School Web site development and maintenance by public rural Tennessee elementary and middle school principals

Judith Isbell Maloney, Tennessee State University


Principals lead by example with regard to utilizing web site development as a communication tool. Handler (2002) reported that a web site highlighted the principals' role as technology leader, while Conner (2000) projected this type of leadership would benefit both parent and school. The focus of this research was on enhancing and inhibiting factors for principals that endeavored to implement school web sites as a communication tool (Velasquez, 2003). A survey was administered to principals of rural Tennessee school districts to compare the utilization of school web sites to five variables characterized as inhibitors. The groups were Title I elementary, Title I middle, Non-Title I elementary, and Non-Title I middle schools. Frequency distributions were utilized to test the hypotheses against the observed variables. Findings indicated that Title I schools developed and maintained school web sites more frequently than other groups by receiving more funding and by principals attending more professional development workshops. All groups reported equal access to technology coordinators, however, Title I middle schools did not report finding technology coordinators as helpful as other groups indicated. Title I middle schools applied for 100% more grant funding than any other group but Title I elementary schools received more grant funding. Further study within these areas would include school districts incorporating functioning web sites as part of the strategic school plan as well as a survey of parents and teachers as to the type of information posted on the school web site. Further study should be conducted in the areas of funding and professional development for principals determined to establish school web sites as an effective communication tool.

Subject Area

Educational administration|Educational technology

Recommended Citation

Judith Isbell Maloney, "School Web site development and maintenance by public rural Tennessee elementary and middle school principals" (2004). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI3141937.
