"Intergovernance: Intergovernmental Relations in an Era of Post-traditi" by Clifford M Lippard

Intergovernance: Intergovernmental Relations in an Era of Post-traditional Governance

Clifford M Lippard, Tennessee State University


I use lessons drawn from three streams of literature—intergovernmental relations, governance, and fiscal competition—in order to modify Baker and Faulkner's (2002) ION box into a model of post-traditional intergovernmental relations—the intergovernance framework. My intent is for that framework to provide a visualization that incorporates traditional and post-traditional aspects of intergovernmental relations, based on the premise that the increasing use of third-party and other post-traditional approaches affects service provision. Building on Keen and Marchand's (1998) and Berry's (2007) studies of the effects of strategic interaction among governments on the provision of public goods, I use a two-part (hurdle) model with time-series cross-section panel data to demonstrate an empirical application of the concepts captured within the framework. The two-part model includes a probit model testing the effects of the regressors on the decision by local governments to spend or not spend own-source funds on public welfare programs and a set of linear regression models testing the effects of those same regressors on levels of spending. The analysis suggests that greater levels of civil society organizations and higher usage of vendors for providing public welfare services within a county are significant in their association with local governments deciding that they should spend own-source funds on public welfare programs. These two variables are also significant in their association with higher levels of spending among those local governments that have chosen to spend, while a higher count of local governments in a county is significant in its association with lower levels of spending.

Subject Area

Public administration

Recommended Citation

Clifford M Lippard, "Intergovernance: Intergovernmental Relations in an Era of Post-traditional Governance" (2012). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI3508197.
