, Princess E (2016) Student Perceptions of Faculty Integration of Technology in On-ground Courses at a Large, Urban HBCU in the Southeastern Region of the United States

Guntu, Divya Naga Devi (2016) User behavior modeling for the prediction, profiling and detection of malware in mobile devices

Gurung, Sunil (2016) screening of endophytes for the control of root rot pathogens of pepper (Capsicum annum)

Guth, Lorraine L (2016) Mental Health Courts for Better or Worse

Haj-Hassan, Shereen (2016) Empirically-derived subtypes of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and vascular risk factors

Harlinger, Mary (2016) Exploring the Role of Playfulness with Canine Animal Companions in Coping with Stress

Hasan, Kamrul (2016) Cross-layer attacks on gsm mobile networks using software defined radios (SDR)

Hassell, Robert O (2016) An examination of teacher attitudes towards technology (internet) integration among kindergarten teachers

Islam, A.S.M. Faridul (2016) Molecular, Agronomical and Nutritional Characterization of Mung bean Germplasm

Islam, Md Shajedul (2016) Effect of short wave length UV-C irradiation on polyphenols and vitamins in liquid foods: Mechanism and kinetic of degradation

Islam, Mohammed Shahidul (2016) A novel application of cu-pd dual catalyst system for the cross-coupling of styryltrifluoroborates and amides

Islam, Rabiul (2016) NAD-dependent epimerase/dehydratase affects cell surface properties, virulence and extracellular enzyme production in the soft rot phytopathogen, Pectobacterium carotovorum

Jian, Siyang (2016) Soil extracellular enzyme activities, soil carbon and nitrogen storage under nitrogen fertilization: A meta-analysis

Johnson, Katherine A (2016) The Effect of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on Reintegration Following Combat Deployment

Julakanti, Sharath Chandra (2016) Mycotoxins detoxification using UV irradiation and advanced oxidation processes

Kallakuri, PavanaSirisha (2016) A measurement based approach to designing fault-tolerant controllers for multivariable systems

Karali, Sami (2016) Mapping of wireless network quality of an unknown environment using slam algorithms for self-sustaining autonomous robots

Kaur, Ravneet (2016) Detection of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Surface Water of Urban, Urbanizing and Rural sub watersheds of Middle Tennessee

Kennedy, Darren Hartman (2016) Teachers' perceptions of alternative practices and exclusionary discipline

Khanal, Piush (2016) Influence of crossbreeding and non genetic factors on doe fitness traits of Boer F1 and foundation breeds in southeastern United States

Khanal, Pramatma (2016) Analysis of US consumer demand for food and consumption patterns

Kirkpatrick, Lee (2016) A qualitative phenomenological study of Hispanic parent perspectives on school readiness

Lawrence, Shanieek T (2016) Assessment of the Effects of Butyltin Environmental Contaminants on Human and Mouse Cytokine Production and Secretion from Immune Cells

Martin, Marie H (2016) An Empirical Investigation of Funding Trends and Organizational Composition in Global Health

Massawe, Reda H (2016) Pentachlorophenol and Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane alter secretion of interferon gamma (IFNγ) from human immune cells

Maziku, Hellen (2016) Towards infrastructure based software defined security

McNeil, Paul (2016) SCREDENT: Scalable Real-time Anomalies Detection and Notification of Targeted Malware in Smartphones

Mehta, Toral Rajesh (2016) Molecular mechanism of violacein-mediated solid tumor death and its anti-migratory properties

Miller, Mikhail (2016) An evaluation of online marketing as an option for goat meat marketing in Tennessee

Mishra, Pankaj (2016) Image Processing of Proteins 3D Images

Modafer, Yosra Ahmad (2016) The Effect of Sewak on Oral Microbiota Composition

Mukkavilli, Sai Kiran (2016) Network traffic anomaly detection for IAAS clouds

Myers, Brenda Gail (2016) Investigating the Effects of the Academy of Reading Program on Middle School Reading Achievement

Nazareno, Eric S (2016) Characterization of host and non-host interactions of the bacterial wilt pathogen, Erwinia tracheiphila

Nelson, Julia Male (2016) Middle and High School Principals' Perceptions of Exclusionary Discipline Practices

Newberry, Kelly Short (2016) Effectiveness of the Algebra I AC Math Class and the Need for Future Math Lab Classes in Rutherford County High Schools

Newman, Jacqueline A (2016) Psychological welfare of U.S. citizen and legal permanent resident parents in mixed-citizenship status families

Oyedare, Taiwo R (2016) Design of a reputation-based coalition game to detect and prevent insider jamming attacks in mobile ad hoc networks

Parker, Carol A (2016) Differences in Middle School TCAP Writing Assessment Scores Based on Keyboarding Skill

Patterson, Kadie L (2016) Administrators' and teachers' perceptions of RTI2 processes and practices in Rutherford County middle schools

Pharris, Angela Bauer (2016) Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act: A mixed methods analysis of state policy implementation

Poshtyar, Azin (2016) Vehicular activity recognition based on virtual environment video imagery data

Quinones, Linda (2016) A new process of synthesizing anandamide derivatives from arachidonic acid in the presence of boron catalyst

Rahman, Mohammad Arafatur (2016) Design and implementation of an experimental platform for cloud based real time networked control system

Ramsey, Nancy A (2016) Analysis of Leadership Job Tasks with Mid-Level Leaders in Tennessee Community Colleges

Razzak, Md (2016) New Shciff Bases from 6, 6′-dimethyl-2, 2′-bipyridyl. synthesis, characterization, antibacterial and anticancer studies

Roy, Bipradas (2016) Expression of the 5-HT2C receptor in chicken

Sallman, Bryan (2016) Tungstate (VI) sorption on the hematite-water interface: Probing the mechanism using in situ spectroscopy coupled with macroscopic experiments

Sandhu, Ravneet Sandhu (2016) Variety Evaluation, Nutrient Assessment and Effect of Stimplex on Yield Performance of Leafy Greens in Organic Management System

Sang, Faith C (2016) An evaluation of goat meat consumption in Tennessee

Savage, James A (2016) Detection of Co-resident Virtual Machines Using Network Traffic Patterns

Shaldoom, Abrar Hamzah (2016) Saudi Arabia folk medicine plants (Costus, Fenugreek, Rhamuns) effect on cancer cell lines (A549, Hela, BT549, Colo320, SW620)

Sidhu, Varinder Singh (2016) Yield and Quality Performance of Tomato Cultivars Grown under an Organic Management System

Silwal, Diwas Kumar (2016) Comparative Seed Traits' Profiling of Upland Cotton Line with Pima Cotton Chromosomal Substitutions

Simpkins, Kay (2016) Inter-rater reliability among principals using the instructional domain of the Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model

Singh Hamal, Shreya (2016) DNA Fingerprinting of Individual Microspores from Upland Cotton Chromosome Substitution Lines

Sledge, Alexis (2016) The Synthesis of Novel Fluorinated 9-Amino Acridones as Potential Topoisomerase IIα Poisons

Smith, Tiara Y (2016) Exome Sequencing of the Pancreatic Genome

Surgener, Gena F (2016) The Academic Achievement of Elementary Level General Education Students in Inclusion Classrooms Versus Non-Inclusion Classrooms

Tayib, Waled M (2016) Machine learning as a service using Apache Spark

Thapa, Ranjita (2016) Genetic diversity analysis of Amaranthus using molecular markers (SNPS) and morphological traits

Tippy Reddy, Kodanda Ram Reddy (2016) Network-aware bandwidth provisioning for service level agreement (SLA) assurance

Vankayalapati Yugandhar, Prasanthi (2016) Dynamic analysis of Mobile Botnet

Wairimu, James G (2016) Information technology use by small farmers in Tennessee

Warner, Candace Jon (2016) Preparing Tennessee Municipalities to Equitably Serve Changing Communities

Weaver, Carryl S (2016) Directors’ perceptions of faculty hiring practices at the Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology

Yakubu, Abdul Mujeed (2016) Genomic DNA Verification in Single Gametes of Cotton Chromosomal Substitution Lines through SSR and AFLP Markers

Yasmin, Sharia (2016) Effects of flame retardants, hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) and tetrabromobisphenol a (TBBPA), on secretion of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) from human immune cells

Ye, Zhujia (2016) Identification of Drought-induced Proteomics and Functional Study of Drought-stress Responsive Genes in Switchgrass

Yorke, Richard Arnold (2016) Antibiotic Sensitivity of Campylobacter jejuni and Effect of Allicin on Succinate Dehydrogenase Activity

Young, Teresa A (2016) An Internet-based ACT intervention for racist and sexist prejudice

Yousuf, Ghadah Khaled (2016) The Effect of Violacein Extracted from Chromobacterium violaceum on Growth of Breast, Colon, Lung, and, Prostate Cancer Cell Lines

Yu, Chih-Li (2016) Effects of climate change and agricultural practices on crop physiology, growth and yield

Zanolini, Rebecca Helen (2016) The Underrepresentation of Latinos in Public Higher Education in Tennessee: A Case Study of Latino College Students

Zeng, Zhu (2016) Public perceptions of female criminality in China and the United States

Zhang, Longyun (2016) Anti-obesity Effects and Mechanisms of American Ginseng and Its Ginsenosides in Pre-adipocytes and Obese Mice

Zhao, Xiaohong (2016) Building a High Performance Query System for Crystallography Open Database

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Dissertations & Theses from 2015

Adhikari, Urmila (2015) Characterization Of Hyper Virulent Rsmk- Mutant Of Pectobacterium carotovorum

Akinya, Abimbola C (2015) Economic analysis of on-farm biodiesel production from winter oilseed crops in Tennessee

Alghamdi, Ahmad (2015) Characterization of lameness in a research herd and among private herds of meat goats in the southeastern United States

Alhamed, Samiyah Mohammed (2015) Design and Anti-Proliferative Evaluation of Triptorelin Conjugated Tris (4-Methoxyphenyl) Methanol Derivatives

Alhawiti, Naif (2015) Cytotoxicity, Toxicity and Anticancer Activity of Manuka Honey, Saudi's Honey and Peganum harmala Plant Against Cancer Cells

Alhowity, Samar (2015) Theoretical investigation of the neutral, anion, and cation forms of Criegee intermediates in the earth's atmosphere

Alhumaidi, Majidah Hussain H (2015) Polysaccharide-mediated formation of pigments from catecholamines

Almelhem, Mona (2015) Religious Beliefs and Death Penalty in Saudi Arabia and the United States

Almughamsi, Haifa M (2015) Hexabromocyclododecane and Tetrabromobisphenol A alter secretion of interferon gamma (IFNγ) from human immune cells

Almushayti, Afrah H (2015) One- Pot Synthesis of Novel Fluorinated Octahydroquinazolinone Derivatives

Almutairi, Yousef (2015) Inhibitory Effect of Medicinal Secondary Compounds on Carcinogenic Cell-Lines

Alnakhli, Jawzah J (2015) Triphenylmethanol conjugates of triptorelin as anti-cancer prodrugs

Alshammari, Fahdah (2015) Biochemical Profile of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains Obtained from Middle Tennessee

Alshamrani, Mohammad (2015) Student Perceptions About Sexual Harassment In America

Alshhry, Uthman (2015) Social Cohesion and Its Influence on Discrimination as Criminal Behavior

Alsogair, Ali (2015) Effects of supplemental glutamine and lysine on growth performance of broiler chickens

Alzahrani, Sabah Mohammed (2015) Scalable network traffic analysis on cloud computing platform

Amullen, Esther Marion (2015) Model-based resilient control for a multi-agent system against network intrusion

Anisuzzaman, Sharif Md (2015) Tetrabromobisphenol a and hexabromocyclododecane alter the secretion of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) from human immune cells

Baryeh, Kofi (2015) Preferences and willingness to pay more for organic foods by Tennessee consumers

Bhandari, Devendra Prasad (2015) Evaluation of Vigna unguiculata var. Sesquipedadalis for yield, nutritional characteristics, and powdery mildew resistance

Borode, Ayodeji (2015) Implementing cloud based opportunistic spectrum access for cognitive radio networks

Bradley, Robert R (2015) A quantitative study of the effects of service learning orientation classes on full-time, first-time freshmen

Brown, Amy B (2015) A case study to explore the perspectives of participants in a year-long clinical residency at a local education agency in Tennessee

Byers, Mary Shannon (2015) An examination on the expression of glucose transporters in chickens

Cathey, Jacqueline (2015) Middle school teachers' perceptions of grade level retention

Chaurasia, Priya (2015) Dynamic analysis of Android malware using DroidBox

Christian, Karla E (2015) Effects of light levels, quality and fertilizer rates on carrot (Daucus carota L.)

Damron-Litchford, Nancy (2015) Title IX and peer sexual violence: Higher education institutions' liability in federal court decisions

Denkins, Allen M (2015) An Examination of the Tennessee Goat Meat Industry: Structure, Conduct, and Performance and Growth Opportunities

Duarte, Dalila M (2015) The effect of prekindergarten participation on third grade academic achievement and the implications for curriculum management in a southwest Tennessee school district

Fadeyi, Omowunmi (2015) Coupling Microalgae Productivity to Wastewater Treatment and Biofuel Production

Fonseca, Manuel A (2015) The Effects of Mentoring Practices on Tennessee Fire Chief Officers' Perceived Career Outcomes

French, James E (2015) The Relationship Between DWI Arrests and Drug and Alcohol Related Vehicle Collisions

Gazula, Himabindu (2015) Survival rate and detection of human pathogenic bacteria on fresh strawberry

Githua, Susan W (2015) Agricultural education and mathematics performance among secondary students

Green, Denise D (2015) African American Students' Perspectives of Research Experiences with Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (STEM) Faculty Mentors at a Historically Black University

Hasan, Asrab Umar (2015) Cytotoxic Activity of Curcumin, Melissa, and Cloves Extracts on Colon, Lung, and Breast Cancer Cell Lines

Hasbun, Alejandra Isabel (2015) Effects of antimicrobial peptide indolicin on model biological membranes: A spectroscopic study

Hickson, Curtis (2015) Psychological effects in adults from types of exposure to corporal punishment in school

Hobson, Tunisha V (2015) Career and technical education concentrator effect on graduation rates in a suburban district

Hoq, Rejaul MD. (2015) Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial study of 4,4' and 5,5'-dicarbaldehyde-2,2'-bipyrdine and their schiff bases with sulfur and fluorine-containing amines

Jamily, Raniah (2015) A Comparison of the United State and Saudi Arabia on Citizen's Perceptions on the Influence of Family Structure on Juvenile Delinquency

Jin, Yayuan (2015) Cost analysis of switchgrass harvesting, hauling and storage for ethanol biorefineries

Johnson, DeKarra (2015) Evaluation of methionine and cysteine requirements of the French guinea fowl broiler

Kabir, Md Niamul (2015) Development of Genome-Directed, PCR-Based Molecular Diagnostic System for Soft Rot Bacteria

Khwatenge, Collins N (2015) Dietary Lysine: Effects on Lysine Homeostasis and Performance of Broiler Chickens

Kodati, Srikanth (2015) Inheritance of powdery mildew disease resistance and association of micromorphological characters with disease resistance in flowering dogwood

Labban, Abbrar Hussein (2015) The Differences between Chromobacterium violaceum Strains in Growth and Violet Pigment Production

LaFramboise, Shannon Davis (2015) An evaluation of practicing psychologists' perceptions of identified future trends in the field of psychology

Lanier, Brittany A (2015) The effects of Pilates on range of motion in aging adults in assisted living facilities

Leathers, Alison B (2015) Identifying and assessing youth volunteer competencies of adult Tennesee Master Gardeners

Lias, Joseph Lee (2015) The impact of gun laws on homicide rates

Lias, Joseph Lee (2015) The Impact of Gun Laws on Homicide Rates

Liu, Siqin (2015) Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria from Imported and Local Fresh Produce

Lotze, Andrew K (2015) Field performance, yield and crude protein content of two varieties of pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan] as affected by tillage, spacing and intercropping with corn [Zea mays]

Lowe, Rebbecca L (2015) The relationship between personality, self-care, stress, and perceived wellness in psychology doctoral students

Lynch, Jeremy (2015) Multicultural counseling competence assessment: The development of the Demonstrated Multicultural Awareness and Knowledge Scale

Martin, Tamara J (2015) Pentachlorophenol and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane alter secretion of interleukin 1-β (IL-β) from human immune cells

Mitchell, Kevin (2015) An Exploration of Factors Toward Seeking Psychological Help for African-American Male College Students

Monroe, Johanna A (2015) Comparing school- and home-based interventions to school-based treatment for disruptive behavior disorders: A meta-analysis

Moore, Virginia Christine (2015) Effect of Mycorrhizal Inoculation on Biomass Productivity of Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and Big Bluestem ( Andropogon gerardii Vitman)

Nelson, Rhia (2015) Detection and analysis of organic pollutants in wastewater and their effect on proteins

Odom, Tenisha N (2015) African-American Juvenile Males and Their Perceptions of the School to Prison Pipeline

Ogunmayowa, Oluwatosin Thompson (2015) Coupling bio/phytoremediation with switchgrass to biofuel feedstock production in mixed-contaminant soils

Olaywi, Hailah S (2015) Analyses of Anise and Ginger as Antitumor Compounds for cell line A549, HeLa and BT549

Omosa, Oladayo O (2015) Tennessee's small farmer marketing problems: Evidence on the mitigating effects of agricultural cooperatives

Oniyinde, Olayemi (2015) Food access and food environment in the Nashville Metropolitan Statistical Area

Osazuwa, Osaretin O (2015) Food supply chain: A qualitative case study of fresh onions, potatoes and tomatoes logistics in Davidson County

Parikh, Lipi (2015) Inheritance mechanism and QTL mapping of powdery mildew resistance in Cornus florida

Parker, Adrian (2015) Development of a battery modification system for reduction of SEI formation time

Parks, Kendra (2015) The effect of head-injury, dissociation, and self-esteem on interpersonal violence

Pitts, Tyresha (2015) An ab-initio study of HOX (where X = H, F, Cl, and Br) and YOX (where Y; = CH3) species in the Earth's atmosphere

Prestwich, Peter LeRay (2015) The effect of high copy effector eop1 in Ewrinia tracheiphila

Raman, Janani (2015) Exploring the role of critical incidents on cultural identity

Raza, Ahsan (2015) Ligase-Independent Cloning in Synthesis of Recombinant Bacteriocins

Rotich, Emily (2015) Studies on bacterial biological control of powdery mildew and other fungal pathogens in Cornus florida

Saini, Priya (2015) Effect of harvest timing on the quality of switchgrass for biofuel: Changes in lignocellulose, carbon and potential energy production

Sawyer, Susan (2015) The effects of direct instruction's corrective reading program on the reading proficiency of students in a self-contained special education school

Scott, Angela M (2015) Stereotype threat and African American college students' attitudes toward mental health treatment

Sellers, Amy L (2015) The relationship between body image, attachment, and race

Shaban, Wejdan (2015) Pd-catalyzed C-H activation and cross-coupling with potassium styryltrifluoroborates

Singh, Kuldeep Kumar (2015) Economic competitiveness of Paulownia as a feedstock for ethanol and electricity production

Stone, Angela Kelly (2015) Interaction between the antimicrobial peptide leucrocin and model membrane systems

Taabur, Tabeer (2015) Corporal Punishment by Parents

Thapa, Santosh (2015) Cloning of genes encoding for cellulolytic enzymes for metagenome in goat's rumen

Trice, Valerie M (2015) New teacher perspectives on their preparation for working with diverse learners

Wadees, Sajad Ali Najam (2015) Ab initio study of the geometry, vibrational frequency, and relative energy of atmospheric CH3OXy (X = H, F, Cl, Br, and y = -1, 0, +1) species

Walker, Martha Ann (2015) An assessment of the use of professional learning communities in selected rural middle schools in Tennessee

Washington, Andre (2015) The Effect of Looping on the Reading and Math Grade Equivalencies of Second, Third, and Fourth Grade Students

Welsh, Lauren (2015) The relationships among neuroticism, negative career thoughts and feelings, and lack of information in African American college students

