"An evaluation of goat meat consumption in Tennessee" by Faith C Sang

An evaluation of goat meat consumption in Tennessee

Faith C Sang, Tennessee State University


Tennessee is the second largest producer of goats in the United States (USDA, 2011) with goat meat sales worth $ 4,774,000 in 2012.This study evaluated the goat meat consumption patterns in Tennessee utilizing both secondary and primary data. A consumer survey of the Tennessee goat meat consumers was carried out with an objective to profile goat meat purchase locations, to find out the attitudes of the goat meat consumers and evaluate the economic impact of the goat meat consumption on the economy. Linear regression model was used to analyze the data. The Tennessee population estimate is made up of 6,600,299 according to United States Bureau of statistics (2015). The immigrant population is made up of 4.7 percent of the population. The estimated amount of goat meat purchased by the immigrant population in Tennessee would be worth $20,267,815.26 assuming 30 percent of the immigrants in Tennessee purchase the average amount of goat meat estimated from the study. The results of the survey showed that the Goat meat consumption in Tennessee is majorly ethnic based. Goat meat is mostly sold in ethnic stores and not readily available in nearer stores like other meats. Consumers have to travel further in order to buy goat meat. However, these are loyal consumers who go to extra lengths to buy goat meat. The results of this study also showed the seasonality of goat meat consumption.

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Recommended Citation

Faith C Sang, "An evaluation of goat meat consumption in Tennessee" (2016). ETD Collection for Tennessee State University. Paper AAI10243606.
