"The Williamson County Schools interview process" by Charlotte H Pitcher

The Williamson County Schools interview process

Charlotte H Pitcher, Tennessee State University


The purpose of the study was to determine if significant relationships existed between the Williamson County Schools hiring interview scores and the Tennessee Framework for Evaluation and Professional Growth summative scores. The Williamson County Interview process is a structured interview process developed by the Williamson County Human Resources Department. The sample for this study included all 88 candidates who were (a) interviewed by Williamson County School administrators, directors, or coordinators between May 2003 and May 2004 using the Williamson County Structured Interview Process; (b) hired as teachers during the 2003--04 school year; (c) continually employed through the 2004--05 school; and (d) evaluated in the spring of 2005 using the state evaluation model. The historical data, obtained with permission from the Williamson County Schools director, was collected from the human resources files and recorded without individual identification. Bivariate correlation analysis was conducted to ascertain whether there were associations between the interview scores and the evaluation scores, including subcomponents of each: planning, teaching strategies, learning environment, professional growth, and communication. The general area score and the specialty score of the interview were compared with the evaluation summative total. A regression model was produced to investigate the predictive nature of the independent variables and the evaluation scores. The analysis indicated that no significant relationship existed between the scores in the areas of planning, teaching strategies, classroom management, and professional growth. There was moderate association between the general area scores and the evaluation total, between the specialty area scores and the evaluation total, and between the communication subscores. The greatest association was found between the communication subscore and the evaluation total score.

Subject Area

Curricula|Teaching|School administration

Recommended Citation

Charlotte H Pitcher, "The Williamson County Schools interview process" (2006). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI3212761.