Wilson-Seay, Sonja C (2015) Factors affecting teacher morale in Putnam County schools

Xi, Mengying (2015) Food access and environment in Davidson County, Tennessee: A comparison between food deserts and other neighborhoods

Young, Montwaun D (2015) Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc Complex with 1,3-Bis(diphenylphosphinomethyl)benzene

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Dissertations & Theses from 2014

Ahmed, Bulbul (2014) Combinations of genistein, EGCG and/or resveratrol synergistically inhibit pre-adipocyte differentiation by suppressing PPAR-γ/C/EBP-α pathway

Alhamdi, Heba (2014) Cytotoxic Activities of Plant Extracts (Lemon Balm, Wormwood, Costus, and Guava) and Honey against Breast, Lung and Colon Cancer Cell Lines

Alkilani, Amjad H. I (2014) Automatic Acoustic Events Detection, Classification, and Semantic Annotation for Persistent Surveillance Applications

Almuhanna, Fidaa (2014) Inhibition Of PC3/MCF-7/HEL and BT20 cancer cell In Vitro By Methanol Leaf Extracts Of Cloves and Perganum

Almusallam, Ola (2014) Growth Inhibitory Effect of Perganum, Sage, and Olive leave Plant Extracts on Breast/Lung Cancer Cell Lines

Almutairi, Laila Muthyib (2014) Scalable evolutionary computation for efficient information extraction from remote sensed imagery

Alsamadani, Rasha Hadi (2014) Characterization of Plasmids prepared from Bacillus thuringiensis strains obtained from Middle Tennessee

Alshammari, Musaad (2014) Gender and its affect on citizen's perceptions about punishment for domestic violence

Amartey, Paul K (2014) Modulation of protein oxidation by Genistein, Quercetin and Gluthathione in Hemoglobin/Myoglobin and in 3T3-L1 Cells

Anderson, Alphonso (2014) Juvenile delinquency: Causes and solutions

Bahadi, Mada Yousef (2014) Medicinal Plants from Saudi Arabia: In Vitro Cytotoxicity Evaluation on HeLa and PC3 Cell Lines

Bansal, Ankit (2014) Economic viability and energy efficiency of ethanol production from switchgrass and Miscanthus in Tennessee

Bartone, Anne S (2014) Man's clearest mirror: Exploring how the human-animal bond affects men in a relational way

Bateman, Karen Lynn (2014) Impact of Organic Nutrient Sources and Substrates (Peatlite and Coir) on Organic Transplant Production

Battle, Lisa K (2014) Family life events: A predictor of mental health for students attending southeastern HBCUs

Bohannon-Stewart, Ann L (2014) Expression of potential regulatory genes in abdominal adipose tissue during early developing broiler chickens

Brookins, Carla (2014) A program evaluation of jail-based rehabilitation programs in reducing recidivism rates

Brown, Shyretha D (2014) Tributyltin alters secretion of interleukin 1 beta from human immune cells

Bucknor, Carmen B (2014) An exploration of the family functioning, family roles, and family strengths of African American adult children of alcoholics

Bukari, Foaziatu (2014) Profile of broiler producers in Tennessee and vertical integration in broiler production

Cartwright, Jennifer M (2014) Soil ecology of a rock outcrop ecosystem: Abiotic stresses, soil respiration, and microbial community profiles in limestone cedar glades

Clark, Astiney M (2014) Polysaccharides as enzymes? The oxidation of catecholamines by Cu(II) or Fe(II) in the presence of chondroitin sulfate A or C

Dang, Thuan (2014) Interactions between the aspartic acid-rich antimicrobial peptide D4 and model membranes

Drabo, Leon (2014) Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and Pentachlorophenol alter secretion of tumor necrosis factor alpha from human immune cells

Elangovan, Vinayak (2014) Group Activity Detection and Recognition based on sequential Hidden Markov Models

Emujakporue, Linda (2014) Efficient and effective pattern detection for high dimensional microarray data

Ensey Hover, Ashlee B (2014) How kindergarten readiness affects the future academic achievement of students

Ezeadum, Azubuike (2014) Meat goat enterprise: Alternative source of income for Tennessee small farmers

Fears, Letimicia Satiana (2014) Studies of Universal Stress Protein and Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate in Bacillus thuringiensis strains

Ferguson, Keith Douglas (2014) The right to vote: Do strict photo ID laws affect voter turnout?

Flatt, Beverley A (2014) Finding the value in the vault: An examination of Tennessee FFA members' values in the Tennessee State FFA Convention Media Vault

Forero Bello, Paola Andrea (2014) Potential transformation of catecholamines to melanins in the presence of polysaccharides

Gao, Pan (2014) Exploration of genetic algorithm optimal parameters for feature extraction from remotely sensed imagery

Gerth, David J. B. (2014) Educating for societal contribution and positive diversity at a two-year community college

Ghent, Jazmin Deborah (2014) Jazz appreciation through early aged educational exposure

Goodin, Charlette R (2014) Charter school administrators' agricultural literacy and perceptions of agricultural education

Gribble, Hannah M (2014) The perceptions of English as a second language teachers on standardized test accommodations for English-language learners

Habibi, Mohammad Serkhail (2014) A Visual Analytics Model with Computational Intelligence Techniques for Adaptive Situation Awareness

Harris, La'Kishia Denise (2014) Exploring self-ethnic label selection in Latino/Hispanic origin adolescents

Hawsawi, Wedad Omar (2014) PCR-based Characterization of Bacillus thuringiensis Isolated from Middle Tennessee

Hayes, Alisha A (2014) An examination of the Common Core State Standards and technology standards across the United States: A focus on fourth grade math achievement

Head, Shenita (2014) The influence of parenting styles and self-efficacy: Impact on academic performance at an HBCU

Hodge, Damien M. (2014) Balancing accountability for persistence unto graduation: Perspectives of African-American male undergraduate students on mentoring, self-determination, and locus of control

Howard, Christianna A (2014) The Effects of Different Environments in Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia-1 (DISC1) Conditional Knock-in Mice

Ingram, Krisden (2014) Assessing factors influencing energy use and profitability of greenhouse operations in Tennessee

Iwuozo, Stephen A (2014) Incidence of greenhouse gas emissions from soils under different corn management practices

Jaman, Zinia (2014) Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial study of 5-substituted 1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-dialdehydes and their Schiff bases with sulfur-containing amines

James, Kisha (2014) Examining the relationship between media and body image in African American females at a historically Black college and university

Jima, Tigist G (2014) Impacts of land use/land cover metrics and patterns on phosphorus loading from watersheds in Southeastern USA

Joppich, Heather (2014) Diagnostic differences in relationships with voices, beliefs about voices, and coping methods

Joyner, Jordan R (2014) Co-occurring mild traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder in the military

Kankarla, Vanaja (2014) Beneficial Utilization of Coal Fly Ash with Organic Amendments to Enhance Biofuel Feedstock Production of Indiangrass (Sorgastrum nutans) in Armour Silt Loam Soils

Key, Kiana C (2014) Does Gender, Race, Civil Service, Years of Service, Salary, and Position Influence the Perception TBI Female and Racial Minority Employees Achieving Executive Positions in Law Enforcement?

Kimathi, Boniface Muthuri (2014) Comparative analysis and characterization of proteins associated with fat accretion in broiler chickens and guinea fowl

Kimbrell, Amanda G (2014) The effects of gender role conflict and adherence to masculine norms on help-seeking behaviors and academic performance in African American college students

King, Mailene Leachana (2014) Determination of the toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin against cancer cells

Lo, Andrew M (2014) Studies on antioxidant activity of flavonoids quercetin, keampferol, geneistein, and glutathione in proteins and 3T3-LA1 cells

Lovett, Kenyatta K (2014) The diffusion of governance in state economic development

Lynch, Erin (2014) Language of resilience: A mixed-methods study of academic resilience levels and writing proficieny in the General Education Development program participants of Nashville Tennesse

Mandil, Prachi (2014) Cloud based detection system to protect android smart phone devices from man-in-the-middle attacks

Miller, Everett N (2014) The perceived effects of federal healthcare policy on faith-based organizations: A qualitative study

Misra, Manu Kumar (2014) Network bandwidth provisioning for ensuring service level agreement (SLA)-based service guarantees

Mitchell, Apryl J (2014) An examination of stereotype threat on women's math performance: a meta-analysis

Mitchell, Terri C (2014) Offender Perceptions Of Why They Recidivate

Narain, Ariane S (2014) Predictors of parent and peer attachment in college students: Fatherless versus dual parent homes

Newby, Kenya E (2014) Effects of school-wide positive behavior support intervention concepts on teacher burnout

OHair, Joshua A (2014) Inadequacy of Gram's Iodine Assay to Detect Cellulase Degradation during Screening for Lignocellulolytic Bacteria and Fungi

Page, Michelle D (2014) Elementary educators perception of agritourism as a curriculum enhancer

Parker, Janet M (2014) Reading intervention for Hispanic students: A quantitative study on the effects of Read Live™ supplemental reading program

Patel, Khushikumari (2014) Synthesis of PbS/TiO2 nanocomposite materials using the sol-gel process via the incorporation of lead thiolates

Payne, Ashley C (2014) Lysine mediation of avian neuroendocrine food regulation

Pongo, Clarence (2014) Tennessee meat goat processing: Opportunities and constraints

Rackley, Joshua Waonsila (2014) The bond that breaks: The role of attachment style and gender on forgiving a sexual infidelity among African Americans

Rahman, Anisur MD. (2014) ZnX2 (X = Cl, Br) catalyzed efficient regioselective synthesis of 1,3,4-oxadiazole and 1,3,4-thiadiazole rings and their antibacterial studies

Rana, Krupa (2014) The Activation of Protein Kinase C and Protein Kinase D in Human Natural Killer Cells: The Effects of Tributyltin, Dibutyltin, and Tetrabromobisphenol A

Risto, Angela (2014) The Impact of Texting and Social Media on Students' Academic Writing Skills

Robinson, Christy Willis (2014) Teachers' perceptions on implementing a Professional Learning Community

Rucker, Janelle M (2014) The effectiveness of a constructivist educational model on the progress of social interaction for a child with autism: A case study

Smallwood, Gina W (2014) The Impact of School Climate on the Achievement of Elementary School Students Who Are Economically Disadvantaged A Quantitative Study

Smith, Angelea (2014) Green infrastructure solutions to improve the impacts of urbanization in rural communities in Tennessee

Smith, Jason Brandon (2014) Evaluation of a college readiness program in Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

Stadaker-Ervin, Sharon (2014) The effects of single-gender classes on male and female students' academic achievement, number of office referrals, and percentage of daily attendance in an urban elementary school

Sullivan, Mia C (2014) Exploring the 1890 land-grant institutions and school based agricultural education: A phenomenological study

Syed, Rabia (2014) An ab initio study of XBOy (X =H, F, Cl, Br and y = -1, 0, +1) interstellar species

Tyler, Lauren E (2014) Mediating chemical reactions using polysaccharides

Upchurch, Daniel F (2014) When hurt people hurt people: Examining bullying and homosexuality among college students at a Historically Black College and University campus

Vijayan, Grija (2014) Impact of sub-optimal macro and micronutrients on Romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and supra-optimal on coffee (Coffea Arabica)

Walker, Amira (2014) Comparing parental stress and parental efficacy based on the age of the child as determined by the Parenting Stress Index and the Parent-Child Relationship Inventory among immigrant Hispanic and Latino families

Wallace, T.L (2014) Development of subspace techniques for Kaczmarz reconstruction and genetic sequence clustering

Walton, Maria F (2014) Betrayal trauma, experiences of racism, resilience, and borderline personality characteristics in African-Americans

Wang, Li (2014) The effects of doe breed on reproductive rates and internal parasite tolerance

Watson, Makeda B (2014) The role of parent/child gender and child age in autonomy granting in Latino/Hispanic origin families

Wehbi, Khadijeh Abdulwahb (2014) Development of software system for predicting Protein-protein interaction sites using sequence informations

White, Rachel A (2014) Investigations of Anticancer Compounds from Camellia sinensis: Green, Black, and White Tea

Williams, Sparkle D (2014) The Synergistic Action of Chronic Ethanol and Reactive Oxygen Species on Insulin Signaling in Hypertensive Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

Zajdel, Joseph (2014) Formations of transfer among patterns, problems, music, and more

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Dissertations & Theses from 2013

Adas, Husam A (2013) Cloud computing based detection of malicious URL attacks on Android Smart phones

Adedokun, Tayo (2013) Development of Distributed Networked Control System For Turbine Engine Efficient Operations

Allison, Abimbola (2013) Identifying strategies for enhancing switchgrass quality for use as a bioenergy feedstock

Anthony, Earnest III (2013) The schwerdtfeger formula to calculate functions of matrices

Apraku, John (2013) Design, synthesis and evaluation of some trifluoromethylated cyclic enaminones as anticonvulsant agents

Arifuzzaman, Md (2013) Synthesis and antibacterial study of Schiff bases from 2,9-phenathroline-1,10-dialdehyde and dithiocarbazates

Aziz, Ahmed (2013) An examination of the use of music education software in public high schools in Davidson County and surrounding counties in Tennessee

Bailey, Kesha R (2013) Detection of N-Acyl Homoserine Lactone -Degrading Enzyme and Insecticidal Protein Genes in Bacillus thuringiensis

Bartley-Lukula, Audrey (2013) The efficacy of instructor-guided supplemental instruction as a strategy for helping reading-deficient college students improve testing and assessment outcomes

Barzizza, Lindsey C (2013) Interpersonal processes in engaging emerging adults who have "aged out" of foster care

Bass, Jaman I (2013) Ginseng Production in Tennessee: Examining the Role of Extension and Assessing Knowledge of Selected County Agents

Beckley, Vankita S (2013) The Public's Perception of Offender Rehabilitation

Bediako, Samuel K (2013) Increasing Diversity of the Farm Population in the United States: An Analysis of Trends and Prospects for Minority Farmers

Blackwood, Suzanne Normand (2013) College crisis: An examination of the relationship between timing of parental divorce and a predispostion to depression among college undergraduates

Bolah-Marshall, Stephanie C (2013) Tennessee public high school teachers' perceptions of the effects of standards-based reform on education

Boling, Timothy B (2013) The relationship between social class, racial identity, and masculine ideology in African American males

Brewer, Edward Lee (2013) A case for non-standard analysis

Buchanan, Shewanna Conner (2013) Developing a framework for identifying the characteristics of the bully and the bullied in middle schools: A pilot study

Burrage, Michael L (2013) Jordan D. "Chick" Chavis Jr.: His Legacy and Role in the Implementation of Instrumental Music Education in the Nashville African American Community

Byrd, Crystal J (2013) High glucose induces cell death and changes in insulin signaling in cultured hypenrtensive vascular smooth muscle cells of rat

Byrd, Crystal J (2013) High glucose induces cell death and changes in insulin signaling in cultured hypertensive vascular smooth muscle cells of rat

Callahan, Rontrell Marshurn (2013) An examination of high school directors' use of cooperative learning approaches in a marching band setting

Cappadona, Taylor A (2013) Method development for metallic ion waste treatment featuring precipitation and supramolecular chemistry

Carey, Stephen (2013) What is the current level of asthma knowledge in elementary, middle, and high school teachers?

Cato, Anita R (2013) The effects of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) and tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) on mitogen-activated protein kinases in human natural killer cells

Celada, Lindsay J (2013) The effect of environmental contaminants on mitogen-activated-protein kinase kinase kinase and Ras-GTPase activity in human natural killer cells

Celso, Ben (2013) Consensus problems in switching systems

Chowdhury, Aminul (2013) Spectrochemical assessment of bottled water and tap water from six counties in middle Tennessee

Clayton, Otis (2013) Student perceptions of teacher characteristics on math achievement for middle school African American students

Connelley, Cindy E (2013) A qualitative study of personal constructs of e-teaching

Cook, Melanie C (2013) A study of citizens' perceptions of the war on drugs

Dale, Patricia A (2013) The effect of ACT preparatory classes on secondary school students' academic achievement

Davis, Stephanie D (2013) Demographics, Region and Classification of Sexual Offenders are Associated with the Non-Compliance of the Tennessee Sexual and Violent Sexual Offender Registration, Verification and Tracking Act of 2004

Dixon, Beverly R.E.A (2013) In vitro evaluation of the potential for select bacteria and yeast as probiotics in poultry production

Donikini, Rajyalaxmi (2013) Green products and green marketing: Factors affecting consumers' purchases of green products

Duncan, Benjamin R (2013) A case study of alternatively trained science teachers: Attainment of pedagogical content knowledge

Edlin, Maria L (2013) Determining the Philosophical Orientation of Pre-Service Teachers: A Causal-Comparative Study

Efstathiou, Natali (2013) Self-control and well-being: The moderating roles of frustration intolerance and emotional intensity

Fox, Janice M (2013) The effects of Write Score formative assessment on student achievement

Gavilo-Lane, Laurie B (2013) State earned income tax credit outreach: Capturing federal credits

Gipson, Shondra N (2013) C-acylation of 5-trifluoromethyl-1,3-cyclohexanedione with substituted unactivated carboxylic acids and benzoyl chlorides

Giwa, Damilola (2013) Factors influencing the demand for goat meat in Tennessee: Implications for marketing

Golkonda, Ravindra Bangari (2013) Enhancing meat goat marketing: A study of marketing channels and practices used by meat goat producers in Tennessee

Golkonda, Swetha Bangari (2013) Bioproducts: Consumers' perception and buying behavior

Griffin, Sedric D (2013) Impact of the Complete College Tennessee Act's retention and graduation benchmarks on budget appropriations at Tennessee State University

Grissom, Donna Nell (2013) The effects of school entrance age and gender on math and language arts achievement

Haley, Katrina A (2013) A comparative study of high school Advanced Placement and dual enrollment programs using a mixed methods analysis

Hall, Taffey (2013) Creating collaboration: Exploring the development of a Baptist digital library and archive, a case study

Hamilton, LaKeisha C (2013) Men's spirituality as a predictor of their willingness to seek help

Hatfield, Tammy H (2013) A mixed methods study of special education administrators in Tennessee on transition services for high school students with disabilities

Hayes, Constance L (2013) Examination of Principals' Perceptions on School Climate in Metropolitan Nashville Public Elementary Schools

Hovis, Sarah K (2013) Temporal Variability of Water Quality Parameters in Two Creeks of the Collins River Sub-watershed Dominated by Nursery Crop Production

Hubbard, Justin S (2013) The Selection of Instrumental Band Method Books by Middle School Band Directors in and Around Davidson County

Hurd-Brown, Tasia D (2013) Effects of brominated flame retardant and organochlorine compounds on tumor binding capacity and cell surface protein expression on human natural killer cells

Jackson, Jason D (2013) Synthesis of single source molecular precursors for copper indium diselenide and copper indium disulfide production via confined plume chemical deposition

James, Olena T (2013) Cytotoxic Extracts of Ethnomedicinal Plants: Podophyllum peltatum (Mayapple) and Echinacea angustifolia

Johnson, Elizabeth (2013) The impact of instructional coaching on school improvement

Johnson, Jessica Nicole (2013) Teachers' inclusion of varied genres of music in middle school and high school class piano of Davidson County, Tennessee school system and surrounding counties

Johnson, Nehemiah (2013) The Relationship Between Stage of Change and Relapse Prevention in Substance Abusing Adults

Johnson, Roodie Antoinette (2013) Isolation and characterization of host extract-induced transposon mutants of Pectobacterium carotovorum

Johnston, Trevor S (2013) Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan [L.] Millsp.) growth, yield, and seed protein as affected by variety, spacing, and planting date

Kelley, Jr. (2013) Genomic and proteomic search for factors associated with fat accretion in broiler chickens

Kuppachi, Sri Harsha (2013) In-vitro hypocholesterolemic effect of multiple bacteria probiotics combined with levan fructo-oligosaccharide

Laradji, Amine (2013) Synthesis of novel acridone derivatives as potential biologically active compounds

Li, Hui (2013) Characterization of a Bacillus cereus strain and identification of its cellulolytic activity

Maringa, Chipo (2013) Investigation of school-level relationships in school capital infrastructure investment needs in Tennessee

