Perceptions of effective teaching

Katherine Campbell Ligon, Tennessee State University


The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of administrators and teachers in grades 9 through 12 in Putnam County, Tennessee, regarding effective teaching. This study was conducted using the survey data from secondary school teachers and administrators. There were 12 administrators and 219 teachers who participated in this study. Two data-gathering instruments were used in this study: (a) the Ligon Effective Teaching Survey (LETS), a survey developed by the researcher; and (b) the Tuckman Teacher Feedback Form. Demographic data were collected regarding gender, number of years teaching experience, department, school, and educational level. The study examined and tested six null hypotheses for statistical significance at the .05 level. The data obtained from the participants were analyzed and executed in narrative and chart from in terms of means, standard deviations, and probabilities. To further analyze the data, t-tests were used to compare differences in teachers' and administrators' perceptions and differences between males and females. An F-ratio was used in comparing differences in teachers' perceptions among number of years teaching experience, among departments, among educational levels, and among different schools. The following conclusions were formulated based on the results of the statistical analyses of data: (a) the majority of teachers and administrators in Putnam County, Tennessee, are male; (b) the group of teachers with 6 to 10 years teaching experience provided the smallest group of participants; (c) the group of teachers with 11 to 15 years and 16 or more years teaching experience provided the largest groups of participants; (d) teachers with masters degrees provided the largest education level group; (e) the smallest group based on department were vocational education, special education, and foreign language; (f) the largest group of participants based on department were from English; and (g) teachers tended to rate variables higher than administrators.

Subject Area

Curriculum development

Recommended Citation

Katherine Campbell Ligon, "Perceptions of effective teaching" (2001). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI3024627.
