"Citizens who have High Levels of Religiosity, will Engage in Less Crim" by Talal Alanazi

Citizens who have High Levels of Religiosity, will Engage in Less Crime

Talal Alanazi, Tennessee State University


The purpose of this research is to show the impact of religion on human behavior especially that relating to crime. There have been increased cases of crime over the past years all around the globe. With the advancement of technology, the levels of crime have escalated to a point where it has become a headache for several states. Several measures have been set forth by different governments on how to combat on the levels of crime such as establishing of law enforcement. However, to the diehards who live by violence, law enforcement process has a little impact towards them since that is their lifestyle. According to research, religion plays a great role in shaping up an individual’s behavior. It offers moral guidance and ways on how to live peacefully with other members of the society. There is no form of religion that advocates of violence among its followers. However, studies show that, although religion shuns away crime, it does not provide punishment that befalls those who are defiant. This has resulted in some form of reluctance among members of the society. Religion and law enforcement ends up contradicting under this scenario. According to law, there are different degrees of crime, while on the other hand, most religions advocate that crime cannot be quantified as either large or small; a crime is a crime and is punishable by the High Deity. However, it is alleged that families that have been under religious upbringing since their childhood have a little tendency to engage in crime as compared to those who have been initiated into religion later in life. Criminal activities cost nations billions of dollars as they try to keep peace both within and outside their boundaries.

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Recommended Citation

Talal Alanazi, "Citizens who have High Levels of Religiosity, will Engage in Less Crime" (2016). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI10158588.