McKenzie, Michelle L (2013) Music Performance Anxiety and Performance Degradation in students who study or have studied music at a collegiate level: A case study

Mears, Richard Scott (2013) A qualitative case study on first language loss and language maintenance of two Hispanic immigrant children

Mikhail, Maged B (2013) Development of integrated decision fusion software system for aircraft structural health monitoring

Moore, Tandra (2013) A study of the relationship between maternal stress and the frequency or severity of reported problem behavior in adolescents

Nelson, Kiimya (2013) Evaluation of Lysine Requirement of the French Guinea Fowl Broiler

Ocen, Michelle (2013) Examining the impact of the youth empowerment program on at-risk adolescents' academic achievement and resiliency

Okekeogbu, Ikenna (2013) Aluminum accumulation and its effects on acquired tolerance and proteome expression in tomato seeds during seed maturation

Patel, Rajeshkumar (2013) Design of a face recognition system using incremental principal component and independent component analysis (IPCA-ICA) methods

Prater, Michelle L (2013) Perceptions of the Full Range Leadership Model practiced by select high school administrators in Tennessee

Prater, Viola Marlene (2013) A comparison of rural middle school teachers' perceptions of culturally responsive teaching

Prospero, Vicmari (2013) Sprint Time Differences Between: 4 pt. Block Start, 4 pt. Non-Block Start, and Standing Start

Puckett, Quinton J (2013) Evaluation of Calcium and Phosphorus Requirement for Optimal Performance of the French Guinea Fowl Broiler

Raza, Khurram (2013) Secure radio resource management in cloud computing based cognitive radio networks

Rice, Wanda J (2013) A study of individual responses to bullying as a function of teacher burnout

Robinson, LaFrance (2013) Genetic regulatory networks in cells

Saleh, Nabil (2013) A novel route to organonitrites by Pd-catalyzed crosscoupling of metal nitrite and potassium organotrifluoroborates

Sangireddy, Sasikiran Reddy (2013) Identification of molecular and physiological changes in tomato in responses to aluminum stress and functional studies of aluminum responsive genes

Scott, Shari (2013) iOS – Worthy of the Hype as Assistive Technology for Visual Impairments? A phenomenological study of iOS device use by individuals with visual impairments

Sebastian, JoAnn (2013) The impact of an after-school intervention program on academic achievement among middle school students

Shipley, William G (2013) Physathlon™ events and training fitness/wellness efforts

Simpson, Janis Lee (2013) An analysis of programmatic variables relating to the pass rates on the licensure examination by practical nurses in Tennessee technology centers

Stafford, Debrah Wright (2013) Predictive factors effecting outcomes for juvenile delinquent cases in Tennessee

Stewart, Ann (2013) A mixed methods study of service learning in a public high school

Stratton, Timothy Fitzgerald (2013) Development of a general purpose testbed for networked control systems

Summers, Arrita W (2013) Perceptions of college graduates and college non-graduates regarding the impact of career and technical education on their lives

Supakhan, Jessica J (2013) Factors that contribute to the stress level of middle and secondary school principals

Thigpen, Juanita M (2013) The Public's Perception of Probation In Nashville, Tennessee: Is Public Safety at Risk?

Thomas, Kesha L (2013) Criminal Justice Practitioners' Perceptions Regarding Confidential Informants

Trabue, Sydnee (2013) Signaling and Genetic Studies of Chromobacterium violaceum

Vernon, Nichole (2013) The Study of Success of Individuals with Exceptional Needs in Tennessee Virtual Academy in Grades 5-8

Whittenberg, Judy Denise (2013) Brigance, reading scores, and student preschool participation: Predictors of future academic achievement

Wilcox, Tameisha L (2013) The relationship between Grade Point Average, Greek membership, criminal activity, and alcohol consumption in HBCU college students

Williams, Charles R (2013) Father involvement and offspring subjective well-being in African Americans

Williams, Fabre K (2013) The relationship between principal leadership practices and teacher morale

Worthy, Keno L (2013) Faculty attitudes toward students with disabilities at a Southern HBCU

Young, Duvall (2013) Dynamic or Static Stretch to Increase 40-Yard Dash Speed

Zhang, Long (2013) An empirical analysis of fruit and vegetable consumption and adult overweight and obesity in the U.S.

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Dissertations & Theses from 2012

Adigun, Jeremiah O (2012) Perceptions of the roles and responsibilities of IT administrators regarding technology strategic plans for client support centers in Tennessee Board of Regents institutions

Ajala, Adeayo Olayinka (2012) Molecular modeling studies of some bioactive hexahydropyrimidine and acridone derivatives

Al-Salah, Abdalla Hasan (2012) Development of clustering and classification software system for structure health monitoring

Amer, Saed T (2012) The integration of computer aided design (CAD) and quality function deployment (QFD) in the design and prediction of seat comfort

Anderson, Sharon K (2012) Perceptions of virtual learning among principals and superintendents in the Upper Cumberland region of Tennessee

Barut, Ugur (2012) The impact of transformational leadership on improving diversity in higher educational institutions

Braden, Sharon Smith (2012) Differences in perceptions of learning and academic achievement of students and teachers in Project-Based Learning and Balanced Mathematics classrooms

Bradley, Ashley N (2012) Characterization of nanoparticles synthesized in the presence of polysaccharides: The search for the needle in the haystack

Brazzel, Delores (2012) Art as Emotion: An exploration of visual arts integration as an anger management strategy in an alternative high school

Brooks, Christopher D (2012) The Level of Burnout amongst African American Student Teachers Attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Tennessee State University

Brown, Ashlee Nicole (2012) Antimicrobial resistance of Enterococcus from organic and conventional retail poultry in Davidson County, Tennessee

Champion, Charles E (2012) Removal of Radionuclides Using Green Chemistry: Precipitation of Strontium by Polygalacturonic Acid for Potential Treatment of Radioactive Waste

Cooper, Nicole (2012) Non-medical treatment versus medical treatment: A meta-analysis comparing the effects of complementary alternative treatments to the traditional medical treatments of ADHD symptoms in youth

Darris, Carl E (2012) Transcriptome analysis and functional characterization of genes associated with feed efficiency and immune function in poultry

Davis, Brittany K (2012) Physico-Chemical Analysis of Violacein Extracted from Various Strains of Chromobacterium violaceum

Davis, Rita C. F (2012) Examination of factors which may contribute to the underrepresentation of African American teachers certified in science

Dillard, Heather (2012) The Effects of Professional Learning Communities on the Efficacy Level of Novice Teachers: A Mixed Methods Study

Dillehay, Glenn Woodrow (2012) A mixed method analysis of the interaction between teacher variables, teacher absences, school district policies, and student achievement

Fadeyi, Oluwafemi (2012) Portfolio selection based on fuzzy probabilities and possibility distributions

Ford, Edmund H. (2012) Faculty perceptions of information technology and its perceived usefulness at a public, urban university in Tennessee

Foster, Dana M (2012) We've come this far by faith: an examination of religiosity, psychological well-being, a need to belong, and a fear of negative evaluation amongst African Americans

Foster, Tyrica S (2012) Interaction of tryptophan-arginine rich peptide with model membranes: Mechanistic insights into the outer-membrane disruption

Frazier, Kerry (2012) Developing a curriculum plan for a middle school all-star pop ensemble

Frazier, Marlow LaTreal (2012) Gastrocnemius flexibility and its influence on VO2Max

Gociu, Adina E (2012) College racial context in the development of symptomatic eating disorders in African-American college young adults

Goni, Abdul MD. (2012) Synthesis and characterization of metal complexes containing pincer type ligands

Hardeman, Loren (2012) Interactions Between Small Anionic Peptides and A Model Membrane in the Presence of Essential Metal Ions

Heater, Amber (2012) Noetherian Rees Algebra and Symbolic Powers

Hendrix, Rachel (2012) Student achievement impact of Geocaching integration in an agriscience lesson plan

Hereford, Treva D (2012) Black Male High School Dropouts: Six Perspectives

Hurt, Kelsi D (2012) Butyltins, Tributyltin (TBT) And Dibutyltin (DBT) Alter Secretion Of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNFα) From Human Natural Killer (NK) Cells And A Mixture of T cells and NK Cells

Ingle Smith, Ruby (2012) Perceptions of alternative schools in the Metropolitan Nashville School District

Jenkins-Holder, DeAundra G (2012) The effects of instructional leadership on high school students' writing achievement on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program

Johnson, Maria K (2012) Social Factors that Influence Sexual Aggression in Child Pornography Offenders

Jones-Mason, Keely S (2012) A comparison of service delivery models for special education middle school students receiving moderate intervention services

Jones, Patricia Anders (2012) The effects of curriculum integration on the academic achievement of secondary career and technical students

Joshua, Jacqueline (2012) Studies on the Cherry Leaf Spot Disease in Flowering Cherries (Prunus species)

Kamara, Hadijatu Mumini (2012) Synthesis of some trifluoromethylated indolones

Kimble, Don R (2012) A Theorem on Angles in Motion

King, Adrienne (2012) A Theoretical Study of Atmospheric HOOX (X = Hydrogen, Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromium) Species

Lawrence, Shanieek (2012) Endophytic Colonization of Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida L.) and their Potential Applications

Lenkala, Swetha Reddy (2012) Risk assessment of Cloud Carrier

Lewis, Clarissa Y (2012) Critical thinking dispositions of Tennessee agriculture teachers

Lewis, Stephen (2012) The impact of sub and supra optimal potassium supply on abiotic and biotic stress in okra

Link, Richard H (2012) Role of biodiversity and landscape characteristics in sustainable urban forest planning and management

Lippard, Clifford M (2012) Intergovernance: Intergovernmental Relations in an Era of Post-traditional Governance

Marriott, Shennea (2012) The effects of neuregulin and retinoic acid on embryonic stem cell derived embryoid bodies

Mason, Sean Natacha (2012) Development of Molecular Tools for Genetic Analysis of Erwinia tracheiphila Pathogenesis

Maziku, Hellen (2012) Enhancing the classification accuracy of IP geolocation

McCormick Peterman, Deborah (2012) Implications of constructivist pedagogy in teacher education: A comparison of problem-based learning vs. non-problem-based learning in teacher education programs

McNeal, McKenzie (2012) Robust networking architecture and secure communication scheme for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks

Mehta, Toral Rajesh (2012) Effect of Violacein Extracted from Different Chromobacterium violaceum Strains on Growth of Cancer Cells

Mgaya, Richard Hans (2012) Distributed control system and architecture for integrated control and diagnostics of turbine engines

Muallem, Asmah (2012) Visualizing geolocation of spam email

Nichols, Alexandro D (2012) Muscle memory: An analysis of repetitive motion theory applied to percussion performance in undergraduate college students

Nveawiah-Yoho, Peter (2012) Mechanisms for salt tolerance and susceptibility in tomato

Palmer, Marsha (2012) A Study of the Physiological, Biochemical and Molecular Regulations of Salt and Dehydration Tolerance Properties of Tomato

Paraiso, Johnna (2012) English as a Second Language Teachers and the Use of New Media: Collaboration and Connection

Parrott, Timothy Nolan (2012) ACT test preparation course and its impact on students' college- and career-readiness

Pitts, Alexis L (2012) Adult attachment, sexual motives, and high risk sexual behavior

Reynolds, Fedrick Nicholas (2012) Non-integer order differentiation and their approximations via Laplace transformation

Ridley, Janice Rebecca Becky (2012) The perceptions of teachers regarding their knowledge, beliefs, and practices of brain-based learning strategies

Robinson, Kristi R (2012) Student mobility effects on academic achievement in grade school students

Rosemond, LaNise D (2012) The effects of a mentoring program on African American collegiate football students at a predominately white institution

Salman, Bakhita (2012) Iris recognition system

Sharma, Uttam (2012) An ab initio study of XNO(y) and XPO(y) (X = Hydrogen, Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and y = +1, 0, -1) interstellar species

Shockley, Kristy (2012) Factors influencing teacher absenteeism in a Middle Tennessee school system

Slaughter, Christopher Rendelle (2012) Advantage of disadvantage: Moderating factors of racerelated stress on African American well-being

Terrell, Kevin (2012) Development of crack detection and length estimation software system

Towns, Danielle R. H (2012) Tennessee small farmers' risk management practices

Towns, Darnell Rayekal (2012) Undergraduate students' critical thinking dispositions and trust in sources of information about genetically modified food risk

Tyus, James E. (2012) Energy-dependent hypothalamic regulation of feed utilization in poultry

Vehorn, Alison C (2012) The evolution of autism research: A study assessing the use of calibrated severity scores and the social responsiveness scale with implications for future data collections

Walker, Shaine Donnie (2012) A Survey of Noetherian Rings

Walsh, Janet (2012) Marketing activities and usage in Historically Black College and University libraries 2000–2008

Waynick, Nicholas W (2012) Alternative Enterprises for Farmers: Economic Feasibility of a Small Scale Winery in Tennessee

Webb, Terry (2012) The impact of career and technical education on high school graduation rates in Tennessee

Wendt, Stephanie L (2012) The effects of Differentiated Instruction Support Inclusion Services on fifth grade reading/language arts achievement

Wilder, Tron H (2012) Student Needs Survey: A comparison of student responses

Williams, Brandi P (2012) Socioeconomic and academic predictors of performance on the Major Field Test in Psychology for students at Tennessee State University

Winningham, Mark L (2012) The effects of an academic alternative high school on academically at-risk students

Wolf, Jillian (2012) Using energy psychology in classrooms to decrease tension in college students

Wright, Tiffanie L (2012) The effects of modeling instruction on high school physics academic achievement

Wylie, D'Errico M (2012) An examination of factors related to the academic performance of African-American college students

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Dissertations & Theses from 2011

Agyemang, Paul A (2011) Interaction between soft rot erwinia and host signals

Allen, Derek L (2011) Factors Influencing Selected Tennessee Farmers' Attitudes and Willingness to Enter Voluntary Carbon Market

Al-Salah, Tulha Hasan (2011) Development of decision fusion software system for turbine engine fault diagnostics

Baxley, Amber N (2011) Sol-Gel Synthesis and Characterization of Lead Monosulfide/Silicon Dioxide and Lead Monosulfide/Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposite Materials using 3-Mercaptopropionic Acid as a Bifunctional Linker

Bell, Grant (2011) The Effects of Saxon Math Instruction on Middle School Students' Mathematics Achievement

Boatswain, Thea (2011) The influence of diet-induced obesity on avian cardiomyopathy

Booker, Ndala Marleyne Gooding (2011) A multiple case study of decision making and critical thinking skills among unwed adolescent mothers

Bozman, Charles E. (2011) The effects of principals' leadership styles, teacher efficacy, and teachers' trust in their principals on student achievement

Branson, Eric M (2011) Eyewitness Evidence: Analyzing Public Perceptions

Brown, Patrick C (2011) Pharmacophore generation for human serotonin and human norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

Catlin-Brown, ReEtta (2011) Dibutyltin exposure decreases granzyme B and perforin in human natural killer cells

Cecil, Elizabeth D (2011) Citizens' Perceptions of Surveillance Cameras in Public Places

Chester, Robin (2011) Intimacy domains in men as a predictor of their relational satisfaction

Cohea, David F (2011) Equalization litigation in Tennessee and the fiscal changes

Cook, Scott (2011) Gilded Age Ohioan Presidents and American Progressive Education: How Ohio and Its Presidents Influenced and Shaped the American Public Education System

Dawes, Sandy (2011) The Effects of School-Wide Behavior Support on Special Education Students' Achievement and Office Discipline Referrals

Doyle, Joseph A (2011) Songwriter's workshop: The planning and implementation of “The Little Compton Songwriter's Workshop” at the Little Compton Community Center

Duggans, Johnette S (2011) Cytotoxic effects of Hypericum extracts on breast and colon tumors

Eckenrod, Kelly Madison (2011) Adolescent school attendance patterns and the effects of coping style

Emerson, Jovanna (2011) Impact of service-learning on participants' attitudes towards people with disabilities

Eriamiatoe, Osarumen Rachel (2011) Independent living services and the educational motivation of foster youth

Floyd, Kori T (2011) The Impact of Second Language Acquisition and Student Achievement from Teachers' Perspectives

Glover, LaKesha P (2011) Evaluation of the Optimal Calcium and Phosphorus Requirements of the Pearl Grey Guinea Fowl

Godwin, Kimberly A (2011) The influence of standards on the college fraternity man: An evaluative study on the impact of the 2004 implementation of the North American Interfraternity Conference standards for member organizations

Goodpasture, Diane Blair (2011) Educated women Forced into Prostitution by Poverty: The Fiction of Lao She and Nawal el Saadawi

Hill, Alex (2011) The Relationship That Generalized Self-Efficacy, Racial Identity, and Self-Esteem Have on African American College Students' Academic Achievement

Holman, Lester Donnie (2011) Automated writing evaluation program's effect on student writing achievement

Howard, Kareem Sharif (2011) Cytotoxic Activity of Verbenaceae (Daniellia oliveri) & Solanaceae (Capsicum frutescens) on Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, and Colon Cancer cells

Jaha, Doaa Sami (2011) Microbial population associated with Agarwood and Agarwood oil

James, Cecilia C (2011) Assessing vocal damage and promoting vocal hygiene in college music major freshmen

Jeffries, Kristina (2011) Effects of Q-Angle and Pelvic tilt on Broad Jump, Vertical Jump and 40 yard dash in NCAA Division I Athletes

Kadiyala, Manjusha (2011) Polysaccharide stabilized nanoparticles as potential drug carriers

Kallakuri, PavanaSirisha (2011) Data based design of PID controllers for a magnetic levitation experiment

Kennedy, Steven (2011) Impact of nitrogen forms and ratios, and substrate pH on blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) root and shoot development

Kersey, Caleb M (2011) Regulation of Pectobacterium virulence by membrane transporters

Khoshnaw, Abdulqadir I (2011) Cross Layers Decision Making and Fusion Model in Layered Sensing Systems

Kilbourne, Katherine A (2011) Using GIS technologies to monitor and prevent Phytophthora diseases in southern Middle Tennessee nurseries

Knap, Michael J (2011) Stability and Stabilization Analysis Methods of Time-Invariant Uncertain Dynamical Systems

Kommireddy, Venkata L.S (2011) Comparative molecular markers' based analyses of cotton (Gossypium L.) lines

Le, Xuan (2011) Rhizodegradation of the pesticide bifenthrin in two different soil types

Liu, Kwei-Yu (2011) New Organic Transformation by Introducing Allyltrifluoroborates for Direct Aroylation, And Amination Reactions

Lyatuu, Isaac W (2011) On Parameter Variation in Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases: Malaria

Marneni, Murali Krishna (2011) Interactions between some antiretroviral drugs and dmpc model membrane in the presence of magnesium(2+) ions

McCurry, Charles D (2011) Distributed control methodology for cooperation of systems of systems

McDermott, Anne C (2011) Synthesis of Lead Sulfide/Silicon Dioxide Nanocomposites Using 3-Mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane as a Bifunctional Linker Molecule and Determination of the Formation Pathway

Moore, Tracee N (2011) Race, sexual desire, sexual activity and sexual satisfaction among older adults

Muhammad, Latifah Iman (2011) An online dual enrollment laptop pilot project: One-to-one computing and its effect on student participation, performance, and self-efficacy in online college coursework

Murray, Syrita LaVonne (2011) Effect of Supplemental Grower/Finisher Ration on Protein Level on Performance of Crossbred Meat Goats Grazing Joy Chicory

Nguluma, Athumani Shabani (2011) Reproduction, health and kid growth of Boer F1 and Myotonic does in Southeastern United States

Nolen, Agatha Louise (2011) Barriers to reforming the U.S. health care system for patient safety: A study of ten years of policy implementation for three Health Information Technology (HIT) strategies

Norwood, Christopher Wesley (2011) Development of a reproducible in vitro method to grow and study differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells in the presence of the vitamin A derivative, retinoic acid

Ogunwale, Mumiye A (2011) Synthesis of fluorinated hexahydroquinolines, bis acridinediones, xanthenediones and tetrahydro chromene carboxylates as potential drug candidates

Otukpe, Olufunmilayo (2011) Issues and challenges in cassava production for small farmers in Nigeria: Trends and postharvest management practices

Palk, Melissa C (2011) The effects of Title I funds in improving reading and math achievement in selected Tennessee middle schools

Palmer, Gabrielle (2011) Does Gender, Age, Race, and Education Influence Nashville Citizen’s Perception of Police Brutality?

