Integration of Sanitation Practices and Fungicide Applications for Assuring Better Postharvest Shelf Life of Cut Flowers and Greenery

Ravi Bika, Tennessee State University


Botrytis blight, boxwood blight and Volutella blight caused by Botrytis cinerea Pers. Fr. [teleomorph Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel], Calonectria pseudonaviculata Lombard, Wingf, & Crous, and Pseudonectria foliicola Lambard & Crous, respectively are becoming more problematic in ornamental plant production, reducing the quantity, quality, and marketability of susceptible plants. These pathogens can be mechanically transmitted through air, water splash, cutting tools and equipment, worker gloves, shoes, and clothes. These pathogens can cause disease in ornamental plants in both field and postharvest conditions. Sometimes, these pathogens remain inactive during harvesting of ornamental flowers or greenery, but cause infection during transportation, storage, and retail/wholesale shop. These pathogens not only affect the plants but also cause significant loss in postharvest life of cut flowers and greenery. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of sanitizers, biorational products, and fungicides in managing the pre and postharvest foliar diseases of cut flowers and greenery. In this current study, isofetamid, fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin, and biofungicide Aureobasidium pullulans strain DSM 14940 and DSM 14941 were the most effective treatments in reducing the postharvest botrytis blight on bigleaf hydrangea cut flowers. Similarly, (ODD + DoD + DdD + DB)AC [Simple Green D Pro 5], 2 propanol + DDAC [0.12% (KleenGrow)], and DBAC + DEAC [GreenShield] were the most effective in reducing the plant to plant transfer of boxwood blight and Volutella blight when pruned with contaminated Felco 19 shears. In addition to the three effective treatments above, acetic acid [2.5% (Vinegar)], 2-propanol + DDAC (0.06%), sodium hypochlorite [Clorox] and potassium peroxymonosulfate + NaCl [2% (Virkon)] were effective in reducing postharvest boxwood blight whereas DBAC + DBAC [Lysol All-purpose Cleaner], ethanol [70% (Ethyl alcohol)] and DDAC +DBAC [Simple Green D Pro 3 plus] were effective in reducing Volutella blight disease severity, AUDPC, and maintained better quality and longer postharvest shelf life of boxwood cuttings. Additionally, we also identified the causal agent for bending (meltdown) of zinnia cut flower stem. The morphological, molecular, and phylogenetic analysis, as well as pathogenicity test, determined that Fusarium commune Skovgaard, Rosendahl, O’Donnell & Nirenberg is the causal agent of zinnia meltdown in Tennessee.

Subject Area

Plant Pathology|Horticulture

Recommended Citation

Ravi Bika, "Integration of Sanitation Practices and Fungicide Applications for Assuring Better Postharvest Shelf Life of Cut Flowers and Greenery" (2021). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI28645927.
