"The relationship between student and faculty attitudes toward computer" by Virginia Donnell

The relationship between student and faculty attitudes toward computer technology in advanced arts classes

Virginia Donnell, Tennessee State University


This study examined the relationship between faculty attitudes toward computer technology and student attitudes toward computer technology in advanced arts classes at Middle Tennessee State University during spring semester 2004. This study was focused on the disciplines of art, dance, music, and theatre, and was limited to faculty and students engaged in the 3000 and 4000 level classes. The Computer Attitude Scale (CAS) developed by Loyd and Gressard (1984) was used to gather information regarding participant perception of confidence, usefulness, liking, and anxiety toward computer technology. The participant demographics and characteristics of gender, age, academic discipline, ethnicity, college level completed, the number of arts degrees obtained, experience in the arts, computer ownership, hours per week using a computer, perceived computer expertise, and formal computer training were also used in the evaluation. The study sample consisted of 45 faculty members and 306 students. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics at a .05 level of significance. The results indicated that there was not a significant relationship between faculty and student attitudes toward computers; however, a significant positive relationship was found between faculty and student liking of computers. The evidence indicated that both faculty and students attitudes toward computers were significantly related to the perceived level of computer expertise. The summary of the data analysis indicated that 87% of the student participants had one or more formal computer training classes while 51% of the faculty participants had no formal computer training. The researcher concluded that both arts faculty members and students had more positive attitudes toward computers when more competent with computers. Because of the student exposure to computers, preconceived attitudes tended to dominate student attitudes toward computers. The overall responses from both arts faculty and students toward computers were positive however, the response level suggested only conservative attitudes toward computers that were consistent with the arts academic discipline culture.

Subject Area

Educational technology|Art education

Recommended Citation

Virginia Donnell, "The relationship between student and faculty attitudes toward computer technology in advanced arts classes" (2004). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI3141933.
