"Noetherian Rees Algebra and Symbolic Powers" by Amber Heater

Noetherian Rees Algebra and Symbolic Powers

Amber Heater, Tennessee State University


Let R be a field and [special characters omitted] be the kernel of the homomorphism ϕ from R[[x,y,z]] to R[[t]] defined by: (x → [special characters omitted]). One wishes to know whether the symbolic Rees algebra of [special characters omitted] is Noetherian. Consider the case when [special characters omitted] = (xα+α' – y2z, y4 – xαz, z 2 – xα'y2). We show the symbolic Rees algebra of [special characters omitted] is Noetherian for [special characters omitted](m1, m2, m3) when m1 = 6, m2 = 2α + α', and m 3 = 2α + 4α'.

Subject Area

Mathematics|Theoretical Mathematics

Recommended Citation

Amber Heater, "Noetherian Rees Algebra and Symbolic Powers" (2012). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI1519768.
