How to build a school: A model for site administrators

Mary Sneed Reel, Tennessee State University


This study proposes to provide a practical model for building a new school. The research basis for this model is the author's experience as a public school principal with the responsibility of opening a new school. “Build” in this context, involves the initiation of organizational and operational processes for systems and structures associated with a public school. This model utilizes recollections and recommendations of an experienced practitioner and might be considered a combination of a diagnostic aide and an operational guide. This work may provide a practical model for the development, design, construction, and initial operation of a “new” school. While the construction of the physical plant will receive significant attention, other aspects of the school development processes will be addressed. An academic research orientation will be central to the initial work (to fulfill the requirements of a dissertation), but the academic context will directly relate to practical application. Public education in Tennessee at the turn of the 21st Century will provide a premise perspective for the author.

Subject Area

Educational administration

Recommended Citation

Mary Sneed Reel, "How to build a school: A model for site administrators" (2001). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI3007568.
