"Recent Advances in the Application of CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing System " by Collins N. Khwatenge and Samuel N. Nahashon

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CRISPR/Cas9 system genome editing is revolutionizing genetics research in a wide spectrum of animal models in the genetic era. Among these animals, is the poultry species. CRISPR technology is the newest and most advanced gene-editing tool that allows researchers to modify and alter gene functions for transcriptional regulation, gene targeting, epigenetic modification, gene therapy, and drug delivery in the animal genome. The applicability of the CRISPR/Cas9 system in gene editing and modification of genomes in the avian species is still emerging. Up to date, substantial progress in using CRISPR/Cas9 technology has been made in only two poultry species (chicken and quail), with chicken taking the lead. There have been major recent advances in the modification of the avian genome through their germ cell lineages. In the poultry industry, breeders and producers can utilize CRISPR-mediated approaches to enhance the many required genetic variations towards the poultry population that are absent in a given poultry flock. Thus, CRISPR allows the benefit of accessing genetic characteristics that cannot otherwise be used for poultry production. Therefore CRISPR/Cas9 becomes a very powerful and robust tool for editing genes that allow for the introduction or regulation of genetic information in poultry genomes. However, the CRISPR/Cas9 technology has several limitations that need to be addressed to enhance its use in the poultry industry. This review evaluates and provides a summary of recent advances in applying CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology in poultry research and explores its potential use in advancing poultry breeding and production with a major focus on chicken and quail. This could aid future advancements in the use of CRISPR technology to improve poultry production.
