"Issues and challenges in cassava production for small farmers in Niger" by Olufunmilayo Otukpe

Issues and challenges in cassava production for small farmers in Nigeria: Trends and postharvest management practices

Olufunmilayo Otukpe, Tennessee State University


Cassava is an important crop in Nigeria and other sub-Saharan countries. It is used as a famine reserved crop and cultivated by small scale farmers who rely on subsistence methods of farming and traditional methods of processing. The major purpose of the study was to analyze trends in cassava production, consumption and processing of cassava and examine various marketing channels used by producers to market cassava to final consumers in Nigeria. The study used secondary data and information to achieve the objectives of the study. Cassava production has been increasing since its introduction in the country as observed in the study period (1998–2008). Production volume is closely related to area harvested with little contributions by yield. Fluctuations were also observed in the three variables (production volume, area harvested and yield) with highest fluctuations in yield. Trend regression analysis was carried out for cassava domestic supply, food and feed uses, and cassava wasted for the period 1980–2007. Cassava food and feed uses, as well as the amount wasted have increased over time, to be expected, following the overall increase in cassava production and supply. Similar to cassava production, three distinct time periods were observed for variations in cassava food and feed uses. Quantity of cassava wasted exhibited mild and smooth variations over time with a slight upward trend. Cassava wasted increased in quantity over time, which is expected due to the increase in cassava production. However, the proportion of cassava wasted out of the total utilization has decreased by nearly one percent from 12.27% to 11.47% and the year-to-year growth in quantity wasted has slowed down since 1992. Farmers face many constraints/ problems during processing and marketing of cassava. Farmers' share of crop value is currently low because of constraints in marketing. There is the need to provide farmers with information that are crucial in the processing of cassava so that high value products are produced by processors to meet consumers' needs. Developing other uses for cassava will involve more research into cassava utilization especially industrial and commercial use.

Subject Area

Management|Plant sciences|Agricultural economics

Recommended Citation

Olufunmilayo Otukpe, "Issues and challenges in cassava production for small farmers in Nigeria: Trends and postharvest management practices" (2011). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI1502815.
