The impact of student mobility on Tennessee Value -Added Assessment Scores of elementary and middle schools in the Clarksville/Montgomery County school system

Kimmie Lee Smith Sucharski, Tennessee State University


The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of student mobility, in Clarksville/Montgomery County elementary and middle schools, on Tennessee Value-Added Assessment Scores. The identification of whether or not a relationship exists between student mobility and achievement gains would prove beneficial to school administrators and systems in developing an understanding of the variable, student mobility, which may influence negatively or positively students and teachers' academic success in terms of standardized tests. Student mobility rates were determined for each facility and for each grade level housed within a facility for all the elementary and middle schools in the system. The State of Tennessee School Report Card was utilized to obtain achievement scores and Tennessee Value-Added scores for facilities within the system. Statistical tests were completed evaluating the impact of student mobility. Results revealed differences exist when evaluating Tennessee Value-Added scores for Social Studies 1999/2000, Reading 2000/2001, Math 2000/2001, Science 2000/2001 and Social Studies 2000/2001 in terms of student mobility rates. No statistical differences were noted in Tennessee Value-Added Assessment scores for Language Arts 1999/2000, Math 1999/2000, Science 1999/2000, and Language Arts 2000/2001 when evaluated in terms of student mobility rates. Facilities' student population characteristics, which influence student mobility rates, were investigated to include socioeconomic status, military dependent impact, and teacher experience. Numerous statistical differences were documented when evaluating these variables in terms of facilities' student mobility rates. Recommendations generated within the study include the completion of a longitudinal study viii evaluating several school systems, which experience diverse levels of student population mobility rates to determine if similar mobility impacts are noted. The study further recommends facilities maintain mobility databases to fully understand the impact of student mobility on their facility. Facilities impacted by mobility need to develop committees directly focused on addressing the numerous issues created when dealing with highly mobile student populations.

Subject Area

Educational administration|Elementary education|Secondary education

Recommended Citation

Kimmie Lee Smith Sucharski, "The impact of student mobility on Tennessee Value -Added Assessment Scores of elementary and middle schools in the Clarksville/Montgomery County school system" (2002). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI3086773.
