"Achievement Scores of Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (C" by Mathew Smith

Achievement Scores of Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE) Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Institute Completers in Selected Tennessee Secondary Agricultural Education Programs

Mathew Smith, Tennessee State University


The purpose of this study was to determine the science and math student achievement scores of CASE curriculum secondary agricultural education students. In addition, achievement score differences among significant demographic variables was explored to understand potential CASE impacts among certain groups. Lastly, student participants’ scores in a national standardized test for math and science were compared to national norm-referenced data to begin to understand the potential student achievement impacts of the CASE program. The research design for this study was a descriptive study using the Stanford 10 (SAT 10) national assessment, and included one high school per region, which totals three schools and an N of 95 students. Certain schools were chosen because of the instructors’ CASE certifications and willingness to participate. The participants in this study had to be current agricultural education students who have taken the CASE AFNR course from the CASE certified instructors. Students who had taken the AFNR CASE course scored higher in science (M =21.57, SD =6.12) and mathematics (M=23.37, SD=7.96) than the average scores for the same scale published by Pearson Assessments in science (M=20.40, SD=6.60) and mathematics (M=20.50, SD=8.20). In addition, the only significant difference found in our sample for this study was in the race demographic. White students scored higher in science (M=22.69, SD=5.89) and mathematics (M=23.79, SD=8.21) than minorities in both science (M=19.52, SD=6.14) and mathematics (M=20.03, SD=6.50).

Subject Area

Agricultural education

Recommended Citation

Mathew Smith, "Achievement Scores of Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE) Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Institute Completers in Selected Tennessee Secondary Agricultural Education Programs" (2019). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI22584718.
