Breaking the cycle of poverty: The effect of mixed -income neighborhoods on the poor

Ronald W Maurer, Tennessee State University


This research builds on and adds to previous research that has been done on mixed-income housing and neighborhood effects on the poor. The respondents to the survey are residents of two Hope VI mixed-income neighborhoods located in Nashville, Tennessee. Earlier studies have shown that neighborhoods do have an impact on their residents. Research results are not as clear on the impact of mixed-income neighborhoods on residents. What causes neighborhoods to have an effect on those who reside there? If people of different incomes live in the same neighborhood will they socially interact with each other? Will they interact with residents of different income levels? After surveying two Hope VI neighborhoods in Nashville, research showed that residents do like their new homes and neighborhoods, see a lot fewer problems than in their previous neighborhoods, feel much safer both outside and inside their homes than in their previous neighborhood, show some signs of social cohesion and higher degrees of social control, and most residents consider themselves to have good, very good, or excellent mental and physical health. Importantly, this research was able to collect data on the social interaction between residents of different income levels and found that residents of both neighborhoods have social interaction within and between all income levels. In addition, most residents of both neighborhoods have social interaction with a wage earner.

Subject Area

Public administration|Public policy|Urban planning

Recommended Citation

Ronald W Maurer, "Breaking the cycle of poverty: The effect of mixed -income neighborhoods on the poor" (2004). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI3127547.
