A study of the relationship between class size and teacher absence

Jane Wright Eldridge, Tennessee State University


The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between teacher absence and class sizes--small 1:15 (X), regular 1:25 (R), and regular 1:25 with a full-time aide (R$\sb{\rm a}$). Each could vary by two pupils. The secondary purpose was to evaluate five causes of absence: personal/family illness, professional/personal leave, and other. The third purpose was to investigate the relationship between student achievement (Stanford Primary I) and teacher absence. The sample was Project STAR first grade teachers (1986-87). Analysis consisted of the ANOVA and crosstabulation procedures to test significance between (1) three types of class size and teacher attendance, (2) five causes of teacher absence and three types of class size, and (3) three levels of student achievement for Mathematics and Reading and three types of class size and teacher attendance. Crosstabulations were regrouped calculating four levels of teacher attendance, three types of class size, and three levels of student achievement for Mathematics and Reading. Findings yielded no statistically significant difference between teacher attendance and class size, and between causes of teacher absence and class size. Personal illness was the most frequently used cause. Significance was found between low Mathematics achievement and class size and teacher attendance by use of the ANOVA. Scheffe showed significance between the (X) and (R$\sb{\rm a}$). Significance was also found between low teacher attendance and class size and student reading achievement. Comparison of the cells of both groupings of crosstabulations of teacher attendance, class size and student achievement showed a trend of clustering low teacher attendance with low student achievement in the (R) and (R$\sb{\rm a}$) classes. The small class (X), unaffected by teacher attendance, clustered in the higher achievement cells. Recommendations. (1) Broader study of teacher attendance and student achievement; (2) Exploration of ways to fight teacher absenteeism by discovering the sources of teacher frustration and satisfaction; (3) Development of awareness program to show the results of Project STAR and to lobby for small class size statewide.

Subject Area

School administration

Recommended Citation

Jane Wright Eldridge, "A study of the relationship between class size and teacher absence" (1988). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI9017231.