Pasirayi, Simbarashe (2011) Assessment of risks and risk reducing strategies of small farm operators in Tennessee

Patenaude, Sharon (2011) A qualitative case study on the nature of teachers' awareness of the impact of their words on students

Pellerin, Ashley Nicole (2011) Influence of breed on adult doe attrition rates in a central Tennessee meat goat herd

Perdue, James M (2011) Outcomes of persons with disabilities who receive vocational training at Tennessee Rehabilitation Center

Pittman, Rebecca Jill (2011) Building a mosaic of trust: Identifying key antecedents of public trust toward improving school board performance

Rawlings, Jennifer (2011) Kindergarten readiness skills: Predictors of academic potential

Rowland, Newton Chad (2011) Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth and Reproduction of Humulus lupulus

Rumph, Tamira N (2011) Developing a new assesment tool to enhance overall celebrity ratings for endorsement purposes

Rushing, Eric L (2011) A study of stress in college students: A guide to understanding stressors

Sanders, Meghen L (2011) Bête noire no more: The effects of code switching in a high poverty, urban high school in Tennessee

Shanklin-Hastings, Crystal (2011) The impact of leadership work practices on student achievement

Shemberger, Melony Alicia (2011) The presence of sunshine laws in journalism curriculum: Qualitative insights

Skelton, Tyler N (2011) Geospatial assessment of threats to freshwater mussel populations within the Upper Duck River watershed

Smith, Carlisha A (2011) Demographic factors associated with obesity among African American and Latino adolescents

Smith, Jacqueline Renee (2011) The relationship between Tennessee middle school students' language arts achievement and State writing assessment scores

Smith, Rodney D (2011) From Boys to KINGS: Examining the Perceptions and Perspectives of African American Male Participants of the 100 KINGS Youth Development Program

Springer, Shelecia (2011) The Relationship between Stress, Coping and Demands of Ministry among Religious Leaders

Stephen, Krishna J.S.P (2011) Synthesis and characterization of water-compatible noble metal and iron nanoparticles for catalytic applications

Stephens, Dawn Nicole (2011) The Perceived Effects of Parental Divorce and Unresolved Trauma on Romantic Attachment: A Mixed Methods Study

Strong, Andre' J (2011) Robust Stability and Stabilization of a Class of Non-Linear Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems

Taylor, Jeanne Zanussi (2011) The symbolic Order of the Phoenix: The fracturing of the family romance and the quest for the real in J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series

Tedla, Ermias A (2011) Intercepting filter approach to detect and prevent SQL injection attacks on vulnerable SQL codes

Thompson, Kashin A (2011) Analyzing awareness of obesity among students in the school of Agriculture & Consumer Sciences at Tennessee State University

Walker, Renecia L (2011) A Documentation of the Development of the Tennessee Board of Regents' Ready2Teach Model for Teacher Preparation in Music Education

Weldegebriel, Mengistu H (2011) Factors that Affect the Decision of Refugee and Immigrant Students to Pursue Higher Education in Tennessee: The case of Egyptian, Somali, Kurdish and Mexican Students

Wettern, Paige N (2011) Culture and maternal influences on daughter's body image and eating habits

Wilson, Jessica A (2011) Statistical Methods to Determine Factors that Correlate with Success in College Algebra

Yorke, Richard Arnold (2011) The effect of specific forms of herb marination on the reduction of Campylobacter jejuni populations on chicken

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Dissertations & Theses from 2010

Abdul-Malek, Ayad (2010) Development of system automation and monitoring tool for heterogeneous platforms

Aitha, Mahesh Kumar (2010) Interactions of DNA bases with selected metal ions

Beals, Christopher M (2010) Chemiluminescent examination of watercress oxidative stress and trophic level assessment of water quality using the mustard beetle

Beane, Carlos D (2010) Control of time-delayed Markovian jump linear systems

Beard, Jasper J (2010) Student perceptions of safety on the campus of Tennessee State University

Becker, Ron (2010) Analysis of parent, teacher, and student perceptions of parent involvement at a Sumner County high school

Brandon, Nora C (2010) Employment of Ex-offenders: A Study of Community Perceptions of Prior Convictions Reported on the Employment Application

Brooks, Calisha (2010) Examining the relationship between socioeconomic status and academic achievement among high and low performers as reflected in dropout rates in the National Education Longitudinal Study

Brown, Brittany L (2010) Organic farming and factors influencing its adoptions: A study of Tennessee farmers

Bruce, Jeanne R (2010) Teachers' perceptions of the inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom

Buchanan, FaMitah QuiAnna (2010) Localization of RARα and RARγ in Mouse Embryonal Carcinoma and Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

Byrdsong, Quincy Jamal (2010) The impact of education programs on compliance in human subjects research

Campbell, Rubin (2010) Weight training and body conditioning for high school athletes

Carter, LeEllen Bedford (2010) The practice of mentoring: A comparative study of career and psychosocial functions of mentoring among educational administrators in Tennessee K-12 public schools

Caukin, Nancy S (2010) Science writing heurisitc: A writing-to-learn strategy and its effect on student's science achievement, science self-efficacy, and scientific epistemological view

Chapman, Angela M (2010) Examining the effects of pre-kindergarten enrollment on kindergarten reading readiness

Coleman, Antoinette Yvonne (2010) Time Course Analysis of Semphorin 3F and Neuropilin-2 Expression in the Mammalian Brain

Crow, Johnny (2010) An analysis of the academic achievement of urban and rural low -socioeconomic status Tennessee public schools

Daniel, Amanda Cooksey (2010) Immorality-blackness associations and the moral-purity metaphor in African Americans

Davenport, Kevin O (2010) The effects of participation in school instrumental music programs on student academic achievement and school attendance

Davis, Kelly R (2010) The effectiveness of a batterer intervention program: A case study

Dildine, Gina (2010) General education teachers' perceptions of their role in developing Individual Education Programs and their use of IEPs to develop instructional plans for students with disabilities

Dobbins, Tamika R (2010) Citizens' Perceptions on Sex Offender Registration and Notification

Dudimah, Fred D (2010) The role of mitogen activated protein kinase, p44/42, in the butyltin-induced alterations of human natural killer cell function

Emerson, Janice S (2010) TennCare disenrollment effects on the Davidson County health care safety net

Fletcher, Joyce Marie (2010) An examination of the effect of depression on the cognitive functioning and academic performance of college students

Gary, Christeny Y (2010) Graduate students' learning styles and perceptions of course management systems

Gaston, Antoinette (2010) Biochemical and genomic characterization of Chromobacterium violaceum strains isolated from the Tennessee Copper Basin

Gibbs, Makisha (2010) Media influence on body image dissatisfaction

Gibson, Christy D (2010) Effect of temperature stress on the response of potato (Solanum tuberosum) to soft-rot (Erwinia) infection

Green, Courtney D (2010) College Student Perceptions of Whether Child Abuse Influences Crime

Grimes, Ta'Cillia L (2010) The variables that affect crime in the 95 counties in Tennessee

Gudivada, Sita Manohar (2010) Development of localization software system for tracking of mobile sensors in a wireless sensor network

Gunne, Allison J (2010) Convergent validity of the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills with the Test of Phonological Awareness in Spanish and the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing in English

Hatton, Whitney B (2010) Synthesis and characterization of lanthanide based nanoparticles using polysaccharides

Hayes, Jennifer Louise (2010) Expanding roles for Black women in literature: Zora Neale Hurston and Gloria Naylor

Heiner, Matthew Johnson (2010) Sanctification of sexual relationships in African American university students

Hill, Selina M (2010) The role of a spiritual or religious struggle in the path to finding meaning in life

Holloway, Rosalind S (2010) Perceptions of college students on the theory of *evolution

Houck, Emmeline Cook (2010) The relationship between moral reasoning and the multidimensional model of racial identity

Isabel, Lesley A (2010) The effects of high quality professional development activities for teachers on students' Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) scores

Jones, Anisha Mabry (2010) Factors that influence student drug use in a small rural Tennessee school district

Jones, Joseph (2010) Professional growth among K-12 teachers: The development of a culture of experimentation, reflection, and collaboration

Kennemore, Courtney A (2010) Spectroscopic studies involving antiretrovirals

King, Scheniquah (2010) Factors associated with inclusive classroom teachers' implementation of differentiated instruction for diverse learners

Lipsey, Tammy (2010) Reading intervention with K–4 struggling readers: The effect of using minimally trained tutors in one inner -city public school

Littleton, Jennifer (2010) Technology implementation effectiveness and training of teachers and administrators in secondary schools

Liu, Zong (2010) Identification of mechanisms for cold tolerance in Helleborus orientalis Lam.

Long, Charles A (2010) Academic performance in cohort-based preservice teacher education programs

Loucks, Christina May (2010) Creating lewd women out of law and press: How laws of bastardy and infanticide in Early Modern England affected the single mother

Martin, Gene F (2010) Examining the effectiveness of Neighborhood Watch program by measuring the perceptions of citizens who reside in a sample of Nashville Neighborhood Watch communities

Matthews, Sharon Elizabeth (2010) The relationship between student voice and perceptions of motivation, attachment, achievement and school climate in Davidson and Rutherford counties

McCormick, Kimberly G (2010) A study of the relationship between high school dual enrollment participation and college persistence, including potential intervening variables, in southeast Tennessee

McDermott, Kathleen R (2010) Using spatial analysis to determine the proximity of concentrated animal feedlot operations to watershed pollution in Tennessee

Melton, Marcia G (2010) A comparison of achievement in K–8 schools and 6–8 schools

Mncube-Barnes, Fatima Maria (2010) The use of collaboration tools when teaching with Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS)

Morton, Janelle P (2010) Infant feeding choices among WIC participants

Mumuni, Samad Dimbie (2010) A comparison of the six principles of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of the United States and the Persons with Disability Act of Ghana

Nashe, Turner (2010) An analysis of inmates in Davidson County, Tennessee: Factors that impact participation in GED programs.

Nasir, Sana Siddeeqah (2010) The marriage squeeze: A comparison between African American and European American educated women

Neal, Kelle (2010) “Part of your world”: Disney's portrayal of ethnic minorities

Nolen, Curtis L (2010) The impact of resident safety culture on quality outcomes in intellectual disabilities: A study of Tennessee community agencies

Odman-Ghazi, Sabah O (2010) Effects of butyltins on cytosolic calcium ion levels, MAPKs signaling pathways and apoptotic pathways in human natural killer cells

Ojetola, Akindeji O (2010) Development of analytical technique, tool, and metric for seat comfort prediction

Orellana, Karee Marie (2010) The influence of the Tennessee comprehensive assessment program-alternate portfolio assessment on the education of students with significant disabilities in Tennessee public schools

Otome, Okoromoba A.E (2010) Synthesis and structure activity relationship of fluorinated enaminones: Potential antiepileptic compunds

Perry, Joseph (2010) Critical elements affecting retention of first-time, full-time freshmen at Tennessee State University

Pirtle, Lela O (2010) Variables that Predict Reported Domestic Violence

Poe, Laminta G (2010) Student perceptions of marital rape laws

Reece, Shana J (2010) The relationship among stress, burnout, and locus of control of school psychologists

Robinson, DeMica C (2010) A qualitative examination of the effectiveness of peer/teen courts in Wilson County, Tennessee

Rotich, Emily (2010) Antibiotic-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in retail meats and domestic kitchens in Middle Tennessee

Spann, Thomas Lee (2010) A survey of selected percussion ensemble literature: 1930-1985

Stratton, Martha Walker (2010) The ACT as a predictor of students' academic performance in introductory biology courses

Suggs, David (2010) A comparison of job satisfaction between patrol officers and those in specialized units within police departments

Taylor, Thyneice R (2010) Effects of ziram on natural killer cell function

Terrell, Kimberly (2010) Measuring success in life via components of social and emotional intelligence and quality of life

Underwood, Samuel Scott (2010) Teacher empathy and its impact on bullying in schools

Van Horn, Elizabeth Leigh C (2010) Expectancy violations of the division of labor on marital satisfaction across the transition to parenthood

Wake, Tadesse Duga (2010) Pseudoinverses

Williams, Joy T (2010) Effects of daughter's perceptions of mother's body image on personal body image and related issues

Williams, Sparkle D (2010) Chronic ethanol exposure alters expression of insulin-induced mitogen-activated protein kinases in hypertensive vascular smooth muscle cells

Wordlaw, Randall (2010) Profile of agribusinesses in Tennessee: Knowledge of international markets, needs and informational sources

Woron, Amy M (2010) Inter-organizational learning: A comparative study of the Food and Drug Administration's (HHS) reaction to the Food Safety and Inspection Service's (USDA) E. coli O157:H7 experience

Wyllie, Tara Ashley (2010) Perceptions of domestic violence and strangulation

Yalala, Ashwini Kumar Reddy (2010) Market approach based decentralized resource allocation system for multi-tasks and multi-users in wireless sensor networks

Youngman, Shannon (2010) The role of the instructional technology coach in improving elementary teachers' perceived ability to meet the National Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Teachers

Zippay, Cassie F (2010) An exploration of the critical and reflective thinking and the culturally relevant literacy practices of two preservice teachers

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Dissertations & Theses from 2009

Adamson, Saudat A (2009) Cytotoxic extracts of ethnomedicinal plants: In vitro evaluation of anticancer activity and progress towards bioassay-guided isolation and characterization of active constituents

Agbaje, Oluropo C (2009) Lewis acid mediated diastereoselective synthesis of fused fluorinated & non fluorinated spiroketal: As potential biologically active unnatural products

Alam, Shahrina (2009) Potassium allyltrifluoroborates and its use in organic transformations

Aluoch, Moses (2009) An examination of effective algebra intervention strategies in selected high schools within Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

Anachebe, Nonyerem Rosemary (2009) The relatively high prevalence of cardiovascular disease among African Americans

Arino de la Rubia, Leigh S (2009) A survey of the scientific epistemological views of college students: Assessing the impact of an implicit curriculum in science education

Armstrong, Aisha P (2009) The factors that influence retention of African American undergraduate college students at a historically Black college or university

Armstrong, Patrice (2009) Correlations between groundwater bacteria types and geochemistry of springs in Nashville, Tennessee

Armstrong, Sherry (2009) Values incorporated in the stories of three basal reader series grades one through three: A modified content analysis

Bajaj, Prashant (2009) Synthesis and characterization of lead chalcogenide nanoparticles (PbE, E = selenium, tellurium) semiconductor nanocomposite materials in silica matrices

Barland Edmondson, Christina (2009) Self -care advocacy as an ethical obligation in counseling psychology programs

Berrios, Jacqueline (2009) The anti-carcinogenic effect of Chromolaena odorata, Ocimum basilicum, Ertyphleum suaveolens on breast and colon cancer cell lines

Brown, Johanna A (2009) Identifying effective interventions for reducing/removing aggressive tendencies among school-aged adolescents: A meta-analysis

Burke, Karen Lenoir (2009) Cytotoxic function of endotoxins produced by middle Tennessee isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis against Aedes albopictus cell line CCL-126

Burnett, Chase (2009) The perception of stressors among police personnel: Looking at the operational and organizational aspects of police work in suburban departments

Carter, Tracey B (2009) Ascension to the American college presidency: A study of female presidents of public universities and community colleges in select Southern states

Chittedi, Anand (2009) Development of software system for constraint control of mobile sensors in wireless sensor networks

Churchwell, Dawn Earheart (2009) The impact of reading achievement on overall academic achievement

Churchwell, Don Wesley (2009) The relationship between STAR Math score gains and academic achievement in math

Clark, Ryan (2009) The anti-microbial effects of Camellia sinesis on Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Staphylococcus aureus

Clay, Teresa Joy (2009) Reservation gaming: A catalyst for self -governance for the tribes of Arizona, New Mexico, and Oklahoma

Coffelt, Rhonda Lane (2009) Effects of tributyltin on cytosolic calcium and actin in human natural killer cells

Corlew, Willie (2009) The absence of a father or father figure and its impact on the academic success of high school males

Crutchfield, Courtney P (2009) This is insanity! Offender mental diagnosis on trial

Cull, Michael (2009) The relationship between goal congruence and policy adoption among providers of child psychiatric services in Tennessee

Davis, Kimberly N (2009) Paternal figure influence on resiliency development in African American adolescent females

Davis, Ronald Dwyane (2009) Development of a network based commercial broadcasting system

Dennis, Michelle (2009) Examining Sexual Offender Perceptions in Tennessee

Duke, Christopher A (2009) The quality of student life and its impact on retention at an urban historically black university

Gallaher, Carren Marie (2009) A tale of two tracks: Analysis of student dialogue in standard and honors high school English classes

Gamill-Winston, Tameka (2009) Predictors of achievement outcomes in the Black Belt State of Mississippi

Gatlin, Jennifer (2009) The perceptions of regular high school and dual enrollment teachers and dual enrollment students toward college preparedness and dual enrollment courses in two Tennessee public school systems

Gottipati, Srinivas Arunteja (2009) Target classification in SAR images

Green, Sheba L (2009) The impact bullying and aggression has on social competence in preschool children

Griner, Brian C (2009) Examining knowledge and stereotypes regarding HIV/AIDS and attitudes toward condom use in an HBCU population

Guinn, Toby Ready (2009) The effectiveness of SRA Corrective Reading and SRA Connecting Math programs as reading and math intervention programs for students with disabilities

Hall, Lindsay (2009) Problem solving and creativity: A gender and grade level comparison

Hanger, Brian S (2009) Administrators' perceptions of corporal punishment in four Tennessee counties

Harris, James Olen (2009) Relationship of factors pertaining to youth attitudes toward school, self -esteem, and violence

Hawthorne, Mary Jane Golding (2009) The leadership behaviors of effective elementary school principals

Head, Shenita (2009) The relationship between test anxiety and motivation: The impact on test taking performance

Hendrix, Kelicia Nicole (2009) The impact of gender on standardized testing a meta-analysis of existing studies, 1987-2007

Henry, Marquitta M (2009) Vocational identity development and affect among African-American and Caucasian undergraduate men

Hinkson, Natasha C (2009) The effects of hexabromocyclododecane on human natural killer cell function

Holt, Wayne Lee (2009) Examining the effectiveness of interactive mathlets in a web enhanced math course

Hunt, Teresita Michele (2009) A modified content analysis of selected secondary reading methods textbooks: 1970–2008

Ivory, Dana M (2009) Preparation of gold and silver nanoparticles using chondroitin sulfate or cartilage powder and their possible immunomodulatory effects

Jones, James R (2009) Educators' perceptions of corporal punishment in school

Kinnersley, Ruth Tomaschke (2009) Mentoring relationships of female administrators in Tennessee higher education

Knox, Heather A (2009) Psychological birth order and theoretical orientation of professional psychologists

Larson, Jennifer L (2009) TDOC officer perceptions and mainstreaming death row inmates in Tennessee

Long, Lucinda (2009) Effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy interventions in altering childhood aggressive behaviors

Lorenzen, Lisa (2009) Life satisfaction and body image confidence: Health risk factors for African-American college women

Maultsby-Springer, Barbara Michelle (2009) A descriptive analysis of the impact of co-teaching on the Reading/Language Arts and Math achievement of selected middle school students in a Middle Tennessee school district

McAtee, Reney M (2009) A qualitative case study of two novice teachers in a private middle school

McClure, Melissa D (2009) The effects of an arts-based curriculum on academic achievement

McHenry, Rendie Ellette (2009) Molecular and morphological characterization of Bacillus thuringiensis isolates from middle Tennessee

McShepard, Gerard (2009) Evidence for the involvement of dynamin and other GTPases in the trafficking of the choline cotransporter

Mohamed, Shikheldin B (2009) Synthesis and characterization of gadolinium molybdate nanostructures using the microemulsion synthetic technique

Moore, Michael I (2009) Banach spaces: The Hahn-Banach theorem

Morris, Jimmy Donald (2009) Compare and contrast of the fundamental group and homotopy group

Nwankwo, Geoffrey (2009) Moving target detection in video streams from stationary and moving cameras

Onyejiaka, Alexandra I (2009) Cytotoxic Activity of Three Nigerian Medicinal Plant Extracts on Breast/Colon Cancer Cell Lines

Pearson, Gregory J (2009) Perceptions of postsecondary outcomes among high school students who are deaf or hard of hearing

Person, Rachel J (2009) Effects of butyltin exposures on the transcription regulator AP-1

Peterson, Jason R (2009) Weblog writing and post-process ecocomposition theory in secondary English instruction

Pope-Chesser, Melinda L (2009) The effect of single -sex classes on achievement in math, reading, and language arts and perceptions among eighth grade teachers in a Rutherford County middle school

Puryear, Carol G (2009) The Tennessee lottery scholarship program: Impact on retention

Rababaah, Haroun R. A (2009) A novel energy-logic model for multi-modality multi-agent data and information fusion

Reding, Denise A (2009) Construct validity and short-term test-retest reliability of the Fear of the Feminine projective test

Reed, Gerald Gregory (2009) A program evaluation of United States Agency for International Development funded legislative development in El Salvador and Nicaragua

Robinson, Aree E (2009) Test anxiety difference as a function of gender in African American college students

Rodriguez, Janice Snow (2009) Content analyses of state-level language policy rhetoric, pre- and post-9 /11

Schultz, Arthur Ray (2009) Another look at the hyperreal numbers and their applications

Sekar, Sharada (2009) A study of the predictors of academic success among high school English language learners in one urban Tennessee school district

Sewell, Eugene J (2009) The effect of a Stand -Alone Freshman Academy on first time ninth graders

Simon, Kerry Anne (2009) A survey of the perceptions of Tennessee teachers, their administrators, and teacher educators regarding preservice music teacher preparation

Sloan-Brown, Karen D (2009) An examination of state funding policies for higher education and their effects on postsecondary enrollments

Smith, Richard G (2009) Burnout in paraprofessionals working with individuals with disabilities

Soanker, Prasanna Kumar (2009) Outdoor human detection system for mobile robot navigation

Sowell, Rita (2009) Interactive communication as an element of student success in online college math courses

Springfield, Derriell Montez (2009) Cycle graph graded algebra & cyclohedra

Stevens, Francis (2009) Construction of an authentic gender identity

Stewart, C. Gregory (2009) Constructing powerful behavioral paradigms: Paying students to do well

Tella, Aditya (2009) Human-robot interaction for cooperative task handling

Temple, Rebecca A (2009) Law enforcement officers' personality and perceptions of organizational stress: An SEM study

Tharp, Terri J (2009) Learning communities for university students at-risk of school failure: Can they make a difference?

