"Factors Influencing Students' Satisfaction of School Climate at a Priv" by Deatrice James Swett

Factors Influencing Students' Satisfaction of School Climate at a Private Independent School in Middle Tennessee

Deatrice James Swett, Tennessee State University


This research explores the differences in student perceptions of school climate at a predominately-White affluent private independent school. This study compares males to females, students of color to their White peers, and the differences in sixth, seventh and eighth grade students. The private independent school has a student population of 1,131. The total number of students in grades sixth through eighth was 248. There were 224 participants responding for a 90.3% response rate. The sample (n = 224) contained sixth through eighth grade students of which 49.6% identified as male and 50.4% identified female. A majority of responding students (n = 195, 87.1%) were White, 7.1% were Black, 2.2% were Asian American, 2.2% were Other, and 0.9% were American Indian, and 0.4% were Hispanic. The information examined in this study was gathered and disaggregated to decide whether there were factually noteworthy contrasts in the levels of understudy fulfillment at School A. This phenomenological study endeavored to portray encounters as they were lived and to enable every member to express inward emotions and encounters. Every member's existence is subjective and every individual understudy's observation is one of a kind. Results obtained from the analysis of the data indicated that null hypothesis one was rejected and null hypotheses two and three were retained. While this study primarily studied the perceptions of students of color, this study can be conducted for all students regardless of gender, race, or grade level. In light of the limitations of the study, further recommended studies should include the perceptions of teachers (i.e., Teacher Satisfaction Surveys) and parents (Parent Satisfaction Surveys). The current study was conducted in a private, independent majority White school. Finally, it is recommended that a comparative study be conducted with a private, independent majority Black school.

Subject Area

Educational sociology|Educational leadership|Multicultural Education|Education history

Recommended Citation

Deatrice James Swett, "Factors Influencing Students' Satisfaction of School Climate at a Private Independent School in Middle Tennessee" (2018). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI10226700.
