Gifted students' perceptions of their curriculum in a rural middle school

Timothy Wayne Copeland, Tennessee State University


This qualitative study will determine the behaviors and strategies used by 70 former and current Westmoreland Middle School students when encountering unchallenging academic work. These students are participating or have participated in the gifted program as developed by the Sumner County Board of Education and used at Westmoreland Middle School. Students will express their perceptions of their academic classes. Secondly, students will also identify strengths and weaknesses of the current academic curriculum designed for gifted students. Finally, students will state what components could be incorporated into their curriculum to better meet their academic needs. Results from surveys indicated math to be the weakest academic area, while their SEARCH class was found to be the strength of the five academic areas. Teaching styles were found to be stronger, across all five academic areas, when compared to books, materials and written assignments. Focus group responses continued the discussion of math as an area needing improvement. Additional responses indicated a need for restructuring the delivery of the SEARCH class.

Subject Area

Curriculum development|Secondary education

Recommended Citation

Timothy Wayne Copeland, "Gifted students' perceptions of their curriculum in a rural middle school" (2003). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI3094632.