Thompson, Christine Love (2009) The effect of writing evaluation on writing performance: A study in writing proficiency levels of fifth grade students

Thompson, William (2009) Math scores of students with disabilities in different educational settings

Tough, David T (2009) Developing a consensus -driven, core competency model to shape future audio engineering technology curriculum: A web-based modified Delphi study

Wai, Maya Chen (2009) Microwave-irradiated benzoylation reactions and coupling reactions

Walker, Mary Elizabeth (2009) Relationship of spirituality, subjective well -being, and psychological well -being in a population of African-American college students

Weston, Christina (2009) Upper bound for minimal disjoint path/cycle coverings of n-vertex simple connected graphs

Williams, Lindsay Danielle (2009) Design of a multiple wireless intruder detection and tracking system

Wilson, Christina (2009) Symbolic Rees algebra and polynomials

Yarbrough, Leondre (2009) Design and development of a visualization and mapping system for use in an indoor 802.11g wireless localization and tracking system utilizing a directional antenna array

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Dissertations & Theses from 2008

Baah, Kenneth (2008) Optimal dynamic portfolio selection: Single and multiperiod mean-variance formulation

Bailey, Louise (2008) Interpersonal relationship curriculum and student personal development

Battle, Adrienne (2008) The perceived efficacy of teacher preparation programs and beginning teachers' perceived level of preparedness

Bennett, Chandra (2008) An investigation of the factors associated with spiritual maturity of Southern Baptist African American adults

Bivens, Judy (2008) The relationship between selected Tennessee elementary and middle school library media centers and Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program Composite Reading Test scores

Bonimy, Madlyn M (2008) Residents' attitudes and perceptions towards the impact of tourism on the *environment in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Brinson, Jarvis S (2008) Factors leading to adultery in the military population

Brisbane, Jacqueline Denise (2008) Perceived efficacy of Freshman Academies by freshman teachers and administrators

Bullard, Tracy M (2008) Promoting English language learners' school success through models of partnership between parents and teachers

Caglar, Faruk (2008) Development of an autonomous mobile robot outdoor navigation system

Carpenter, Peggy A (2008) Perceived barriers to achievement and retention of undergraduate students at a private, church affiliated university

Cathey, Kendal Shriver (2008) The effect of athletic participation on academic achievement of middle school students

Challa, Prathima (2008) Development of an adaptive human-robot interaction system

Cook, Carla K (2008) The perceived effectiveness of a mentoring program: Dr. Betty Shabaaz Delta Academy

Curtis, Joy B (2008) Comparison of female body images at a Christian college and secular university

Diggs, Alice C (2008) Design of a socially intelligent task selection software mechanism for a mobile robot

Dodd, Matthew Robert (2008) The effect of inclusion classrooms on the science achievement of general education students

Edwards, Deidrah L (2008) Predicting IQ from achievement when screening academically gifted students in the state of Tennessee

Elangovan, Vinayak (2008) Development of software system for localization of stationary wireless sensor nodes

Evans, Rosalyn Annette (2008) The impact of transition programs on administratively promoted eighth grade students in Clarksville -Montgomery County Schools

Ferdousi, Zannatul (2008) Design and development of a real-time gesture recognition system

Franklin, Genae Marie (2008) An examination of factors that changed the impetus of music education advocacy in American society

Fuqua, Dellanita Steele (2008) Safe @ last: The evaluation of a child sexual abuse prevention program for elementary students

Garrison, Tierenney M (2008) Death on the brain: The psychological effects of the death penalty based on the views of those condemned to die

Gidelew, Getnet Abebe (2008) Irreducible polynomials in Z[x]

Gilliard, Christina (2008) A comparison of juvenile delinquency in Tennessee and Georgia

Gilmore, Lindsay Sidney (2008) “Copping a plea” in Tennessee: An examination of the bureaucratic rationale used to administer justice in the criminal court process

Griffin, Niyah E (2008) Elementary teachers' perceptions and attitudes toward the inclusion of English language learners in mainstream classrooms

Grimes, Justin C (2008) The effects of student participation in FLES* programs on standardized test scores

Han, Jun (2008) Design of Web Semantic Integration System

Harbour, Janaar (2008) Linear system stability: Stability radii and robustness

Helms, Mary Ann (2008) Predicting nursing student success on the HESI comprehensive nursing exit examination

Hightower, Jesse (2008) Crime on campus: An analysis of Tennessee's private historically black colleges and universities 2001 and 2006

Hill, Adam Alexander (2008) On Noetherian Rees algebras and symbolic powers

Hill, Kellee N (2008) Understanding dilated cardiomyopathy in poultry: The Guinea fowl model

Holt-Roberts, Gazetta (2008) An examination of the perception of educators regarding the selection criteria used in placing students in Advanced Placement courses in three middle Tennessee counties

Huth, Erick E (2008) Teacher attitudes toward alternative forms of compensation beyond the traditional single salary schedule

Jackson, Cynthia D (2008) African American women, childhood sexual abuse, resilience, and HIV risks: Implications for a culturally sensitive counseling model

James, Antoinette M (2008) The relationship between materialism and the amount of time African-Americans spend listening to rap music and watching rap videos at Tennessee State University

Johnson, Kiera Elizabeth (2008) An examination of factors impacting the quality of music education in the urban environment

Jones-Coofer, LuSheena M (2008) Examining the relationship of trait anxiety and worry among African-American female undergraduate students

Kacprowicz, John P. (2008) The effects of short -term relaxation training on high -achieving eighth grade students' test anxiety and self -esteem

Kelly, Kenan Walker (2008) Log jams: Napier's logarithm and its morphs

Keown, Sandra L (2008) Effects of the use of thematic organizers in conjunction with concept mapping on learning, misconceptions, and retention in middle school science class

King, Sherry L (2008) The effect of analogy instruction on first graders' analogical reasoning and reading comprehension

Malone, Natalyn (2008) Fifth graders in an elementary school setting vs. fifth graders in a middle school setting: Achievement, attendance, discipline

Merriman, Regina Tarpley (2008) A study on the effects of a balanced literacy program featuring the Voyager Passport Intervention Program on third grade students in a rural school district located in middle Tennessee

Mofield, Emily Lynne (2008) The effects of an affective curriculum on perfectionism and coping in gifted middle school students

Moody, Anissa L (2008) Informal caregiving within a HAART era advanced HIV cohort

Osborne, Kathryn E (2008) The effect of Tennessee's Gateway examinations on high school graduation rate

Peters, Sharon D (2008) Higher education desegregation and the performance of public Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Pierfax, Cynthia Michelle (2008) The effect of level and length of grower ration supplementation on chevon production, carcass characteristics and return over feed cost

Poe, Susan K (2008) Authentic language vs. decodable texts for reading aloud with kindergarten children: A study of understanding and recall

Powell, Totumoh A (2008) The effect of ability grouping on the self -concept of above average, average, and below average readers

Pruitt, Alarick (2008) Job satisfaction and organizational commitment within Davidson County Community Corrections and Davidson County Drug Court Residential Programs

Pugh, Michael D. (2008) The effects of Tennessee teacher licensure test scores and teacher level of education on student achievement levels

Roberts, LaTisha (2008) Design and development of a gender and language recognition system

Robinson, Kristi R (2008) The difference in the quality of life variables between married and unmarried African American university students who are mothers

Rubin, James Bernard (2008) The effects of peer mentoring on a college developmental learning strategies classroom

Russell, Susan Moore (2008) On-site versus remote instruction utilizing interactive television in nursing: A comparison of performance and attitudes at Columbia State Community College

Sadler, Tamela R (2008) Implications for practitioner diagnosis of Adult ADHD in a primary care setting

Salman, Amin (2008) The case for an Islamic school in Nashville, Tennessee

Settle, Anna Goodwin (2008) Gender role conflict as a predictor of date rape variables in African American men

Shamantula, Sampath Kumar (2008) A software system for robust and load balanced parallel computing in heterogeneous environment

Sigears, Kimberly Ann (2008) The impact of the implementation of the Scholastic Read 180 model on reading skills development of middle school students with learning disabilities as compared to those using the Traditional Resource Reading model

Smith, Courtney D (2008) Citizen perceptions of race and televison crime news

Smith, Tina Lynn (2008) The impact of residential community living learning programs on college student achievement and behavior

Spearman-Teamer, Carolyn A (2008) African American male athletes: An examination of a conflicted sense of masculinity as a source of psychological distress

Tanner, Billy Thomas (2008) The effect of preschool attendance on children's readiness for kindergarten

Thompson, Rebekah M (2008) Racial profiling in law enforcement and its effects on citizen attitudes toward police

Turner, Ronald G (2008) Religion in prison: An analysis of the impact of religiousness /spirituality on behavior, health and well-being among male and female prison inmates in Tennessee

Ulmer, Tameca A (2008) Examination of cross cultural motivating factors in educational pursuit

Wagner, Rebecca Ann (2008) Thinness or proportion? Cultural differences in body image dissatisfaction

Walker, Sheena Coker (2008) An examination of the psychological impact of gender role conflict and the engagement in double-consciousness among African-American men

Wilbert, Lillian Taylor (2008) High school mathematics teachers' perception of students with math anxiety

Williams, Lori Anne (2008) The effect of motivational strategies on the homework completion rate of high school students

Winn, Jewell (2008) The Geier Consent Decree years: Fulfilled or unfulfilled promises?

Wood, Andrew W (2008) Quality, cost, and benefit of applied behavior analysis by providers of distinct credentials for persons with developmental disabilities

Wright, Howard G (2008) An analysis of the use of Continous Quality Improvement in the retention of African American males at historically black colleges and universities

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Dissertations & Theses from 2007

Armour, Jerry Douglas (2007) Effects of therapists' personal therapy experience on perceptions and help-seeking decisions of potential consumers

Atolagbe, Olajide O (2007) The perceived efficacy of alternative therapy in the treatment of psychological disorders

Barron, Lisa Lynne (2007) A study of the effect of kindergarten entry age on third grade academic achievement

Bean, Andre O (2007) An examination of factors that contribute to African Americans inability to seek professional psychological help

Bevill, Lana Cheryl (2007) The effect of parental involvement upon student achievement and student diligence: A study of students and parents in Grenada

Blair, Nolan Clark (2007) A comparative study of the effects of grade configuration on middle school and K–8 school value added scores

Braden, Sam (2007) An evaluation of factors that influence principalship appointments in the Metropolitan Nashville Davidson County Public School System from 2000–2006

Brown, Doris A (2007) The academic effect of career technical business -marketing education on students in a north Alabama high school

Bush, Linda (2007) The effects of school entry age on the academic achievement of third, fourth, and fifth grade students in a rural Tennessee school

Carmona, Ana M (2007) A study of ways to promote and improve parental involvement in a middle school setting

Caulkins, Amy L (2007) The impact of physical activity on health: A 10-week walking intervention for educators

Clark, Regina Vincent (2007) Factors predicting the success of first-year, first -semester students at Tennessee State University

Cockrell, Rubin (2007) An analysis of African American doctoral students: Contributing factors that impact perseverance and graduation

Deams, Pernella R (2007) Emotional intelligence, relationship attachment, and family dynamics amongst African Americans

Dixon Gentry, Sharon (2007) An assessment of the impact of the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship program on access to higher education

Dukes, Aimee E (2007) Adolescent males: Predicting attitudes toward guns and violence based on perceived gender stereotypes

Edwards, Lendozia (2007) Home school families: An analysis of their characteristics and perceptions toward public schools

Emerson, Jovanna (2007) Community service-learning in Catholic schools and its relationship to empathy in elementary school children

Gibran, Joan Marie (2007) Representative bureaucracy and active representation: A search for missing links

Glasgow, Tommy (2007) Psychological indices of court mandated and voluntary subjects in a residential treatment center

Glenn, Martha Nelson (2007) Early retirement decisions, salience and psychological well-being of flight attendants after 9/11

Grizzard, Tammy (2007) The impact of instructional leadership on school climate: A model for principal and teacher improvement

Guitard, Margaret M (2007) What makes a good school? Case studies of school performance

Hanvy, Janet C (2007) Perceptions of the effectiveness of the Alternative Program in Maury County

Harding, R. Fredrick (2007) A comparison of rural high school students in Germany with rural Tennessee high school students' mathematics and science achievement

Hendrix, Carol Sue (2007) Comparison of a traditional freshman class with a Freshman Academy in selected schools

Hernbeck, Catherine Hacker (2007) Relationships between spirituality, ego strength, and quality of life

Honea, Jerry W (2007) The effect of student diligence, diligence support systems, self-efficacy, and locus of control on academic achievement

Howard, Christianna Allegra (2007) Localization of semaphorin 2a protein expression during development and in the adult of Limulus polyphemus

Jackson, Shanna L (2007) Dual enrollment in Tennessee and its effect on persistence and scholarship retention of Tennessee Educational Lottery Scholarship recipients

Jackson, Shannon Z (2007) The effects of masculinity and gender role conflict on adolescent boys' psychological well being

Jones, Gladys Athryn (2007) An analysis of articulation and transfer procedures for four Tennessee Board of Regents institutions: The effect on baccalaureate attainment

Judkins, Danielle D (2007) The perceptions of educators about corporal punishment in rural school districts in Tennessee

Kromah, Luseni Sayon Bangalie (2007) The study of the behavior of the Liberian Police Force during the Americo -Liberian Administration, First Republic and up to the administration of the Second Republic

Layne, LaKeia R (2007) A comparison of Tamoxifen and Vernonia amygdalina on the human breast cancer cell line BT-549

Levy, Susan Rae (2007) Public perception of the educational preparation of the Registered Nurse

Liew, Peck-Chong (2007) An analysis of gender and ethnic representations in Chinese and Malay primary school reading textbooks: Grades 2–6

Lofstrom, Marguerite (2007) The effects of a teacher professional development intervention in American History on student achievement

Love, Antoinette (2007) Teacher's perception of the leadership effectiveness of female and male principals

McGahey, D. Lee (2007) Affirmative action in the higher education admissions process

McKinney, Chiquita (2007) An examination of parental care, control, and attachment styles

Montgomery, Michael J (2007) Probation and parole officer styles of supervision and recidivism in Tennessee

Murray, Matthew M (2007) Localization and tracking in aircraft ground control utilizing radio frequency identifiers (RFIDs)

Pelham, Andrew Shuler (2007) Over -representation of African -Americans in suspensions in Metro /Nashville Public Schools

Pistole, Phillip R (2007) Non-initiator's experience of emotional disassociation prior to and after divorce

Redmon, Barbara Gayle (2007) The impact of full inclusion on the academic achievement of students with disabilities in grades 3 to 6

Ross, Ashley O (2007) Intimate partner violence in female African-American college students

Ross, Kennda (2007) Connections between supervisors with musical training and music achievement

Schutz, Gregory J (2007) The impact of educational experience on student persistence at six public universities

Sellers, Alexander (2007) Design of an indoor wireless user localization and tracking system

Shelton, Tammy L (2007) The impact of a fine art program on academic gains in an elementary school

Sitton, Linda A (2007) The relationship among organizational practices, director level of education, experience, and child care center program quality in Tennessee

Sohi, Didar S (2007) The design of a localization and tracking system for an identified client process in a given internal wireless network

Spadafore, Jo Ann (2007) Disordered eating in African American women: An object relations perspective

Spears, Robert A (2007) Funding equity and student achievement: An analysis and comparison of Kentucky and Tennessee

Stafford, David E (2007) Relationship between administrator leadership styles and new teacher attrition and retention in the public schools of Sumner County, Tennessee

Stevens, Charlotte Bethany Rains (2007) The effects of calculator -based laboratories on standardized test scores

Taylor, Michael Lester (2007) The effects of ability grouping on gifted and academically advanced students in rural schools

Walker, Marcia Yolander (2007) Alternative schools in the Metropolitan Nashville Public School District: Are they meeting or exceeding their expectations?

