"Cytotoxicity, Toxicity and Anticancer Activity of Manuka Honey, Saudi'" by Naif Alhawiti

Cytotoxicity, Toxicity and Anticancer Activity of Manuka Honey, Saudi's Honey and Peganum harmala Plant Against Cancer Cells

Naif Alhawiti, Tennessee State University


Cancer occurs when the body cells grow out beyond the usual control. Normal body cells multiply in a controlled manner and undergo apoptosis when the body no longer needs them. Different types of cancers exist, and the common ones include; breast, cervical, prostate, lung, colon, and skin cancers. Several factors have been associated with cancers, and these factors include; poor dieting, exposure to harmful chemicals and radiations, weak immune system, and genetics. Cancer presents an enormous health threat in the modern world and thus the need to identify an effective treatment. The conventional treatments used in the management of cancer include chemotherapy and physiotherapy. These forms of cancer treatments usually have enormous side effects to the subjects. In this respect, an alternative form of treatment would be effective in managing cancer patients. A substantial number of natural products have been observed to be effective in the management of cancer. These natural products include plants and other natural substances such as honey. In this respect, this study focuses on the efficiency of natural products in the treatment of cancer. In this study, the anticancer effects of Peganum harmala, Manuka honey, and Saudi honey will be analyzed. Bee honey and Peganum harmala have been traditionally used in the treatment of cancer. A series of studies have also have proven the antibacterial effects of honey. The extracts from Peganum harmala plant have also been showed to exhibit diverse antitumor effects similar to the mode of action of a vast number of anticancer agents. These established hypotheses thus give the rationale for this study. In this experiment, extracts were obtained from Peganum harmala leaves and exposed to cervical, lung, and prostate cancer cells. Similarly, solutions of Manuka honey and Saudi honey was exposed to the cervical, lung, and prostate cancer cells. The experiment duration was 24 hours following, which obtained results were recorded and analyzed. Peganum harmala extracts inhibit cancer cell growth at different and achievable concentrations. Manuka honey highly inhibits the growth of HeLa cancer cells while Saudi honey highly inhibits the growth of A549 cells. Peganum harmala can form an effective treatment for managing several types of cancers. Manuka Honey can be applied as an effective treatment for managing cervical cancer while Saudi honey can form an effective treatment for managing lung cancers.

Subject Area

Biology|Cellular biology|Chemistry

Recommended Citation

Naif Alhawiti, "Cytotoxicity, Toxicity and Anticancer Activity of Manuka Honey, Saudi's Honey and Peganum harmala Plant Against Cancer Cells" (2015). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI1592012.
