"A safety analysis of industrial accidents." by E Habibi

A safety analysis of industrial accidents.

E Habibi, Tennessee State University


A comprehensive study of accident records which have occurred in Coal Mining Industries of Europe and U.S.A. are analysed. The intention of the research was to establish relationships between the various accidents and prevention methods adopted by each country are evaluated and to assess the impact of industrial legislation in these various countries on accident rate are examined. The study analyses in particular the fatal acident rate, and major and minor rate. The Major health hazards associated with coal mining are described in detail and discusses together with the Measurement of safety performance and its application in the Safety field. The study also examines the role of human factors in accidents also includes summaries of fatal and major injury rates for 46 countries. Arising from the research a number of recommendations for improving safety requiring further research are identified.

Subject Area

Petroleum engineering

Recommended Citation

E Habibi, "A safety analysis of industrial accidents." (1991). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAIU034270.