Watts-Driscoll, Adrian (2007) The Read Aloud assessment accommodation for special education students in the United States

Wells, Harold A (2007) Postsecondary campus crime and violence: An examination of incidents at Tennessee Board of Regents universities and the University of Tennessee System Universities of Tennessee System universities

Wendt, Jeremy S (2007) Instructional technology and its effect on third and fourth grade students' achievement

Williams, Sharon D (2007) Factors affecting academic achievement of elementary students in the Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

Wyllie, David G (2007) Law and consequences relating to cell phone usage while driving

Zhou, D (2007) Development of active integrated antennas and optimization for harmonic suppression antennas

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Dissertations & Theses from 2006

Akins, Joseph L (2006) The status of introductory electronic music in United States universities that offer an undergraduate degree program in music production and technology

Aluoch, Aloice O (2006) Tributyltin-induced alterations of essential signaling pathways in human natural killer cells

Argyrides, Marios B (2006) Cross -cultural perceptual differences among African American, Caucasian, and Greek-Cypriot college students

Barrett, Alison (2006) Collaboration as a best practice in Tennessee elementary schools

Battles, Andrew Bruce (2006) The use of full -spectrum lighting to enhance academic achievement, attendance, sense of well being, and on -task behavior in the special education student population

Cherry, Elvis H (2006) The interdisciplinary effect of hands -on science as measured by the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP)

Curtis, Stan A (2006) An academic evaluation of the Dimensions of Learning model as a tool for curriculum integration

Evans Philippa M (2006) An examination of factors which influence the attitudes of African American males toward psychotherapy

Farmer, James Jay (2006) Bacterial source tracking in the karstic Duck River Watershed of Middle Tennessee: A comparison of methods

Gonzales, Michael Scott (2006) Exploring teachers' perceptions of Tennessee Value -Added Assessment System professional development

Green, Gloria Ines (2006) The effect of test-taking individualized instruction on CRCT scores

Harris, Martina S (2006) Investigation of prerequisite science course performance and cumulative grade point average as predictors of success on the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses

Hooper, Kristofer S (2006) The career maturity of student-athletes at different competition levels

Hyde, Lisa Brizendine (2006) Perceptions of administrators and PTA officers on the acceptability of the National Council for the Social Studies curriculum guidelines for multicultural education

Jones, Brian L (2006) Misdiagnosis of psychotic -spectrum disorders by mobile crisis workers

Jones, Bridgette Crawford (2006) The effects of a basal reading program on reading achievement in selected Tennessee schools

Kendall, Nicole M (2006) Teacher background and acceptability of the Internet as a resource for addressing student learning styles

Lea, Sandra Powell (2006) Predictors of success: NCLEX -RN passage and pre-nursing GPA, the Net, and HESI exit exam for students in the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing at Tennessee State University

Lee, Deborah Walker (2006) The impact of nurturing creativity in language arts classrooms for improving students' creative products

Lewis, Casey D (2006) Attitudes and perceptions toward inclusion among secondary special and general education teachers working in north Alabama schools

Marks, Melinda Warren (2006) The effectiveness of the balanced calendar in Maury County, Tennessee

Mikula, Tera S (2006) Sociocultural influences on body image in Black and White college women

Mize, Celeste (2006) The development and validation of an instrument for identifying patterns of instructional literacy practices

Murphy, Patricia E (2006) Patterns of beginning reading instruction: Applying Cambourne's dimensions of effective teaching

Overton, Monica T (2006) Relationship between religion and attitudes toward lesbians and gay men

Pitcher, Charlotte H (2006) The Williamson County Schools interview process

Pritchett, Will P (2006) The relationship between the president's leadership style(s) at Tennessee's public four -year institutions and the job satisfaction of their chief academic leaders

Rust, Dianna Zeh (2006) Examining *interaction in online courses in relation to student performance and course retention

Shneyder, Artyom V (2006) A holistic approach to biology instruction

Smith, Sandy H (2006) The efficacy of assessment data indicators used to predict the effective teaching of reading by preservice teachers

Smith, Tina Thornton (2006) Teachers' perceptions of substitute teacher performance and training in Maury County, Tennessee

St.Clair, John R. (2006) The perception of Tennessee State University educators on the influence of online education on traditional education

Thomas, Carlos A (2006) A program evaluation of athletic academic support programs at two land -grant universities

Whalen-Schmeller, Beverly (2006) Predicting English composition grades with the Academic Competence Evaluation Scales and the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure at an HBCU

Wild, Gail (2006) The academic achievement of high school female athletes in comparison to high school female nonathletes

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Dissertations & Theses from 2005

Airhart, Kathleen M (2005) The effectiveness of direct instruction in reading compared to a state-mandated language arts curriculum for ninth and tenth graders with specific learning disabilities

Allgood, Terri L (2005) An investigation of the level of financial aid knowledge and degree of satisfaction among students at Tennessee State University

Arnold, William E. (2005) A comparison of hazing attitudes in Student Affairs professionals at select historically Black institutions of higher education in Tennessee

Ash, John E (2005) The effects of computer -assisted instruction on middle school mathematics achievement

Baker, Jill D (2005) Eating disorders across the life-span: A Delphi study

Beavers, Lisa A (2005) An examination of factors related to receptivity and inclusiveness of gay, lesbian and bisexual issues

Bell, Elizabeth A (2005) A comparison of academic assistance programs provided for student athletes among Division I-A colleges and universities

Bills, James L (2005) Perceptions of bias in medical school curriculum

Boehman, Brian (2005) Evaluation of bully victimization of elementary students as measured by the Reynolds Bully Victimization Scales for Schools

Bowens, Keisha L (2005) African American skin tone bias: An examination of patterns of *attribution

Carmichael, Sue Selby (2005) The effects of socioeconomic status on student performance

Carney, Jack C (2005) Using attachment to carve nature at its joints

Currie, Lisa C (2005) The effects of the adequacy of general education teachers on special needs students in inclusive classrooms

Denson, Barbara (2005) Teacher attitudes toward technology

Driggins, Steffani Nicole (2005) The anti-carcinogenic effect of Echinacea purpurea and Echinacea pallida on a mammalian breast cancer cell line

Fisher, Lawanna Sanders (2005) Performance of students admitted to college on the basis of a GED credential in Tennessee

Grissom, Tammy (2005) The impact of mandated school board member training in Tennessee

Haddix, Gina L (2005) A historical overview of Amish education in Lawrence County, Tennessee

Hobbs, Gwen Whitlow (2005) Predicting success on Gateway exams using TCAP Achievement Test data

Hood, David S (2005) Undergraduate faculty members' perception of their role in increasing student success and retention

Inman, Ricky W (2005) The relationship between truancy and juvenile crime in Wayne County, Tennessee

Jones, Christina D (2005) Domestic violence perceptions: Is diversity really a factor?

Jones, Patricia L (2005) The effects of community mapping process on teachers' perceptions of their schools' communities

Jones, Timothy P (2005) Automated external defibrillator programs at Tennessee Board of Regents higher education institutions

Ketteman, Paul Gregory (2005) Career persistency of Tennessee teacher education graduates

Knox, Barbara Howard (2005) Recruitment and retention of minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics: An evaluation of the Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation program

Kruger, Karen (2005) Relationship and relational mutuality as predictors of well-being and six constructs of well-being

Kunkel, Ellie (2005) An investigation of the relationship of diverse field experiences and evaluations of student teachers from a small, rural teacher's college in Southeast Nebraska

Lasater, Linda (2005) Perceived benefits and satisfaction of year -round school in Maury County, Tennessee

Lewis, Lisa O (2005) Relationship of physical activity, self-esteem, and percent body-fat to grade point average in higher education students

Mabry, Ricky D. (2005) Teacher burnout factors: A study of teachers in the Maury County, Tennessee, school system

Maddox, Vicki Tilley (2005) A study of regular classroom teachers' acceptability of instructional accommodations for students with disabilities in a select school district of middle Tennessee

McMillan, Geeta W (2005) The effect of traditional and modified calendars on student academic achievement in two rural school systems

Millet, Marcia J (2005) An examination of factors related to the retention of new teachers in the Metropolitan Nashville Tennessee School System

Mullins, Barbara Smith (2005) Pre-service teachers' perceptions of factors that contribute to ethnic and gender differences in academic achievement

Najm, Qinza J (2005) Attachment styles and emotional intelligence in marital satisfaction among Pakistani men and women

Nandzo, John (2005) Oral reading miscues and retellings in English and in Sissali: A comparison

Nickell, Mark (2005) The effects of developmental algebra on community college students

Prince, Kristy (2005) The influences of the No Child Left Behind Act on student achievement in Wayne County, Tennessee

Reeder, Kevin R (2005) Intolerance of Islam reflected in endorsements of religious belief statements

Schweich, M (2005) Diachronic effects of bio-cultural factors on stature and body proportions in British archaeological populations

Thomas, LeeShawn D (2005) The effects of tributyltin (TBT) on granzyme B and perforin protein and messenger RNA levels in human natural killer cells and their modulation by interleukins

Threadgill, Pamela Simpson (2005) Adult academic performance and persistence: A comparison of developmental and non-developmental students

Utter, Elizabeth Valerie Mahon (2005) The effects of low socioeconomic status on student achievement in year -round schools

West, Myra (2005) Factors influencing the completion of a program at Tennessee Technology Centers

Whitaker, Jane Clark (2005) Impact of an integrated learning system on reading and mathematics achievement

Willard, Talitha L (2005) The influences of Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accreditation on student achievement in Tennessee elementary and middle schools

Williams, Bobbie Jean (2005) A quasi-experimental study on the effects of the OpenBook to Literacy Program on fourth-grade students

Williams, Ronald Charles (2005) Higher Education Stakeholders' Perceptions of Tennessee's Current Performance Funding Policy

Wilson, Barbara A (2005) A comparison of educational outcomes between public and private school students

Witherow, Laurie B (2005) An examination of the matriculation outcomes of the Geier mandated pre-university programs

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Dissertations & Theses from 2004

Barbour, Nilufer E (2004) Repressive defensiveness in masters level psychology students: Implications for practice

Blevins, Melissa F (2004) Information and media literacy education within the school library media centers of a Middle Tennessee county

Boyd, Deborah Myers (2004) The relationship of English language learners to teaching practices in English medium classrooms

Conner, Clifford D (2004) Teacher attitudes toward the assignment of homework

Donnell, Virginia (2004) The relationship between student and faculty attitudes toward computer technology in advanced arts classes

Dorne, Rachelle (2004) Online learning in entry -level occupational therapy programs: Perspectives of program directors, faculty, and students

Dunn, A.J (2004) Simulation and optimisation of industrial steam reformers.

Fleming, Allyson Faye (2004) An analysis of academic outcomes among students placed in Developmental Studies courses at Tennessee State University

Gupton, Karen Lawing (2004) Factors that affect faculty participation in distance education: An institutional study

Harris, John Thomas (2004) Trade and industrial education training model

Haskins, Dennis E (2004) Quality of student life and its impact on retention in a higher education institution

Hatfield, Carla Gale (2004) Women's colleges: Results of a single -sex environment on salaries, advanced degrees, and leadership positions

Heckman, Amy Taylor (2004) The academic differences between post-baccalaureate and traditional undergraduate teacher education students at Trevecca Nazarene University

Ihrig, B. Charles (2004) A cross-discipline evaluation of clinical skills, knowledge base, and approaches to treatment in a psychiatric emergency

Jenkins, Jamie S (2004) School personnel perceptions of the effects of gangs, violence, and safety in the high schools of the Metropolitan Nashville Public School District

Jerles, Joseph Fred (2004) TerraNova scores and elementary arts classes

Jones, Corey D (2004) The role of dopamine D3 receptors in MDMA-induced behavioral sensitization

Kraft, Stephanie R (2004) The impact of implementing a school -wide discipline program in a public middle school

Lindsey, James Ray (2004) Administrators' perceptions of the effects of standards-based reforms on Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

Maloney, Judith Isbell (2004) School Web site development and maintenance by public rural Tennessee elementary and middle school principals

Matthews, Nancy Frimel (2004) A comparison of Mira phase -based instruction, textbook instruction, and no instruction on the Van Hiele levels of fifth-grade students

Maurer, Ronald W (2004) Breaking the cycle of poverty: The effect of mixed -income neighborhoods on the poor

McCargar, Julie P (2004) An analysis of student academic outcomes in high -poverty schools

Morgan, Michael B (2004) Permanent teacher preparation and administrative oversight in support of substitute teachers

Muckleroy, Theresa Alponat (2004) The academic achievement and self-concept of adolescent female gifted students

Murphy, Stanley D (2004) John Paul Eddy, educator, scholar, and international Christian leader in higher education: A biographical study

Pangle, Mary Ann (2004) Student teachers' perceptions of cooperating teachers

Raines, Joan M (2004) A study of the effectiveness of placement decisions for college algebra at Middle Tennessee State University

Rolle, Roderick L (2004) Proteinaceous and genomic characterization of Bacillus thuringiensis isolates collected in the Tennessee geographical region

Shoulders, Michael Dwayne (2004) The long-term effectiveness of the Reading Recovery program

Wall, Anne Sauder (2004) An evaluation of the computer self-efficacy of preservice teachers

Wall, Patricia S (2004) Factors influencing probability of graduation at Tennessee Board of Regents four-year institutions

White, Phillip H (2004) Planning: A Joint Venture. A training module for school board members

Wilkes Pendergrass, Paula V (2004) The short -term effects of Reading Recovery on children's reading development: Process and product

Wilkinson, Dawn Schluckebier (2004) The clinical effectiveness of healing touch on HIV -infected individuals: A pilot study

Woodruff, Sheila D (2004) Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools elementary prinicipals' perceptions of their changing role

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Dissertations & Theses from 2003

Aaker, Sherry (2003) Leadership styles of executive female administrators in Tennessee community colleges

Allison, Jane McGee (2003) The effects of a service learning program on student academic performance and attendance

Bennett, Mona Elaine (2003) Experiential, activity -based, and play interventions in child therapy: A Delphi study

Burgess, Joe Ann Mallory (2003) The impact of the school of nursing curriculum on generic baccalaureate nursing students' ability to think critically at Austin Peay State University

Carney, Samuel Lee (2003) The relationship between help -seeking attitudes and coping response patterns in adult African -American males

Cheshire, Cassandra Ardoin (2003) Spirituality and religiousness scales: Their relationship to locus of control

Copeland, Timothy Wayne (2003) Gifted students' perceptions of their curriculum in a rural middle school

Counts, Misti Allison (2003) Smart Kids /Safe Kids: Evaluation of a child sexual abuse prevention program

Cunningham, Tonya Lyn Stephan (2003) The impact of inclusion on teacher burnout

Davis, Taft H (2003) The relationship between absenteeism and academic achievement among freshman Algebra I and Biology students in Metropolitan Nashville Davidson County Public Schools

Dunn, Janis K. Cooper (2003) Teacher perception of verbal reinforcement versus tangible reinforcement with regard to academic achievement for the African -American middle school male

Fultz, Rhoda Melissa B. Graves (2003) Selected effects of team teaching on ninth graders in two inner city high schools

Hardin, Joseph Scott (2003) The case for teaching the theory of evolution in the Tennessee public high school curriculum

Hardin, Susan A (2003) An evaluation of the Technical Preparation Program in the Tennessee public school system

Harris-Vasser, Darlene G (2003) A Comparative Analysis of the Aspects of Alumni Giving at Public and Private Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Hayes, Mary Jane (2003) Attitudes of diverse and nondiverse preservice teachers toward the inclusion of students with disabilities

Head, William K (2003) Has Title IX enforcement had an adverse effect on the number of participation opportunities at NCAA Division I institutions for male student athletes?

Hickey, Tammy Brady (2003) School disciplinary referrals and the legal custody of adolescents

Humphrey, John W (2003) White flight from urban schools, 1990–2000: The case of Huntsville -Madison County, Alabama

Kemp Brill, Myrna Karen (2003) Rural ethics for rural psychologists

Kuntz, Audrey Helen (2003) The effects of a pilot support program on the transformational learning processes of new nurses

Lee, Belinda Taylor (2003) Factors affecting non -completion of doctoral degrees as evidenced by students labeled All But the Dissertation (ABD)

Lowe, Melonye Bartlett (2003) Attributes of effective mentoring relationships of female administrators in three Tennessee school districts

Matlock, Valeria Roberts (2003) A comparison of hearing screening techniques for kindergarten and first-grade students

Matthews, Larry K (2003) The instructional leadership responsibilities of assistant principals

McDaniel, Scott Noble (2003) Faculty variables that influence the effectiveness of online classes

McGinnis, Kreslyn Kelley (2003) A study of potential barriers that face female administrators and aspirants in the state of Alabama

Mentes, Christina M (2003) Factors predicting transient and persistent depression in a community sample of middle-age African -American women

Norman, Debby Susanna (2003) Loneliness and its effect on schooling and school achievement

Odhiambo, Eucabeth Akoth (2003) A study to compare HIV /AIDS curriculum implementation K–12 in selected Middle Tennessee Schools and Kisumu District Schools, Kenya

Potts, Betsy R (2003) A study of the relationship between the method of instruction in science and achievement in non-public elementary schools in Middle Tennessee

Raffo, Deana Meadows (2003) Evaluating the effectiveness of an Academic Recovery course for suspended freshman and sophomore students

Roy, Ajanta (2003) Factor analysis and initial validation of the Personal Values Inventory

Shaw, James Brandon (2003) Histamine H(3) receptor-enhanced negative feedback control in rat brain during the progression of hypertension

Taylor, Faye Porter (2003) Ethnic and gender disparity in TVAAS achievement gains in reading and mathematics

Temple, Edwina R (2003) Perceptions of the effectiveness of the Master of Science in Nursing program at Tennessee State University as reported by the graduates of the program

Thompson, Dennis L (2003) An analysis of educational expenditures and educational outcomes in Tennessee public school districts

Usoh, Innocent Iheanyichukwu (2003) An investigation into the effectiveness of problem -based learning in an engineering technology program at Nashville State Technical Community College

Williamson, Melanie Sharon (2003) The opinions of secondary students who have attended both 4 x 4 block and traditional scheduled secondary schools as to their popularity and effectiveness

Yost, Lori J (2003) Specific victim empathy in incarcerated sex offenders

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Dissertations & Theses from 2002

Brown, Calvin L (2002) Perceptions of doctoral students with an earned Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) degree regarding the doctoral program in administration and supervision at Tennessee State University

Bryant, Dianne Yvette (2002) The graduate entrance test as a predictor of the performance on the required teacher licensure test of post-baccalaureate students admitted to the teacher education program at Tennessee State University from 1995 to 2000

Burns, Myron James (2002) AIDS health locus of control, self-efficacy for safer sexual practices and future time orientation as predictors of condom use in college students

Dixon, Bonnie T (2002) Faculty perceptions of academic success measures in high -poverty, low -performing rural elementary schools in Tennessee

Dunlap, Ruby Kathryn (2002) Common minds: A study of metaphors of good and evil across selected language groups

Earheart, Linda S (2002) The efficacy of the SRA reading program for disabled learners as measured by the Terra Nova Achievement Test

Edwards, Debi Sue (2002) Parent involvement and the relationship to academic success

Fussell, Helen Higginson (2002) The relationship between teachers' demographics and their perceptions of job satisfaction

Gipson, Carol Hughes (2002) Ethnic identity, multicultural training, and White racial attitudes

Gore, Marsha Blair (2002) The relationship between student reading grade level and disciplinary referrals

Graham, Andy (2002) The effects of intervention strategies on bullying in the independent middle school

Hall, Mickey Ray (2002) Faculty involvement in planning, assessing, and improving general education English and math programs in Tennessee two -year colleges

Hall, Ramona Ann (2002) The effects of the Kentucky Education Reform Act on the departments and schools of education at independent colleges and universities in Kentucky

Hamedi, Jalal (2002) A comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of the Minority Teacher Education Matching Grant Program in Tennessee

Helton, Andra Bernice (2002) The predictive value of Accelerated Reader scores as they relate to Terra Nova performance

Henderson, Jeffery Paul (2002) The effects of self-efficacy for coping, constructed meaning, and spirituality on the quality of life in men with prostate cancer

Hester, Brenda A. Stewart (2002) The impact of a multicultural curriculum on the attitudes of seventh -grade students toward individuals of other cultures

Huffines, Margaret Elaine (2002) A study of the impact of mobility on student social adjustment

Kilpatrick, Tracy Harris (2002) A study of how kindergarten entry -age and gender affects middle school achievement

Kneff, James C (2002) Developing competence in the controversial area of dissociative disorders

Kovach, Edward Robert (2002) Prentky -Knight Child Molester Typology as represented in personality characteristics on the Personality Assessment Inventory

Levins, Margaret H (2002) A comparison of enacted curriculums and the official curriculum in Catholic schools in the Diocese of Nashville

McDonald, Camilla Mangrum (2002) Perceived leadership skills obtained through high school vocational education programs

McDonald, Jessie Daniel (2002) An historical study on the effects of case Brown v. Board of Education in Nashville, Tennessee in 2001

Parker, Linda Lee (2002) Achievement in reading and language development among English language learners: A comparative study

Sadler, Kim Cleary (2002) The effectiveness of cooperative learning as an instructional strategy to increase biological literacy and academic achievement in a large, nonmajors college biology class

Sarkar, Srabanti (2002) A comparative study of contracting out by large, medium, and small municipalities in the United States

Shanks, Donna Jean (2002) A comparative study on academic gains between students in second grade through sixth grade before and after curriculum mapping

Sisk, Wanda Shelton (2002) Portrait of a school shooter: A threat assessment perspective

Smith, Beverly Denise (2002) The impact of the utilization of Advantage Learning Systems' technology on students' academic achievement

Smith, Deborah Lyneen (2002) A correlational study of teacher efficacy and school performance in six metropolitan Nashville public high schools

Sucharski, Kimmie Lee Smith (2002) The impact of student mobility on Tennessee Value -Added Assessment Scores of elementary and middle schools in the Clarksville/Montgomery County school system

Summerville, David James (2002) A study of the perceptions and attitudes of the College of Education faculty and students toward a culturally diverse curriculum at Tennessee State University

Waters-Maze, Ava Ruth (2002) The effect of school suspension on academic achievement

Wilde, Diane L (2002) Determinants of ethical behavior of public administrators: Profession, position, and organizational climate

Willits, Virginia Ruth (2002) The effect of concept maps and learning styles on seventh graders' learning of geography

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Dissertations & Theses from 2001

Asanbe, Comfort Bola (2001) Cognitive abilities of children with prenatal polydrug exposure as compared to non-exposed children

Aziz, N (2001) Dynamic optimisation and control of batch reactors.

