"The anti-carcinogenic effect of Chromolaena odorata, Ocimum basilicum," by Jacqueline Berrios

The anti-carcinogenic effect of Chromolaena odorata, Ocimum basilicum, Ertyphleum suaveolens on breast and colon cancer cell lines

Jacqueline Berrios, Tennessee State University


Chromolaena odorata, Ocimum basilicum, and Ertphleum suaveolens are invasive plants to Nigeria and can be used for medicinal purposes. Thus far the leaves from C. ordorata have been used for cuts and wounds for fast healing. The leaves of O. basilicum have been used for antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-proliferation effects. Both C. odorata and O.basilicum have been used to treat malaria, but little is known about E. suaveolens , other than its use as a poison. Due to their anti-proliferation activity, our studies have tested the effects of C. odorata, O. basilicum , and E. suaveolens on mammalian breast and colon cancer lines. A standard in vitro anti-carcinogenic protocol was used to determine if the plant extracts inhibited the growth of SW480, BT-20, and MCF-7. The data indicated that the organic extract of E. suaveolens significantly decreased the growth rate of MCF-7, SW480, and BT-20. The data also indicates that the organic extract of O. basilicum also decreased the growth rate of MCF-7, SW480, and BT-20, but not as significant as E. suaveolens. The organic extract of C. ordorata did not have any effect on the cancer cell lines.

Subject Area

Cellular biology

Recommended Citation

Jacqueline Berrios, "The anti-carcinogenic effect of Chromolaena odorata, Ocimum basilicum, Ertyphleum suaveolens on breast and colon cancer cell lines" (2009). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI1465560.
