Attitudes and perceptions of school personnel, parents, and community members toward year -round schools in Maury County

Tina Jane Weatherford, Tennessee State University


The purpose of this study was to identify attitudes of school personnel, parents, and community business leaders in Maury County towards implementing a year-round school calendar. This study examined responses from the Year-Round School Survey, which were grouped into the following three categories: Perceived Need, Perceived Student Benefit, and Perceived Implementation. Responses were compared for job description, educational level, income level, and gender. The sample data consisted of 1,143 school personnel, 484 parents, and 144 community business leaders. Upon collection of the data, a descriptive statistical analysis was completed using the independent variables. A one-way ANOVA was used as a statistical analysis to measure all significant variables. The study found that there were significant differences within gender, income, and level of education within the study except when compared by income for perceived student benefits and by gender toward perceived implementation of year-round schools.

Subject Area

Educational administration|Curriculum development

Recommended Citation

Tina Jane Weatherford, "Attitudes and perceptions of school personnel, parents, and community members toward year -round schools in Maury County" (2001). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI3024638.