Ball, Sandra Jean (2001) A model to increase parental involvement in public schools

Beck, Sonia Campos (2001) Multicultural counseling competence as a function of multicultural counseling training in doctoral counseling psychology programs

Bellard, Stephanie A (2001) An examination of the relationship between field articulation, locus of control and aggression

Bess, Margarett M (2001) Perceived leadership effectiveness of male and female directors of schools in West and East Tennessee

Bicknell, Teresa Adele (2001) Faculty perceptions of school success in four high -achieving, high -poverty schools in Appalachian Tennessee

Bompart, Carol Goodman (2001) A study of articulation and academic success comparing single institution and transfer students in the Tennessee Board of Regents' system of higher education, 1993–1999

Brewton, Charles H (2001) A national survey assessing the success of privatization policies in state park agencies

Brown, Diana Dawn (2001) Middle Tennessee principals' perception of the effectiveness of zero tolerance laws

Coward, Wayne Thomas (2001) Family structure and its effects on academic achievement

Cross, Adney E. (2001) A study of mathematics teaching and learning in selected Eritrean secondary schools

Crowder, Dennis Michael (2001) Effect of the gang resistance education and training program on character education and the development of leadership skills in children at an inner -city middle school

Dahmer, Stephanie LeAnn (2001) What are the relationships between math anxiety and educational level in parents and math achievement in their children?

Davis, David Carl (2001) Employment practices in the public schools

Derryberry, DiAnne IsBell (2001) Official Policy and the Reality of Gender Equality in Selected Tennessee State Agencies

Edmondson, Deborah Ann (2001) The relationship of physical therapy student characteristics and clinical site characteristics to the students' performance on the National Physical Therapy Examination

Elkhateeb, Hebatalla E (2001) The effects of class level placement (honor vs. regular), the students' perceptions of their constructivist learning skills, and their use of technology, on student learning outcomes

English-Shaw, Sonia R (2001) The relationship of community type to depression, aggressive behavior, and school disciplinary procedures among middle school adolescents

Enochs, Peggy Patterson (2001) A descriptive analysis on the impact of the Honors Program as perceived by participating honors students at Tennessee State University

Gaye, Zachariah Zarzar (2001) The ACT Prep and its effects on students who participated in the Multicultural Educational Enrichment (MEE) program at Tennessee State University

Gilbert, Suzette Swift (2001) The effects of training in reflective thinking on in-service teachers

Gilliland, Neil Richard (2001) An exploratory study on the impact of the missionary kid experience on marital satisfaction

Gorman, Katherine J (2001) Breastfeeding and cosleeping: A correlational assessment

Grzybowski, Christine Jeannette (2001) Entrance exams as a predictor of success at the doctoral level

Hagy, John Frederick (2001) Experiential antecedents to reaching the pinnacle of ice hockey: The National Hockey League. A qualitative study

Hodges, Rosemary McClung (2001) Computer -aided instruction compared to a traditional method of teaching fractions in elementary mathematics

Hopkins, Robert Dale (2001) A comparison of attitudes of clergy and psychologists toward an indigenous Appalachian religious sect

Hytche, William Percy (2001) Analysis of select levels and incidents of crime on historically black college campuses in Tennessee, 1995 against 1999

Jackson, Timothy Noel (2001) A descriptive study of the attitudes and perceptions school administrators in middle Tennessee have of special education programs

Kelley, Charla Kaye (2001) Factors that impact the employment history of employable visually impaired and blind adults who have completed high school in the state of Tennessee

Kerr, Marsha Ann Kahler (2001) Spousal support for educational leaders

Leavell, Jacinta P (2001) Coping skills patterns of international college students

Ligon, Katherine Campbell (2001) Perceptions of effective teaching

Lockwood, Kimberly Dawn (2001) Evaluation of elementary student teachers' and their methods instructors' responses at four local universities

Matthews, Donna Jane (2001) The unsuccessful principalship: Career -threatening problems and intervention strategies

McAllister, William Knox (2001) New technology and organizational effectiveness: Geographic information systems in urban planning agencies

McFadden, Kimberly S (2001) An investigation of attitudes, anxiety, and achievement of college algebra students using brain -compatible teaching techniques

Montgomery, Vickie L (2001) Megan's Law: Citizen responses to sex offender notification laws

Mulvaney-Johnson, L (2001) Gas assisted injection moulding: experiment and simulation.

Murphy, Jean Scott (2001) A comparison of active duty military dependent high school students and non-military dependent high school students and disciplinary referrals in Clarksville -Montgomery County schools

Norman, Mario V (2001) Resilience and its role in the perception of stress and psychosomatic symptoms in African Americans

Patterson, Larry Richard Patlis (2001) The Eastern Band of Cherokee and their boarding school experiences: Stories and reflections from the elders

Payne, Suzanne Haltom (2001) Experiencing science at fourth grade: Teacher questioning and its effects on student questioning and application

Price, Valencia Bouncer (2001) An historical perspective of the American Missionary Association and its establishment of LeMoyne College, 1871 to 1940

Reel, Mary Sneed (2001) How to build a school: A model for site administrators

Robertson, Ethel Mai (2001) The relationship between critical thinking, personality type, and performance on the Objective Structured Clinical Examination of senior medical students at Meharry Medical College

Rudley, John M (2001) Determinants of tuition increases at Tennessee Board of Regents colleges and universities

Samuels, Adrian Dexter (2001) The effects of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on Tennessee Department of Transportation disadvantaged business enterprise

Schlack, Heide Marie (2001) Attachment style and health behaviors

Shields-Jenkins, Shawn Valtrese (2001) An analysis of the roles of K–12 counselors as perceived by principals and counselors in the metropolitan Nashville -Davidson County public schools

Smith, Alice C (2001) A program assessment in domestic violence

Smith, Marla Jeffers (2001) Culture and Tennessee value -added assessment data utilization in two elementary schools

Staggs, Henry Kenneth (2001) The impact of academic eligibility requirements on student achievement as perceived by coaches, teachers, and students

Talibah, Dara (2001) The effect of various teacher salary levels on student academic achievement

Threalkill-Sawyers, Janice Arvie (2001) Job stability as it relates to the NEO -Five Factor Model of Personality

Tirres, Julia A (2001) Predictors of second language GPA

Waggoner, Ann (2001) Breakfast consumption and student achievement prior to lunch

Weatherford, Tina Jane (2001) Attitudes and perceptions of school personnel, parents, and community members toward year -round schools in Maury County

Williams, Celeste Carol (2001) Student teacher perceptions of university supervisor performance

Wilson, Janine Marks (2001) The relationship between district -level spending and reading achievement in Tennessee's public schools

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Dissertations & Theses from 2000

Campbell-Ray, Kecia Lynn (2000) The establishment of a basic computer literacy proficiency examination for students entering a university

Clark, Gregory Anthony (2000) A historical perspective of undergraduate recruitment at Tennessee State University and the impact of marketing on enrollment from 1989–1999

Dooley, Jennifer Leppert (2000) Academic suspension for developmental studies at Middle Tennessee State University: Is it effective?

Eberhardt, Clifford (2000) Web-based learning to enhance writing over the Internet

Eldridge, Sarah Kyle (2000) A survey of GED graduates and its implications

Frawley, Lester Frederick (2000) A study of student and administrator perceptions regarding the existence of student -to -student cruelty in the independent middle school population

Gore, Susan Marie (2000) Perceived leadership effectiveness of male and female directors of schools

Grubbs, Sabrina Jo (2000) The Influence of Managed Care Policy on Clinical Decisions of Mental Health Clinicians

Guthrie, Linda Redmon (2000) Treatment of emotionally abused women within a clinical setting: A Delphi study

Hendrickson, Betty Pierce (2000) A study of student achievement on block scheduling versus traditional scheduling in a middle Tennessee high school

Henry, Melba Raylean (2000) An evaluation of faculty development training programs for instructing via interactive television in Tennessee universities and colleges

James, Jesse Charles (2000) Historical review of the Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Department at Tennessee State University

Jenkins, Patricia Ann (2000) Linguistic differences between male and female developmental writers

Kennedy, Linda Adell (2000) Job performance expectations of school resource officers

Kinnard, Curtis James (2000) The effectiveness of the 1998 School Safety Act on middle Tennessee public schools' violence prevention programs

Malone, Jacquelyne J (2000) Cognitive restructuring of jail-based offenders: An outcome study on predicting recidivism

Mason, Larry D (2000) The effectiveness of corporal punishment as perceived by middle school administrators in East Tennessee

Matthews, Donna Hooper (2000) Anchor paper selection procedures and their impact on direct writing assessment: A case in point

Mooreland, Johnetta Johnson (2000) A comparative study of the demographics for Black female administrators and their peers employed in the Tennessee Board of Regents system

Ogbonna-McGruder, Chinyere Chigozie (2000) The effects of TennCare reimbursement on disproportionate share hospitals in Tennessee

Palmer, Larry Fletcher (2000) A comparison of geriatric depression and activity level between residents of a retirement community and participants of a senior citizens center

Patterson, Gregory Waymon (2000) A comparison of multi -year instructional programs (looping) and regular education programs utilizing scale scores in reading

Pennington, Pamela Rose (2000) Gender differences in self-esteem in adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and comorbid oppositional defiant disorder

Price, Schunn Patrice (2000) The status of global education in Tennessee teacher training institutions

Rawls, Antionette Crombie (2000) The impact of computerized testing on performance on the National Council Licensure Examination for registered nurses

Sawyer, Dianne Carlson (2000) A study of the non-parametric relationships of writing assessment test scores among fourth, seventh, and eleventh grade students enrolled in Tullahoma City Schools during the 1998–1999 school year

Shehniyilagh, Eshagh (2000) The relationship between depression and two aspects of personality: Perfectionism and obsessive-compulsiveness

Shutt, Tammy Rae (2000) The relationship between absenteeism and academic achievement in Metropolitan Nashville Davidson County Public Schools

Stevenson, Blanche Brown (2000) African-Americans' attitudes toward AIDS, fear of AIDS and sexual practices with implications for prevention

Sundeen, Terrence Rockne (2000) Comparative performance standards and retention rates of students taking developmental mathematics courses

Thompson, Philippa Teresa (2000) A legal analysis of the Fourth Amendment rights of K–12 public school students in Tennessee: Are the protections adequate?

Tiller, John David (2000) A study of accounting for differences in employees' summative end -of -course evaluations

Toombs, Cathy West (2000) The effectiveness of block scheduling in Tennessee high schools

Vaughan, Jada D (2000) Response to the death of Princess Diana of Wales: A phenomenological study

Warren, Fernelle Lekoyne (2000) The effects of gender and family structure on family functioning and problem-solving skills of African American college students

White, Erskine (2000) The American “good life”: A study of American culture and the values of American teenagers

Wiles, Deborah Meadows (2000) Does the new teacher evaluation process more closely resemble an ideal process as perceived by middle Tennessee teachers

Williams, Deborah Hall (2000) The effect of left -handedness in females as a determinant of mathematics achievement in geometry

Wingfield, Shirley Rankins (2000) Perceptions of culture shock of international students at Tennessee State University

Winters, William Christopher (2000) An analysis of suspensions and expulsions of special education and regular education middle grades students in seven middle Tennessee school districts

Wright, Julie Dean (2000) Factors in birthtiming decisions for career women

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Dissertations & Theses from 1999

Armour, Jerry D (1999) Pretreatment characteristics of adolescent substance abusers: Predicting treatment dropout

Aubee, Beatrix Huberta (1999) Locus of control, antisocial attitudes, mental health diagnosis, suicidal ideation, depression, anxiety, intellectual functioning, and revenue source as predictors of length of stay of adolescent psychiatric inpatients

Baker, Janet Cecilia (1999) Comparative attitudes of regular education teachers v. special education teachers at the secondary level regarding discipline and classroom management strategies

Booker, Michael Earl (1999) Are alternative schools meeting or exceeding their purpose?

Bradley, Christine Toomey (1999) The high school principal's influence in implementing inclusionary practices

Buckner, David Randall (1999) Masculinity, gender role conflict, and male-male friendships

Cornelius, Armecia Alene (1999) The historical development of alternative schools across Tennessee, especially in Maury County

Cornelius, Joe Patrick (1999) The historical progression and current condition of African American education in Maury County, Tennessee from slavery until 1998

Davis, Linda Kay Johnson (1999) Writing across the curriculum: A qualitative evaluation study

Drake, Arthur (1999) Zero tolerance execution problems within the state of Tennessee public schools

Fenderson-Doss, Linda Rita (1999) History of correctional education in the adult penal institutions of the state of Tennessee

Hinton, Catherine Amelia (1999) The perceptions of people with disabilities as to the effectiveness of the Americans with Disabilities Act's implementation

Holland, Nancy Helen (1999) The effectiveness of schema activation strategies in three gifted middle school students: A case study

Jeyakumar, Anita (1999) Differential effects of acute methamphetamine on synaptic plasticity

Kelly, Sammie LeAnn (1999) Perceptions regarding students with disabilities, testing and classroom accommodations for students with disabilities, and knowledge of recent laws concerning college students with disabilities on Tennessee State University's campus

King, Sarah Henderson (1999) A study of peer sexual harassers in metropolitan Nashville public high schools

Lewis, M. E (1999) The impact of urbanisation and industrialisation in medieval and post-medieval Britain.

Lucas, Marva Sullivan (1999) Entry level into developmental studies: Does it affect student retention?

Luckey, Joseph Paul (1999) A comparison of high school and college academic statistics of student-athletes who entered college under Proposition 48 and student-athletes who entered college under Proposition 16

Moorman, Eva Bass (1999) Principal and counselor knowledge about policies, programs, and practices for pregnant and parenting students

Swisher, Laura Lee (1999) Measuring moral development in public administration

Tanwari, A.U (1999) Impact of business forecasting on demand planning.

Vaughn, Nettie Lynn (1999) A comparison of the suspension rate between students in special education and the suspension rate of students in regular education in the Metropolitan Nashville Davidson County public middle schools

White, Timothy D (1999) Exploring standard scores for the WISC-III using modern methods

Zenick, Susan Price (1999) The evolution of case law that led to the least restrictive environment provision in the Individuals with Disabilities Act

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Dissertations & Theses from 1998

Adams, Gladys Aileen (1998) Forgotten voices: Why we left high school

Allen, Cyndy Stone (1998) Metacognition, reading, and test taking of third graders

Barnes, Roger Dale (1998) A study of the Trauma Symptom Inventory for select Vietnam veterans

Berty, Diane Rae (1998) Comparison of traditional-age college student-athletes' self-reported consequences of alcohol use and traditional-age college student nonathletes' self-reported consequences of alcohol use

Boyd, Billy Carl (1998) The success of Hopkinsville Community College graduates who transfer to Austin Peay State University and acquire a baccalaureate degree as assessed by grade point average and the perception of each student

Brien, Nancy Johnson (1998) A study of the effectiveness of elementary algebra in preparation for intermediate algebra

Buchanan, Barbara Williams (1998) Developing a study-centered mentoring program based on the perception of needs of the African-American nursing student

Cade, John (1998) An investigation of retention and its impact of attrition and graduation rates at Tennessee State University

Craig, Paul Allen (1998) Improving pilot decision-making in situations of high stakes, high stress, and time pressures

Crook, Patricia Ann (1998) An assessment study of appropriations to implement various provisions mandated by the Geier Stipulation of Settlement Agreement, 1986–1997

Davidson, Lonita Annette Davis (1998) A study of perceptions among principals, superintendents, and school board members concerning teacher tenure in Tennessee public schools

Day-Campbell, Martha Marie (1998) A study of the current status of block scheduling programs employed in Tennessee public high schools

Eckholdt, Christopher Scott (1998) The relationship among testwiseness, test anxiety, and study strategies

Finch, Dana Freudenthal (1998) The relationship between athletic participation and academic achievement of seventh- and eighth-grade students in a rural county system

Forlines, Jonathan Gilbert (1998) Cognitive restructuring with perpetrators of violence in a jail-based setting: An outcome study of effects on recidivism and predicting success

Futrell, Kenneth Roy (1998) A historical study of pilot training at United Airlines, 1931-1996

Green, Samuel David (1998) Block versus traditional scheduled algebra: There is no difference

Gundi, Kirmanj (1998) Perceptions of administrators regarding English as the official language of the United States

Harned, Kathleen Smith (1998) A history of McGavock High School: The creation of the comprehensive concept in Nashville, Tennessee

Jones, Albert Franklin (1998) A comparison of perceptions of preparedness in teacher education

Jones, Beverley Ann (1998) Attitudes of teachers toward inclusion in regular elementary classrooms in the Davidson County, Tennessee, McGavock Cluster

Kendrick, Donna Kay (1998) A study of the antecedents for reform movements in high schools based on a national historical study and interviews with eight veteran educators in Williamson County, Tennessee

Kintner, Don Eugene (1998) Locus of control and college adjustment related to the freshman orientation seminar at Trevecca Nazarene University

Lewis, R. Bruce (1998) Developing critical thinking through an interdisciplinary approach with social studies simulations and technology in fourth-grade classrooms

Lott, Marvin James (1998) Teachers' perceptions of middle school principals' effectiveness in performing instructional leadership duties in Hamilton County Schools

McClanahan, Ron Douglas (1998) The impact of therapist values in the culturally diverse clinical interviewing process: A Delphi study

McDonald, Daniel Welch (1998) The experiences of couples with infertility: A phenomenological study of infertility treatment participants

Neill, Marvin Edward (1998) A model for a magnet school based on the interrelation between leadership skills and character education

Noe, Loretta Jane (1998) The developing and changing role of the principal

Orodo-Aluoch, Daniel Ooko (1998) Perception of selected middle Tennessee G.E.D. students on high school dropouts

Phillips, Joseph Glenn (1998) Do parents of children in private school and home schools in middle Tennessee consider charter schools to be an acceptable alternative to private school and/or home schooling?

Roberson, Marshall Edward (1998) The effect of state regulatory policy on telecommunications infrastructure modernization: A comparative study of network modernization in BellSouth states during 1989-1994

Steen, Deborah Lindsey (1998) School-to-career programs in middle Tennessee

Swanson, Becky Evette (1998) Men in elementary teaching

Tapp, Reuben Josephe' (1998) Decline of African American rural landowners: Trends and perceptions

Ukpolo, Fawn Teresa (1998) Classroom success and the National Teacher Examination core battery scores of first-year teachers

Ward, Lillian Lovett (1998) Attitudes of teachers in middle schools toward staff development

Wiemers, Roger William (1998) Pre-enrollment goals v. post-program outcomes of doctoral students in the College of Education at Tennessee State University

Wilkerson, Joyce A (1998) Investigation and assessment of course delivery via the Internet: A qualitative case study of Introduction to CAD/CAM

Wright, Thomas Franklin (1998) The effects of residence hall type on student perceptions of social climate and living environment at Appalachian State University

Youree, Donna Gale (1998) The implementation of core curriculum: A case study

Zarmouh, O.O (1998) Optimal investment in an oil-based economy.

