"Competencies of Successful Elementary and Secondary Turnaround Princip" by Riya Willette Carter

Competencies of Successful Elementary and Secondary Turnaround Principals in Middle Tennessee

Riya Willette Carter, Tennessee State University


The purpose of this study was to determine the specific competencies found in turnaround principals that lead to student achievement. The target population was school principals who have effectively turned around low-performing schools that were designated as priority schools in the state of Tennessee. Three forms of data were used for this study: (a) an interview protocol for turnaround school principals, (b) a focus group protocol for a small group of turnaround principals, and (c) a questionnaire for both teachers who have worked for a turnaround principal, as well as the principals’ supervisors. The major findings of the study indicated that the following themes emerged from the leadership of Turnaround Principals: (a) Initiative and Persistence, (b) Impact and Influence, and (c) Monitoring and Directiveness. Additionally, results from the questionnaires reveal that there are differences between teachers’ perceptions and principal supervisors’ perceptions of the competencies of school leaders. School teachers rated Showing Confidence to Lead much higher as a principal competency than principal supervisors.

Subject Area

Educational leadership|Educational evaluation|Educational administration|Elementary education

Recommended Citation

Riya Willette Carter, "Competencies of Successful Elementary and Secondary Turnaround Principals in Middle Tennessee" (2023). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI30692180.
