"Characterization of Sensor Response as a Function of Electrode Composi" by Jonathan Reynolds

Characterization of Sensor Response as a Function of Electrode Composition

Jonathan Reynolds, Tennessee State University


The Sensors and Electrochemical Devices group at LANL along with Electro-Science Laboratories (ESL) have developed a reproducible mixed potential NOx sensor. This pre-commercial sensor is a two-electrode mix-potential planar sensor. The sensor uses a perovskite working electrode (La1-xSrxCrO 3), and a platinum counter with a yttria-stabilized zirconia electrolyte layer on one plane. A resistive platinum heater resides on the opposite plane as well. . Although this developed sensor was extensively studied, there is still a need for improvement in its performance. To improve the sensor's performance, we performed further characterization of the perovskite electrode to enhance our understanding. This work characterizes the behavior of the commercial stick as a function of the working electrode composition. The trends reveal that decreasing the strontium content in the electrode will improve the magnitude of sensor response.

Subject Area

Materials science

Recommended Citation

Jonathan Reynolds, "Characterization of Sensor Response as a Function of Electrode Composition" (2018). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI10789459.