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Dissertations & Theses from 1997

Alley, Vivian Renee Morgan (1997) Midterm grade reports: Are they effective?

Arms Gilbert, Linda (1997) The effects of computer-assisted keyboard instruction on meter discrimination and rhythm discrimination of general music education students in the elementary school

Borthick, Melinda Joyce (1997) Gender role conflict and suicidal ideation in a late adolescent and young adult population: Age 18-24 years

Cooper, Judy Christine (1997) Partial characterization of the plasmid, pNY05, and antibiotic sensitivity of Rhodococcus erytheus

Craig, Dorothy Valcarcel (1997) When the learner is in charge: Technological literacy patterns in student-generated projects for fifth graders

Fite, John William (1997) The effect of evaluative and metaphorical instructions on divergent thinking

Gullett, Leigh Allyson (1997) A look at Tennessee's Twenty-First Century Classrooms in the middle grades

Hardaway, Joyce Ann Eskridge (1997) The impact of the semestered block schedule on mathematics achievement in Chattanooga City and Hamilton County schools

Jackson, Jeanetta Williams (1997) Factors affecting students' learning of new mathematics concepts in three Nashville area remedial and developmental studies mathematics programs

Joyce, Debra Denise (1997) A per-pupil expenditure and competency test performance study of ninth graders from the Shelby, Davidson, Knox and Hamilton County school systems

Kenerson, Murle Edward (1997) The effects of automation on hiring practices and staff allocations in academic libraries in four-year and two-year institutions in Tennessee

Kester, Mary Kathleen (1997) Effects of a rapidly rising immigrant population on an elementary school: A case study

King, Brenda Jean Thompson (1997) A comparative relationship study of Tennessee principals' years of experience to principalship appointment

Knox, Rodney F (1997) Principals' perception of the effects of multicultural education on student self-esteem and interpersonal relationships

McCoy, Donald Martin (1997) The relationship between anxiety and anger expression

McKissack, Connie Ellison (1997) A comparative study of grade point average (GPA) between the students in traditional classroom setting and the distance learning classroom setting in selected colleges and universities

Miller, Sara Thorburn (1997) A self-validation study of correctional officers: Does attitudinal style make a difference in job satisfaction?

Moore, Donna L (1997) Traumatic effects of therapists working with perpetrators of sexual abuse

Moore, Sarah Jane (1997) An assessment of selected knowledge of school law from public educators in the state of Tennessee

Nelson, Rose (1997) Characteristics of smokers entering a smoking treatment program

Pearl, Richard Eugene (1997) Treatment issues for abused women: An investigation of the efficacy of a unified treatment for body image and self-esteem with abused women

Pennington, Philip Wayne (1997) Principal leadership and teacher motivation in secondary schools

Simpson, Stella Hannah (1997) A principal's perspective of the implementation of Reading Recovery in six metropolitan Nashville elementary schools

Snyder, Ann Emery (1997) Utilization of a systemic design and learning styles model as a paradigm for restructuring education

Williams, Barbara Jean Harris (1997) A study on middle Tennessee public and private school principals' beliefs about corporal punishment

Williams, Forrestine White (1997) A study on referrals of delinquents and status offenders in youth development centers and selected group homes in Tennessee

Worthington, B. J (1997) Identifying specific variables that affect teacher absenteeism in seven north-central middle Tennessee school districts

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Dissertations & Theses from 1996

Bennett, Rodney Dwayne (1996) The impact of selective factors related to completing the Doctor of Arts degree at Middle Tennessee State University

Drummond, Landson (1996) Responses of H.B.C.U. administrators concerning diversity

Eason, Alyce L (1996) Job satisfaction for African-American teachers in historically Black colleges and universities as compared with African-American teachers in predominantly White colleges and universities

Gallivan, Doris Elaine (1996) A study of the relationship between the levels of consistency of principals' self-perception of leadership styles and teachers' perceptions

Mount, Joe D (1996) Gender differences in rule breaking among prisoners in two state correctional facilities

Nash, Linda Carolene Rich (1996) A correlative study of attendance and specific disciplinary actions in the secondary schools in Tennessee for the 1994-1995 school year

Sanders, John William (1996) The status of Tennessee higher education funding based on federal court decisions since the Geier settlement of 1984

Shepard, Loretta Kay (1996) A comparative study on academic achievement gains of Paideia students versus students attending a traditional school setting

Stevenson, Irene (1996) A comparative study of the dropout rate in Giles County to surrounding counties

Thorn, Charlotte Ruth (1996) Assessing growth in writing: Ninth graders' writing development in two different types of instructional programs

Vaughn, Mary Robinson (1996) Graduation of minority students enrolled at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, 1985-1990

Workman-Tyndall, Diana Lynn (1996) Identifying characteristics of reading disabled students through visual, cognitive and perceptual evaluative testing

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Dissertations & Theses from 1995

Asamani, Jane Bartley Baugh (1995) An experimental study of the relationship between cooperative learning and critical thinking

Borders, Mira Jane (1995) Gender differences in the self-esteem levels of adolescent students

Calton, John Edward (1995) A study of the understanding and attitudes toward selected parts of the Education Improvement Act of 1992 among Tennessee superintendents and directors of schools

Chauncy, Charles Steven (1995) A study of at-risk secondary students and the Tennessee driver license law

Cozart, Gary Wayne (1995) A comparative analysis of WISC-III and SB-IV profiles for Black and White students referred for learning problems

Edmisson, Kenneth Wayne (1995) A study of characteristics of teachers of exceptional children as perceived by supervisors of special education

Ericson, Scott Robert (1995) Religious orientation and locus of control

Garner-Harris, Angela (1995) A study of the perceptions of the faculty and parents of special needs children in a private school with contracted managed instructional services

Grimes, Roy Steven (1995) Disability-accessible leisure programming in Kentucky

Logan, Marion Cunningham (1995) A study of Davidson County's elementary and middle schools teachers' perceptions of the Tennessee Value Added Assessment System

Price-Sampson, Sonsauhray C. (1995) On Single Equational-Axiom Systems for Abelian Groups

Tudeme, Augustine C. (1995) The Adminstrative Problems of Tribal Identity in the Nigerian Police Force

White, Johnny Louis (1995) A public-private comparison of organizational commitment

Wood, Lynn Rodney (1995) The perceptions of administrative support and non-support by speech pathologists employed in Tennessee's public schools

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Dissertations & Theses from 1994

Binkley, Yildiz Barlas (1994) Total Quality Management (TQM) and its impact on higher education with emphasis on academic libraries

Hendrick, D.T (1994) Community relations, conflict resolution and prevention.

Jackson, Jeffrey Walter (1994) A model for evaluation of doctoral programs in education

Jones, Susan Joyce Sundquist (1994) An investigation of the relationships of gender, spatial visualization, final course grade, participation, and placement in college-level and developmental mathematics

Marable, Linda June Hester (1994) A study comparing a pre-algebra approach versus a basic math approach of presenting fundamental arithmetic and algebra skills to remedial mathematics college students

Williams, Claudette Rose (1994) A study of parent involvement in Tennessee: How it compares with the nation and the corresponding relationship to student achievement

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Dissertations & Theses from 1993

Rivers, Cynthia J. (1993) The Impact of Enhanced Music Education Instruction on the Practice of Institutional Music Therapy : A Study of Off-Task Behavior of Chronic Schizophrenic Adults

Twainie, Roberts (1993) A Correlational Study of the Incidence of Female Administrators in Higher Education and the Number, Type and Outcome of Sexual Harassment Charges

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Dissertations & Theses from 1992

Awad, A.A-R.Y (1992) Images of the West as portrayed in the political cartoons of the United Kingdom-based Arab media.

Burcham, Rick (1992) The theories of education of teachers in the public schools of Tennessee

Doherty, N.F (1992) Knowledge-based approaches to fault diagnosis.

Jackson, C. M (1992) A compositional analysis of Roman and early post-Roman glass and glass working waste from selected British sites towards an understanding of the technology of glass-making through analysis by Inductively-Coupled Plasma Spectrometry. (BL: D214554)

Jackson, C.M (1992) A compositional analysis of Roman and early post-Roman glass and glassworking waste from selected British sites.

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Dissertations & Theses from 1991

Habibi, E (1991) A safety analysis of industrial accidents.

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Dissertations & Theses from 1990

Cope, M.A (1990) Industry structure, performance and foreign direct investment: the case of Korea. An empirical study of the impact of foreign direct investment on manufacturing performance in the Republic of Korea.

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Dissertations & Theses from 1989

Bunch, Fretta Marlene (1989) A study of the effects of students' feelings towards schoolwork and gender, race, and system size on academic achievement

Faulkner, Roosevelt (1989) Criteria for counselor selection among black male college students: An opinion survey

Hopkins, A.J (1989) Computer simulation studies of dense suspension rheology

Huth, Vincent Roger (1989) A study of the relationship between parent involvement and student achievement

Jayamaha, R (1989) The monetary transmission mechanism in Sri Lanka 1977-1985

Laabas, B (1989) A macroeconometric model for Algeria: a medium term macroeconometric model for Algeria 1963-1984, a policy simulation approach to Algerian development problems.

McCormick, Harry Eugene (1989) Analysis of the WISC-R subtest profiles for Black and White gifted and nongifted groups

Mitchell-Hinton, Wealthia Anne Penigar (1989) The correlation among ordinal positions, number of children, spacing, and academic performance

Okara, Ebi Daniel (1989) The interrelationship of locus-of-control and psychological symptoms in a male prison population

Owens, Carl Winston (1989) A survey of the administrative uses of computers by superintendents in the state of Tennessee

Peete, Willie Mae (1989) A comparison of selected educational, family, and personal characteristics of at-risk students and at-risk persisters

Peterson, Bonnie Lu (1989) Factors affecting achievement in the first course in calculus at the high school level

Pettigrew, Thomas L (1989) The Tennessee Board of Examiners in Psychology: 1953-1988

Sanders, Thelma Smith Patterson (1989) The perceptions of stress among faculty members in higher education at six selected Tennessee State Board of Regents universities

Snyder-Jones, Laura (1989) The preparation of teachers for the education of multihandicapped (hearing impairment/mental retardation) children

Starks, Catana Rhoda (1989) An analysis of three methods of teaching physical fitness and their effect on strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance

Steiner, Dwight Bradley (1989) The differential effects of type of token in modifying children's problem behaviors

Tramel, V. Dennis (1989) Policies and procedures for identifying and certifying Black gifted children

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Dissertations & Theses from 1988

Alford, Larita Jule Burrows (1988) The impact of an SBR mandated developmental English course on performance in college English I by students with relatively high ACT and medium AAPP English scores

Bonner, Gloria Lee (1988) An assessment of parents' perceptions toward selected aspects of the Extended School Program in the Murfreesboro City Schools

Eldridge, Jane Wright (1988) A study of the relationship between class size and teacher absence

Everett, Georgia B (1988) A study of the relationship between the principal's leadership style and the level of motivation of the teaching staff

High, Louchrisa E. Ford (1988) A historical study of the development of Black music and biographies of selected Black composers

Jones, Richard Wade (1988) A study of the values of a selected group of high school students

Long, Sondra (1988) A comparative study of the self-perception of administrator leadership style with the perception of one's superior, associates, and subordinates

McClure, John R (1988) Realities and expectations: Roles of the Pentecostal pastor

Taylor, Starlene Anita Johnson (1988) The history of the teacher education program at Tennessee State University

Thweatt, Joe Mack (1988) A study of the impact of computer applications supplementation in college computer literacy courses

Wade, Connie Avent (1988) The status of AIDS curriculum development in Tennessee public schools

Walker, Sharon W (1988) An appraisal of the practicum experience in administration and supervision

Witherspoon-Parks, Mary Evelyn (1988) Effects of small class size (1:15) on the teaching/learning process in grade three

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Dissertations & Theses from 1987

Azimi, Amin (1987) The differential effects of success, failure, and feedback on depressed outpatients



Carden, Archie D (1987) An investigation of the relationship among self-concept, communication, and marital adjustment

Chahal, S.P (1987) Organophosphorus acids for hydrometallurgical extraction


Chester, David Arlie (1987) The prioritization of selected tasks of leadership as stated by elected versus appointed superintendents in Tennessee

Coward, L (1987) Attitudes to nuclear defence: an investigation of processes of change in elite and non-elite belief systems


Evans-Worthing, L.J (1987) Physical education for Soviet children and teacher and coach education.



Hammond, Carol Autenrieth (1987) An analysis of the effectiveness of the promotion/retention policy in reducing absenteeism in the Metropolitan Nashville Public Secondary Schools

Harlston, Lois J. Wofford (1987) The trends of progression of prostate cancer in males according to age and clinical staging

Jacobs, Roseanne Knight (1987) The effect of class sizes of 1:15, 1:25, and 1:25 plus a full-time aide on kindergarten reading readiness achievement

Kimbrough, Edith Winters (1987) The effects of a class size of 1:15 on the development of print awareness with high risk kindergarten children



Morris, Eva J. Muldrow (1987) A comparison between hospital dentistry curricula for dental hygiene students and a projected alternative curriculum model developed by selected dental hygiene experts: A model for the future

O'Bryant, Adrian Michael (1987) The Study of Behavior Modification with Profoundly and Severely Developmentally Disabled


Potts, Elmer Ray (1987) The efficacy of treatment methods in the utilization of external memory aids by head-injured individuals

Taylor, Tandy Martin (1987) Multicultural concepts as viewed by principals, teachers, and librarians in rural Tennessee school settings


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Dissertations & Theses from 1986

Andrews, I.H (1986) Five paradigms of induction programmes in teacher education.

Boyd, Phillip Gerald (1986) The basic skills movement in Tennessee and its impact on standardized test scores in mathematics in Rutherford County, Tennessee

Dennis, Ben Douglas (1986) Effects of small class size (1:15) on the teaching/learning process in grade two




Hickerson, Phyllis Patricia (1986) The current status of women and blacks in Tennessee higher education administration

Kelly, M.A (1986) Spatial association in archaeology.





Peercy, Richard David (1986) Middle school discipline: An identification of disciplinary techniques used for specific discipline problems by middle school classroom teachers

Pyle, Billy Wayne (1986) The effect of caffeine on the behavior of regular and learning-disabled students





Thedford, Patty Jane (1986) Multicultural awareness of textbooks as perceived by social studies teachers in grades 5 through 12 in the Nashville Metropolitan Public Schools



Zolfaghari, M.E (1986) The morphological, flow and failure characteristics of fractionated natural bulk material.

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Dissertations & Theses from 1985



Betts, I.M (1985) A scientific investigation of the brick and tile industry of York to the mid-eighteenth century.


Evans, J (1985) Aspects of later Roman pottery assemblages in northern England.


Hood, Joye Hayven (1985) An historical study of court-ordered integration in Metropolitan Nashville-Davidson County schools


Middleton, Harry Delano (1985) A study of non-public school regulations in each of the United States and the development of a model for the state of Tennessee


Papadopoulos, S.I (1985) An economic analysis of foreign tourism to Greece.




Valentine, Brenda Gayle (1985) An assessment of first graders' self-concept in relation to their amount of pre-first grade school experience



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Dissertations & Theses from 1984









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Dissertations & Theses from 1983




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Dissertations & Theses from 1980

Morsi, I.Z (1980) Hadamard transform coding of television signals.

Shamlou, P.A (1980) Heat transfer in mixing vessels at low Reynolds numbers.

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Dissertations & Theses from 1979

Ashforth, D (1979) The Poor Law in Bradford, c. 1834-1871.

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Dissertations & Theses from 1978

Hildick, B.G (1978) Studies in the synthesis of pyrimidines, pyrazoles and pyrazolo pyrimidines.

Kazempour, A.R (1978) The alkaline hydrolysis of esters in aqueous-organic solvent mixtures.

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Dissertations & Theses from 1974

Ellis, D.I (1974) Gas purification by short cycle pressure swing adsorption.

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Dissertations & Theses from 1971

Thompson (Wynn), Linda D. (1971) The Political Career of Robert Emmitt Lillard A Black Politician of Nashville,Tennessee 1951-1962

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Dissertations & Theses from 1951

Taylor, Henry Louis (1951) A Study of the Supervised Farming Programs of Negro Pupils Studying Vocational Agriculture in High Schools in Tennessee

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Dissertations & Theses from 1949

Allen, Martha M. (1949) Some Effects of Certain Vapors on the Staining Reactions of Paramecium Aurelia

Brooks, Grover C. (1949) A Greenhouse Study of Response of Barley, Corn, and Rye to Minor Elements Grown on Soil from the Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State College Farm

Campbelle, Margaret R. (1949) A Bibliography of Senior Projects at Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State College 1938-1945 with Special Annotated References in the Division of Education

Cleveland, James H. (1949) A Chemical Study of the Huntington, Linside and Melvin Soils of the Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State College Farm

Pinkney, SilverThorn Edward (1949) The Status of Vocational Agricultural Education in the Negro Public Secondary Schools of the State of Florida as of the School Year 1947-1948

Reed, Daly Rosten (1949) Trends in Dairy Production in Giles County Tennessee 1930-1945

Ryan, Cecil McArthur (1949) The Study of Air - Age Education Program at Tennessee Agricultrual and Industrial State College

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Dissertations & Theses from 1948

Hardison, Henry L. (1948) A Study of Academic Failure of Veterans at Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial College

Hodge, Ozie Johnson (1948) A Study of Guidance Programs in Secondary Schools for Negroes in Tennessee with Suggestions for Organization or Re-Organization

Lash, Harry Evans (1948) A Study of the Graduates of the Division of Engineering and Industrial Education of the Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial College from 1930 through 1947

Prigmore, Ruby M. (1948) A Chemical Method for the Quantitative Estimation of Volatile Reducing Substances in Certain Fruits and Vegetables

Senter, Gilbert Wayman (1948) Preparation and Properties of Derivatives and Ketene Dimers from Five Cyclohexyl-Substitued Fatty Acids

Vaughn, Roy Orlando (1948) The Major Causes of "Drop-Outs" Among the Negro Children in the City Public Junior and Senior High Schools of Chattanooga, Tennessee, during the Scholastic Years 1936-41

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Dissertations & Theses from 1947

Brooks, Vivian Yvonne (1947) Analysis of Color Tones As an Aid in Clothing Selection

Cash, Harry T. (1947) A Descriptive Study of Methods and Procedures Used in Teaching llliterates by the Army

Daniels, Ophelia Cope (1947) Formative Years of Johnson City, Tenn.1885-1890 a Social History

Holland, Laverne Hill (1947) A Study of the Results and Implications of the Chemistry Test Given Freshmen at A and I State College

McAlpin, Ruth Duvall (1947) An Analysis of the Introductory Literature Course in Twenty-Two Representative Negro Colleges

McClain, Vernon E. (1947) The Staus of Negro High School Athletic Coaches in the State of Oklahoma

Simons, Harry Mae (1947) A Study of Health Services Available to the Negro Public School Children of Memphis Tennessee

Westbrooks, Fred E. (1947) The Cation Exchange Capacity of the Soils of the Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State College Farm

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Dissertations & Theses from 1946

Denney, Carrie Dunn (1946) A Study of the Negro Rural Elementary Schools of Davidson County, 1934 - 1944

Hill, Augustyne Vedester Sr (1946) A Proposed Standard for Establishment of Young Negro Men in Farming

Officer, Arizona Morrow (1946) A Comparison of Employed and Unemployed Students at Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State College Fall Quarter 1945

Poag, Edythe Kathleen (1946) A Study of the Hospital Facilities for Negroes in Nashville Tennessee

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Dissertations & Theses from 1945

Gould, Pauline Watson (1945) A Study of Personnel Practices in a Selected Group of Negro Colleges and Universities

Tipton, Beulah Johnson (1945) A Study of Secondary Education for Negroes in Tennessee with Suggestions for Postwar Planning

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Dissertations & Theses from 1944

Wheeler, Martha Williams (1944) AStudy of Selected Abiliteis of First Quarter Freshmen Majoring in Business at Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State College

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Dissertations & Theses from 1934

Springer, Corinne Hall (1934) The Present Status of County Superintendents in the State of Tennessee