Anticancer Potential of Guava Leaves Extract Against Breast, Lung and Prostate Cancer Cell Lines

Heba Alhamdi, Tennessee State University


Cancer appears as one of the leading death causes across the globe. The United States reported an estimate of 1,735,350 new cancer cases in 2018 and 609,640 cancer deaths (Makena et al., 2018). The most common forms of Cancer to be reported include breast cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia, thyroid cancer, bladder cancer, and liver cancer. Cancer mortality is said to affect 163.5 people out of 100,000 women and men. Extracts from Psidium guajava, which comprise a diverse array of polyphenols, display pharmacological properties, such as antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects (Kawakami et al., 2009). The sole purpose of the study would be to establish the advantages of using natural treatments for Cancer like the use of Guava leaves as opposed to conventional medicine.Experimental Approach: Varied concentrations of P. guajava was exposed to the aforementioned cancer cell lines for 24 hours. Cell viability was determined by Alamar blue in fluorescent plate (proliferation analysis). Also, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), coupled with an anti Caspase-3 was used to detect apoptosis. The peroxidation of lipid assays was evaluated to determine the antioxidant activity of the Psidium guajava.Outcomes: The cell viability was generally found to reduce with increase in concentration of P. guajava in the three types of cancer cells (PC3, A549, and BT549). The MDA (Malondialdehyde) level activities in the three cancer cell lines were suppressed that reducing the lipid peroxyl radicals in the cancer cell.The tested samples suggest that the inhibition was dose-dependent. At ethanolic concentrations ranging from 0.39 mg/mL - 3.89 mg/mL, P. guajava expressed Caspase-3 in PC3, A549, and BT549.Conclusion:The results show that Psidium guajava leaf extract can be an effective treatment and prevention of cancers caused by PC-3, A549, and BT-549 cell lines. The P. guajava leaf extracts have sufficient effects on decreasing the three cell lines’ viability and MDA levels. It also has acceptable effects on increasing capase-3 PC-3, A549, and BT-549 cell expression.

Subject Area

Cellular biology|Genetics

Recommended Citation

Heba Alhamdi, "Anticancer Potential of Guava Leaves Extract Against Breast, Lung and Prostate Cancer Cell Lines" (2019). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI27546944.
